"No way to prevent this"....

it took over 20 years to get lead out of gasoline because of people on the "right"

"Guns kill people!" The government should have the most lethal weapons man can devise, but ordinary citizens MUST BE DISARMED.

Sorry, I am just not buying that steaming bullshit.
"Guns kill people!" The government should have the most lethal weapons man can devise, but ordinary citizens MUST BE DISARMED.

Sorry, I am just not buying that steaming bullshit.

What do you think causes the disproportionately high amount of mass murders via gun in the USA?
Fine, let's go with your version that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." We'll just ammend it to "guns don't kill people, people kill people... guns just make it A WHOLE LOT easier to do it"
Glad we agree
"Guns kill people!" The government should have the most lethal weapons man can devise, but ordinary citizens MUST BE DISARMED.

Sorry, I am just not buying that steaming bullshit.

nice propaganda and hyperbole.

who is literally calling for full disarmament of american citizens?

maybe try to make claims that are actually true and you won't be so much of a joke.
What do you think causes the disproportionately high amount of mass murders via gun in the USA?

imvho, there's obviously something going on in the american society where people think killing is an acceptable thing to do.. for me, it's not the weapon's they use, but rather the fact that so many people are hell bent on wanting to make the front page of the paper with the latest, greatest killing spree..
we make hero's out of these people.. how many people can name who received the APA Distinguished Scientific Awards Program, but how many of us can easily rattle off the names of at least ten serial killers?? imo, there's something majorly wrong with this..
i know some people don't agree, but again, imvho, ban guns, and people will just start to kill people with w/e else is the next easiest thing to use.. it's not the weapon that is the problem, it's the fact that people find killing is needed..
i know, i know, i can't point to any other country that doesn't have lose gun laws, and say, look, see, they have the same amount of mass murders that we have in the us, but again, i think that's just the attitude in the us, not the fact that we have lose gun laws..
how many people can name who received the APA Distinguished Scientific Awards Program

nisbett got one, his work destroys the contentions of racist folks like bgnbushy.

seligman got one too, but his work is a little more controversial since he basically had to torture defenseless animals to complete his work.
Not all Australians are dumb enough to obey an unjust and repressive law despite the best efforts of wily propagandists such as Buck.
lol, ok, you got two, but come on, seriously though, you have to admit that more people can easily rattle off the names of serial killers than people who do great things for our world..
turn on the news, which i absolutely hate, and what is it filled with? nothing but the latest, greatest deaths and killing.. why, do we as a society, feel that this is what should be deemed newsworthy? why do we not only accept killing, but make hero's out of those who do the killing?
Not all Australians are dumb enough to obey an unjust and repressive law despite the best efforts of wily propagandists such as Buck.

what propaganda?

i merely pointed out that australia has pretty tight gun control, but citizens still have access to firearms and there haven;t been any mass murders in decades. all mundane, simple facts.

you tried to frame that as "full disarmament", which is propaganda on your part.

you are too stupid to notice any of this, so i am pointing it out for you.
ban 'call of duty'.

games can be fun, but i've seen the extreme side, not only with vets but with children under 12. disassociation comes in many forms.

that latest guy is a pos, was and would have been. kinda shitty when you go to yahoo home page and 5 out of 45 articles are about that bozo. i agree with racer; why give these idiots fame? don't ignore it by any means, but don't glorify them either; find something positive once in a while.
ban 'call of duty'.

games can be fun, but i've seen the extreme side, not only with vets but with children under 12. disassociation comes in many forms.

that latest guy is a pos, was and would have been. kinda shitty when you go to yahoo home page and 5 out of 45 articles are about that bozo. i agree with racer; why give these idiots fame? don't ignore it by any means, but don't glorify them either; find something positive once in a while.

that's exactly what i mean.. i don't know how many threads, just on this site alone, have been started, and have named this pos.. idk, i understand it's news and what not, but again, i just think we're making rock stars out of these sick people.
now, anyone who wants to be remembered will think, well, all i have to do is kill more people, in a better way than the last asshole, and the news will be talking about me for weeks and weeks.. it really is sickening..