"No way to prevent this"....

that's exactly what i mean.. i don't know how many threads, just on this site alone, have been started, and have named this pos.. idk, i understand it's news and what not, but again, i just think we're making rock stars out of these sick people.
now, anyone who wants to be remembered will think, well, all i have to do is kill more people, in a better way than the last asshole, and the news will be talking about me for weeks and weeks.. it really is sickening..

yep, and sick fuckers do think that too. the repercussions affect everyone else, making it harder to live a 'normal' life. last year i was seized and searched forcefully by local pd because i was at my college campus, arguing with an insurance adjuster on the phone, wearing a camouflage jacket (it was winter and i'm a hunter in a southeastern state). i cooperated fully, but just because i raised my voice, cops were called.

anyone who's dealt with lame insurance companies knows it's difficult to NOT get frustrated. but, i didn't swear, threaten, or (imo) project an image of threat, but i was still treated like a terrorist. gained two permanent scars from that exciting afternoon.