Noob Mistakes that I Made, So You Don't Have To!


Well-Known Member
weell letts revise that statement waRlOCK, only PARTNER WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS THEIR OWN EQUIPMENT... and own room so you can jsut stop cooperation and then tHey feel ike THEY are better off =)

@CLONEX thats fuggin hilarious... that would SUCK!!! how u been man? i changed my avatar from a pic of my lady, check
my grow thread didnt know if you still seen the name??? lol link is at the bottom of my post
Yeah no worries umbre i noticed the Avatar change , Do not worry , i have a few Roll it upper's i follow , you being 1 , take more than an avatar change ahahaa , will check in tonight matey , cooking a spag bol :)


Well-Known Member
it amazes me how The average person that wants to steal plants, they always think about a gold mine, Then after pulling the lick, realizing that wasnt the pull lick's and come up empty handed alot of the time.


Active Member
it amazes me how The average person that wants to steal plants, they always think about a gold mine, Then after pulling the lick, realizing that wasnt the pull lick's and come up empty handed alot of the time.
Yep, after growing for a bit I am able to pick out grow shows and ppl who grow just what going to home depot.
or seeing anything that would be used towards grow,
i personally do not give a fuck, i wouldn't want whats mine to dissapear or possibly get busted because some fools botched B and E attempt.
so i let them grow,
I do believe in karma. I have many experiences to prove this factor.

Always ppl doing wrong to me who end up with the short end of the stick, and i hear them or about them crying about how their baby mama is taking more money than they make,
and how this guy is living house to house, jail cell to jail cell, because he is too stupid to grow for himself!!!

Like seriously, i view growing as a way to live comfortably with a minimal amount of certified education lol,
although through selective learning, I am probably smarter than a lot of people are smart at something, but for me its buds baby,

after smoking and critisizing and always thinking on how i can improve the product i bought. I came to realize i am only buying mass produced product which is grown but complete morons.

For god sakes put me in a warehouse and your crops will be a lot better and you'll get more, but NOOOO, there are just too many people who think they can grow with a limited knowledge, and don't research ever.

This is the case where you come across a grower who, after every crop get consistantly worse product, they simply just do not know the basics, and therefore can not improve.

Ps. about the mold in the jar, here is my solution.
For dense weed, do not put it in a jar, at least not right away, do a paper bag cure over the course of 3-4 days and then put it in the jars, open the jars and let the moisture disipate for an hour or two twice daily.

and for not so dense buds, you can put them into the jars right away and do this process,
this is to avoid you buds just falling apart,

i've been duped many times from growers who push their product with 15% moisture in the buds because they read it out of the Marijuana Grow Bible!!!,
fuck that buddy!!! they should definately remove that out of the book because everytime this happens to me i never grab from them again.
and all sorts of sadistic thoughts roll through my head, which if i didn't grow myself and have the clarity of mind it brings, i would fuck them over next time!!!


I've dropped lots of shit on many different types of plants. 50% of new growers drop things on their plants. I keep this in mind when adjusting lights. I also made the mistake of incorrectly picking up two seedling trays full of tomato seedlings that took me forever to transplant all by hand. The resulting stupid move allowed the two trays to fall and the domes sharp bottom edge sliced my seedlings in half like a ninja sword as they slid over the top of the trays. meh... I'm glad I learned allot of lessons growing tomatoes and other veggies.


Well-Known Member
I'm on my second grow, well it's harvest time actually, but I made a ton of mistakes the first grow. I still got some quality herb tho. On my first grow I:
Ran the lights during the day, too much heat!

Had a fan fall on a plant and cut off a decent branch 2/3rds thru flower. It's attached better now.

Had the vacuum fall on the same plant.

Got spider mites cuz I didn't use any prevention.

Pumped the hot air in the tent into the room instead of out the window.

That's all I can think of right now. Oh and I didn't check PH at all.


Well-Known Member
Sprayed a pesticide under my HID lights an organic spice based one to kill gnats. Wthin hours basically cooked every leaf that was touched by the stuff.

Spent way too much money too fast, then made the mistake of having to buy cheap stuff that sucks. Buy the quality stuff and just build up slow as you can afford it. Really under estimated how much budget I would need, everything adds up especially the small stuff. Even with top of the line growing equipment, I spent the majority of my money on the smaller stuff like at home depot.

Under estimated how much I wanted to grow. Had to expand and upgrade several times before I even really started.

Not telling people is a biggie. While I was considering growing i talked about it hypothetically with too many ppl. Now that I'm doing it it's harder to hide.

While it's a little tougher starting, grow from seed and keep your grow extra clean. I got clones from a very close friend and brand new my grow had his problems of mildew and bugs. Now going back is barely an option my room is tainted.

Nothing is ever permanent in a grow room. When I started i was hanging everything with drywall screws to 2x4s. Everything I've ever mounted anywhere has moved at least twice since. Use secure but more temporary fasteners. I'm all about zip ties and bungee cords now. I have screw eyes stickeing out everywhere. I've even mounted doors in places that aren't even entrances anymore that I never close. Now it's taped up panda flaps In and out of anywhere.

Buy the good tape. Gorilla and foil tape. I have a ton of cheap duct tape rolls that basically don't stick to anything.

Make sure set up 3x as many outlets as you think you need, and double the amps. Did a 30 amp dyer outlet and a DIY controller...already maxed and running extension cords from the other side. Have had to pull out the electrical kit several times for more runs. Even more important planning if u can't do it yourself.

On the same note have Everything serviced before you start and plan ahead. I had considered a gas line for co2, but didn't decide until after I started growing. Had to share my secret with an hvac acquaintance to get it done. Also want to switch from dish to cable, but can't let a cable guy in the basement.

Squash problems at the first sign. I got mildew, and tried the lame remedies like h202 spray and milk. After losing half my clones knocked it out with the expensive chems in no time. Got gnats, tried a couple sticky traps, and other cheap remedies. Now I've spent the money on all the expensive stuff and they still maintain residence. Best I've been able to do is limit the population using a combination of like 6 different different solutions all taking excessive time and $$$.

Expensive and popular is not always best. I used to put my rooted clones in fox farms ocean forest and wondered why they always looked like shit when I was spending so much money on their new home. That stuff is too hot and burned my babies and always made them start slow. Now I transplant into a cheap soiless mix that's half the price for twice as much, and they grow like beasts.

2 shop vacs was the best idea ever. Used to make a huge mess watering because of spill through, then started dragging my pots out of the room closer to the sink, but that was a huge pain in the ass. Moving a 15 gallon pot to drain the tray is also a bitch when it's full. Now I have 1 dry vac for leaves and dirt and 1 wet vac I use to suck the water out of drip trays. So now I don't have to move the plants and don't care if I flush a little. 2 $20 home depot shop vacs do the job, though I'll probably upgrade my dry vac.

Don't plan too far ahead, take one project at a time when building your grow room. I have 100s of dollars of building material I'm not even gonna use, and can't return because it was cut to size to fit into a narrow entrance.

Less is usually more with nutes. I burned my babies so many times with nuts early on the weeks of recovery would have made it cheaper and faster to use none at all.
Thats wierd i use FF OF from seed and my seedlings love it,agree its is pretty hot but alos tried the organic orchid from wallyworld and FF blows it away.Advice just dont feed em till you get ready to change photoperoiod unless you grow trees like me,and vegg over 2 months!!