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I asked you a question..humor me weenier answer guy
To tell more? I thought you were being facetious. If it's a dick measuring contest you want have at er. I'll be waiting for the PM pic with a ruler in it. I'll say now, mines only 7 inches...circumference.
My condition and my living arrangements don't allow me to grow. I have no interest in growing, but interested in trying cannabis to help with my conditions.

Thank you HAF2,for your reply.

You buy off the farmer next door. YOUR SET FOR LIFE with zero expense

OOOPS thats right you are here to find out about herb ..:?:|
To tell more? I thought you were being facetious. If it's a dick measuring contest you want have at er. I'll be waiting for the PM pic with a ruler in it. I'll say now, mines only 7 inches...circumference.
is that how you get away of answering questions that will show who you are? :)

cheers big ears
Sad eh how all the hate is here .... like cause I eat tomatoes. ... I have to grow it

Aww gee not dying..... like if I was dying I would only be concerned with growing something ..... ya ok .....
And if your such experts you should be talking about growing ... not oooo bad lp
Eww gross lp..... blah blah .... cause you really don't have an argument anyore
Sad really..... it looks like some hate life so much
I haven't seen anyone come on .... I'm dying I don't have meds ... how should I grow? Yeah like gee build a setup and start growing ..... hahahaha but what happens if they can't wait the 8-10 weeks
Oh I know see if they can get illegal weed
..... oh darn got arrested cause they didn't know better is this helping again
Give Yer heads a shake
Sad eh how all the hate is here .... like cause I eat tomatoes. ... I have to grow it

Aww gee not dying..... like if I was dying I would only be concerned with growing something ..... ya ok .....
And if your such experts you should be talking about growing ... not oooo bad lp
Eww gross lp..... blah blah .... cause you really don't have an argument anyore
Sad really..... it looks like some hate life so much
I haven't seen anyone come on .... I'm dying I don't have meds ... how should I grow? Yeah like gee build a setup and start growing ..... hahahaha but what happens if they can't wait the 8-10 weeks
Oh I know see if they can get illegal weed
..... oh darn got arrested cause they didn't know better is this helping again
Give Yer heads a shake
There's different styles of communication. Passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive.
To be assertive you have to both empathize with the person you are talking to and try to understand them while getting your point accross. The life lesson about that seems to be missed by some.
Hard to find fault in blind passion though. If everyone fought so hard for what they believed in the world would be a better place.
I really don't see how spam a forum with stupid shit is gleaming any knowledge

It's almost the same nauseating bull the govt tries to spread

But hey grow Yer own being sick aND it being the first time..... gee I bet that's on par with tweeds yummy shit... or would it be called shwag too.. but it was grow by a patient.... give me a fucking break
But hey grow Yer own being sick aND it being the first time..... gee I bet that's on par with tweeds yummy shit... or would it be called shwag too.. but it was grow by a patient.... give me a fucking break
This would be the passive-aggressive style. Learning is fun.
Oh oh oh ..... maybe the patient should have had prior foresight and had already got the seeds made the setup ..... started growing .... got the first crop.... well let's say maybe the third crop in as that may work out the kinks
And then got sick.... whew eh good thang they grew their own
Fuck me
Just showing the idiocy of it all
If you want to know what Ive learned half way through my cognitive behavioural therapy course, it is this. Assertiveness is always the best way to get your point across for all parties. Something like this would be a better way to word things:

I feel hurt when you pick on sick members who don’t grow yet and want to learn here because I am also a sick member and I want/ need you to let me make my own informed decisions about things.
Sad eh how all the hate is here .... like cause I eat tomatoes. ... I have to grow it

Aww gee not dying..... like if I was dying I would only be concerned with growing something ..... ya ok .....
And if your such experts you should be talking about growing ... not oooo bad lp
Eww gross lp..... blah blah .... cause you really don't have an argument anyore
Sad really..... it looks like some hate life so much
I haven't seen anyone come on .... I'm dying I don't have meds ... how should I grow? Yeah like gee build a setup and start growing ..... hahahaha but what happens if they can't wait the 8-10 weeks
Oh I know see if they can get illegal weed
..... oh darn got arrested cause they didn't know better is this helping again
Give Yer heads a shake
So you think all should be forgotten and forgiven with the LP's. They spent millions trying to strip us of our right to grow and now they're 'cool'?
I understand some folks have no choice but to buy from a lousy producer, unfortunate but a reality. Most have the much better option of a dispensary or a BM seller if they can't grow. That should not in anyway impose on my right to hate the LP's and spread the message. When someone tries to fuck me over, I never forget.
Leave individual patients out of it, but spread the word that they have other options.
I think the message needs to be repeated that these LP's are not on our side and doing business with them is contributing to the fund to take the next run at our rights.
So you think all should be forgotten and forgiven with the LP's. They spent millions trying to strip us of our right to grow and now they're 'cool'?
I understand some folks have no choice but to buy from a lousy producer, unfortunate but a reality. Most have the much better option of a dispensary or a BM seller if they can't grow. That should not in anyway impose on my right to hate the LP's and spread the message. When someone tries to fuck me over, I never forget.
Leave individual patients out of it, but spread the word that they have other options.
I think the message needs to be repeated that these LP's are not on our side and doing business with them is contributing to the fund to take the next run at our rights.
Opps I left out the most important part. The empathetic statement before the assertive statement.

“I understand you have been fighting this fight for a long time and the LPs and government have only tried to take things away from you.”
No but spamming bulls hit shouldn't be the thing either... you really thought the govt would give money? But hey seems it is easier to find it.... weed .... than 10 years ago for patients.... oh yes all the spamming a crying on this board made all the difference in that.
Sorry that is a delusion
So you think all should be forgotten and forgiven with the LP's. They spent millions trying to strip us of our right to grow and now they're 'cool'?
I understand some folks have no choice but to buy from a lousy producer, unfortunate but a reality. Most have the much better option of a dispensary or a BM seller if they can't grow. That should not in anyway impose on my right to hate the LP's and spread the message. When someone tries to fuck me over, I never forget.
Leave individual patients out of it, but spread the word that they have other options.
I think the message needs to be repeated that these LP's are not on our side and doing business with them is contributing to the fund to take the next run at our rights.

I 100% agree Chris the lousy producers are lobbying the gov right now. They want the sole rights to supply everyone from Med to rec and no room for mom and pop or farmers market type setups. The legal producers also lobbied to hellth Canada so no dispensaries or compassion clubs product could be tested by legitimate labs due to it being a legal grey area.... if the lousy producers gave two shits about any patients they would quit spending money lobbying against patients and start lobbying for them..... in my humble opinion....
Seems like any business to me... any health care business... money money
But yet hate the patients.... how cool
Seems like any business to me... any health care business... money money
But yet hate the patients.... how cool
I don't see any hate for patients from most, just a dislike of LP's. I don't like cheap shit made in China either and I avoid buying anything with a 'made in china' label, but I don't hate on people who do. I can tell someone I think their choice of mmj supplier sucks just like their choice of hockey team...don't mean I hate anyone.
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