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oh what am I missing again??


My apologies if my comprehension isn't up to your standards. I thought the title of the thread was pretty self explanatory. If your only here to mock me please leave. I came seeking education, not to be ridiculed.

lps ARE NOT TRUSTED LMAO... far from it actually
but how can something set up to be legal be not trusted?
I can give you many example ...
Thank you JungleStrikeGuy, I buy most my fresh produce from local farmers when I can. I know these farmers and trust them. Seems to me that I'm buying second hand from an unknown source with dispenceries, not from the cannabis grower. Isn't it best to buy from the source? How do I find out who the growers are and cut out the middle man? I fail to see the issue buying from the growers who follow strict growing regulations. What am I missing?

im new and asked a lot of these same questions. From what I gleam you can.

1. Get a script.
2. Apply to grow your own meds or have a designated grower to grow for you (average of 8 weeks to get that back)

In the meantime waiting to get the paperwork you can pick and buy from and LP (legal) or a dispensary (grey area). I think finding the designated grower is the hardest part. But you're in BC, I thought everyone there grew weed. Shouldn't be too hard to find?
My apologies if my comprehension isn't up to your standards. I thought the title of the thread was pretty self explanatory. If your only here to mock me please leave. I came seeking education, not to be ridiculed.

yer a good girl
Hope you find your way

Dispensaries are very much 'middlemen', buying directly from a grower is pretty much the designated producer option. All depends on what you are comfortable with.

The issue people have with licensed producers is as much cultural as it is practical, but the most reasonable criticism would be that they sell a product at vastly inflated prices due to the artificial barrier of entry imposed by the 'strict regulations'. You don't need a bank wrapped in a prison, as is mandated by the ACMPR/MMPR to grow a plant.

At the end of the day it really only matters what works best for you, LP's are one option but they certainly aren't the only one. Just remember that when people tout the supposed benefits of 'strict regulation', we're talking about a plant, and a plant that has no lethal dose / has never contributed to a death.

Thank you, I appreciate your intellect, and your patients.

Hi Kate and welcome.
You are correct, this is a place where it shouldn't matter where you get your medicine.
I have mobility issues in the sense that there aren't any dispensaries close to me and it's difficult to get around. I've used online dispensaries (no script) and had positive and negative experiences from the same companies. ALL have not lasted.
You need a consistent supply. IMO there are two ways to do this. Grow your own or buy from an LP. Forget the haters. The LP's have their place. (for now)
I guess my ignorance is my downfall, I didn't realize I had to pick a side. I appreciate your opinions but I fail to see where I get my cannabis, will determine if I'm a good girl or bad girl. I figured that it wouldn't matter of the source, just as long as I had access. Seems that this isn't the place for me, I can feel the hostility already. I came in search for help, not to be ridiculed. As an adult I should have a choice on where I get my cannabis, and shouldn't be judged on my source. Thank you all, well most of you.

Hi Kate and welcome.
You are correct, this is a place where it shouldn't matter where you get your medicine.
I have mobility issues in the sense that there aren't any dispensaries close to me and it's difficult to get around. I've used online dispensaries (no script) and had positive and negative experiences from the same companies. ALL have not lasted.
You need a consistent supply. IMO there are two ways to do this. Grow your own or buy from an LP. Forget the haters. The LP's have their place. (for now)

Thank you Chef420, sounds like the voice of reason. It's unfortunate that a few are trying to divide this community. As patients we are all in this together, I just assumed that I would find a harmonious group willing to support me and my concerns.


I guess my ignorance is my downfall, I didn't realize I had to pick a side. I appreciate your opinions but I fail to see where I get my cannabis, will determine if I'm a good girl or bad girl. I figured that it wouldn't matter of the source, just as long as I had access. Seems that this isn't the place for me, I can feel the hostility already. I came in search for help, not to be ridiculed. As an adult I should have a choice on where I get my cannabis, and shouldn't be judged on my source. Thank you all, well most of you.


this is maybe part of the prob Kate...where you get your cannibis does govt' and those in the game to profit...I'd offer help if you were closer....maybe a summer trip to Osoyoos is in order????


LA confidential, just arrived today. Smells great. Zoom in and tell me it doesn't look great. I look forward to the insane comments to follow.

Anyone buying this anywhere else would tell you what great smoke it was, but it came from licenced producer so it has to be garbage.
this is maybe part of the prob Kate...where you get your cannibis does govt' and those in the game to profit...I'd offer help if you were closer....maybe a summer trip to Osoyoos is in order????

Awe your too kind Mojoman, and yes please I love Osoyoos. I think I'm going to have a hard time finding cannabis from someone not trying to make a profit. Money makes the world go round, weather it's a dispencery or LP, neither one is doing anything for free. They are 1 in the same in my book, to me. I'm more concerned on knowing where my cannabis comes from. I'm leaning towards buying direct from the grower. That make the most sense so far.


Just bought this La Confidential from London Compassion Society......only $7 per gram and no tax or it was not NUKED like the Lp Version is...nuff said folks..masky looses again.....
Awe your too kind Mojoman, and yes please I love Osoyoos. I think I'm going to have a hard time finding cannabis from someone not trying to make a profit. Money makes the world go round, weather it's a dispencery or LP, neither one is doing anything for free. They are 1 in the same in my book, to me. I'm more concerned on knowing where my cannabis comes from. I'm leaning towards buying direct from the grower. That make the most sense so far.


Ya ok..see there you go..that's a guy WHO IS NOT AN LP offering to help...this is my point. Masky wants to sent you to the government setup rip off system. But hey...there's no difference right???
Just bought this La Confidential from London Compassion Society......only $7 per gram and no tax or it was not NUKED like the Lp Version is...nuff said folks..masky looses again.....
That's weird, you keep saying you grow your own.

You didn't just grab that picture off the net and make a false claim did you?
Yes I do grow my own but still support the odd dispensaries...the fair ones that is.
Some are not that fair I admit that. Not all are perfect. But I've only been in so many as well.
I like some variety and enjoy seeing and feeling what's new as well. Plus most of the folks in them are really nice people. You should look for a fair one and try it. See I'm pretty nice actually. some are thieves I agree..but not all of them and those that are will be weeded out by market selection. I have never said ALL dispensaries. mail order or compassion Club are good. Be selective..but at least you can shop freely in them.
Awe your too kind Mojoman, and yes please I love Osoyoos. I think I'm going to have a hard time finding cannabis from someone not trying to make a profit. Money makes the world go round, weather it's a dispencery or LP, neither one is doing anything for free. They are 1 in the same in my book, to me. I'm more concerned on knowing where my cannabis comes from. I'm leaning towards buying direct from the grower. That make the most sense so far.



I grow outdoors...source my soil from a certified organic chemicals...but due to my health I have to pay my yard workers...but I'm wayy below LP/dispensary prices simply because I grow where I product is my meds...I keep shit clean...but I've only 9 years growing...still a learner...;)))

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