Norcal Outdoor Grow Finally getting underway...100g smart pots


Well-Known Member
Thanks ABM! Been working hard to keep em in tip top shape with lots of advice from DJ. Thanks for checkin out my grow.


Well-Known Member
And Bunique... you most likely have a strain with a lil more saliva in it or it could just be a late flowered. My chem 4 is just starting to show flowers and she's pure indica. Every strain is different and they flower on there own.


Well-Known Member
Thanks JJ and farmer.
Got the trellis up today JJ... that was a pain in the ass not to mention probably knocked aloft of crystals off the buds!


Well-Known Member
I grew em indoor until they were about a foot and half tall under 600 watt metal halide so they got bushier rather then stretching. So I probably let them grow for about a month. Some a lil longer because they didn't grow as fast. I tried to get them short and stocky to deal with the wind better for transplanting.
Hope this helps a little


Well-Known Member
Thanks woods! Alot of hard work and advice from friends like JJ and Hodge. Couldn't of dome it without them answering my questions....the old timers got the knowledge.


Well-Known Member
New Pictures!!! 8-23-2011
Pic #1 Blue Cheese x Super Grape Ape

Pic #2 CheeseQuake

Pic #3 Chocolope

Pic #4 Chem4

Pic #5 PurpleBerry

Pic #6 Lemon Diesel