NORML Petition for New Marijuana Law

On a national level you'd need what? 50? 60? million? Most of those scum bags were put in office by corporate America. They won't be taken that seriously.
I'm in ....and giving this a Bump :)

Only 400 more voted needed. We can cover that in this forum alone.
If we want change we have to take the initiative to get involved.
How many signatures are actually needed? Last I was told, they only needed 20k. The bar even stopped at 20k. Just took a look at it today and now they made it bigger. I know they will want every possible signature regardless if they already met their goal, but when do they plan on stopping?

Hopefully they can manage to break 30k or more before it is done.
Signed. How many more are needed? Also, the petition that NORML started regarding the ad on CBS and in Times Square must have had some weight since CBS is allowing the ad to go through now. Good stuff right there.