North Atlantic Seed Co. Seeds

Sweet seeds sweet afgani delicious So I soaked them In a glass of water over night then put in between a wet paper towel the next morning and waited for a 8-9 days and none popped so I trashed them.
Poor germination results really are not the result of Seed Bank neglect. Unless they are “House brand”, the breeder did make them and packaged them.

That's a good point.

Although if a seedbank has seeds they know they've had in inventory a long time, and / or were shipped to them already on the edge agewise, they might consider lower germination is a possibility. Of course, a "breeder" could dump old stuff or inferior seeds on a seed bank and not be forthcoming about the age and quality. Also, some seed banks probably have a better inventory storage and control system than others.

Hard to assign blame on poor germination if we don't know the full story.

I've had really good experiences with North Atlantic seeds, and think they are one of the best seedbanks out there.
Sweet seeds sweet afgani delicious So I soaked them In a glass of water over night then put in between a wet paper towel the next morning and waited for a 8-9 days and none popped so I trashed them.

Can't blame NASB, that's on the breeder..or grower. Next time just leave the seeds in a glass of water..keep em around 80 degrees in the dark...don't even look at them for 2 or 3 days. They should have tap roots in 48-72 hours. The seeds that sink are duds 99% time.
Can't blame NASB, that's on the breeder..or grower. Next time just leave the seeds in a glass of water..keep em around 80 degrees in the dark...don't even look at them for 2 or 3 days. They should have tap roots in 48-72 hours. The seeds that sink are duds 99% time.
WHAT! seeds that sink are duds? I find seeds that dont sink are duds, a good fresh seed will sink in 24-36 hours because it is sucking up water an starting to germinate please show me iam wrong.
WHAT! seeds that sink are duds? I find seeds that dont sink are duds, a good fresh seed will sink in 24-36 hours because it is sucking up water an starting to germinate please show me iam wrong.

I was always a 18 hour soak and into paper towels for 20 plus years...ive recently moved on, I've been doing the float tech the last 7 or 8 months.. popped 40 or so beans, the germ rates are better and the floaters grow a tap root while the sinkers are almost always duds.
WHAT! seeds that sink are duds? I find seeds that dont sink are duds, a good fresh seed will sink in 24-36 hours because it is sucking up water an starting to germinate please show me iam wrong.
I agree, when I soak seeds the ones that sink immediately are suspect, but ones that float then later sink almost always pop for me. Rarely does a floater that never sinks pop, just my experience, perhaps I should give the floaters a bit longer.
Anyone withAce Seeds experience have recommendations

i am running Tikal which Ace just discontinued (there is a forum on ICMAG that has the breeders on there). it grows super fast, not necessarily stretchy. i has so much leaf growth it's nuts...and it hasn't been healthy. i think it has some root issue and it is still bigger than the other 7 plants. at end of week in flower and it has sexed and i think it starting to flower. veg was just 45 days from seed.
i am running Tikal which Ace just discontinued (there is a forum on ICMAG that has the breeders on there). it grows super fast, not necessarily stretchy. i has so much leaf growth it's nuts...and it hasn't been healthy. i think it has some root issue and it is still bigger than the other 7 plants. at end of week in flower and it has sexed and i think it starting to flower. veg was just 45 days from seed.

I didn't read the post as Tikal being discontinued, but rather out of stock and won't be reproduced in "the short term" sounds like they have intentions of releasing it again in the next couple of years, but who knows.
I didn't read the post as Tikal being discontinued, but rather out of stock and won't be reproduced in "the short term" sounds like they have intentions of releasing it again in the next couple of years, but who knows.

for's discontinued. so, stock will get low. any new stock will be different from what you can order today as Ace strains progress with each iteration. any new seed will be a new iteration.