NorthEast USA Outdoor Yields

Sweet! Well this yr. was a step up for me using the 45 gallons. But I like the idea of digging a massive hole and lining it and filling it up with good soil.

Question for you tho, on the east coast with what I have in the 45 gallons, do you think these will be over a LB a piece? Also if anyone knows the rough time of when flowering starts out here in the north east ?

I'm not on the east coast or even in the states. So I'm not entirely sure of your particular situation... but as long as they get a decent amount of sun each day and the nutrients they require I think you should easily pull a elbow (lb) of each, maybe more... They will start to flower as the days get shorter, do a google search for sunlight hours in your area this will tell you when the days get shorter...
I'm not on the east coast or even in the states. So I'm not entirely sure of your particular situation... but as long as they get a decent amount of sun each day and the nutrients they require I think you should easily pull a elbow (lb) of each, maybe more... They will start to flower as the days get shorter, do a google search for sunlight hours in your area this will tell you when the days get shorter...

Ya the equinox has passed so the days are becoming shorter already but I don't think flower starts til about mid August . Flower isn't very long over here in the northeast of the states :(
yea aug.-sep most things should be heading into flowering. I was chopping some nugs in the 3rd week of September last year. (early branches just to test and make sure I got something) and really got into harvest mode middle of October. And the final chops were 1st week of November. and that was after 2 nights below 32, only a little damage to lower buds. (northeasterner)
That would be an awesome amount I'm in Vermont here outdoor grow going first time also growing good luck mother nature will take care of us:leaf:
Hard to speculate on yield, I would shoot for a pound each. What nutes are you using?
yes i am really hoping for around 1.5 average a piece. and i am running house n garden soil a&b, allgen extract, and i will be staying with house n garden's flower neuts when we enter that phase.
Yeah you could pull a LB each,two big factors-if they mold up and when they finish,depending on strain.last year had a big girl,chopped about 20% off due to mold still pulled 15 zips.she was over 9 ft tall by 6 ft
Yeah you could pull a LB each,two big factors-if they mold up and when they finish,depending on strain.last year had a big girl,chopped about 20% off due to mold still pulled 15 zips.she was over 9 ft tall by 6 ft
Ya well flower starts mid August and we usually have to chop em down late sept, early October .. And I have a cookie strain which is very mold resistant. Hopefully the weather is nice to us this season and we can harvest around Halloween ! That would be ideal! Def shooting for over a LB tho.
Ya well flower starts mid August and we usually have to chop em down late sept, early October .. And I have a cookie strain which is very mold resistant. Hopefully the weather is nice to us this season and we can harvest around Halloween ! That would be ideal! Def shooting for over a LB tho.
If you can wait till then with no mold,you will be rewarded for sure :) what other strains you running