NorthEast USA Outdoor Yields

I have some strains that started flower end of July...its crazy..but a good thing...its not been humid this summer but dew point is a killer...plants covered in dew in morning..not good when full bud the bud worm season starts..been using BT spray as a preventive or any that snuck in I did not see...and actinovite for PM since i see it in my veggie garden so it wont be long..preventive is best....been making compost teas and spraying a few times a week ..hope it helps....
Posting pictures here is terrible. I say we get together and create a new website. Anyone opposed? Lol. Well here's a couple pics of a few of my girls. I couldn't really see which I was posting but nonetheless here they are. Just went in today to spray with neem. I just started feeding them this week also. Starting an AN regimen. I had a tea brewing an was going to go completely organic but fuck it this is easier for me and I dont have much time. Anyone else worried about how wet it's been and how much dew we've had in the mornings? This is my first attempt In the great outdoors so I'm stressing. Mold is usually the last thing I worry about lol but it's hard to keep sterile outside.
3rd week of flower . Now in week 4, will try to get some more current pics up soon!!! Hope everyone is having a safe outdoor this season!