Northern Colorado growers

Pretty sure this is an indica dom phenome. CSD x Tahoe OG by homebrew420.

Sent from Northern Colorado.


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Got a few different strains going right now... The first one is uncle willy's affi, a strain I got from homebrew but is not one of his crosses, from what he has told me it is a long held (30 years or so?) strain from a soco grower bred for high altitude growing. Pretty vigorous but stays extremely short and bushy in all phenotypes besides the males which seem about double in height. Smells like most kush strains right now, like well made compost.

The second two are both waipi o hapa. A strain from centennial seeds. Extremely vigorous, pungent (almost smells like a nice martini) , and sensitive as hell. Forget to water for a day and it looks like somebody punched her in the gut. Biggest flowers on average for sure.

The third one is voodoo. I got the strain from homebrew but I'm not sure if it's his cross (chime in hb420?). Smaller flowers but super hairy and already covered in crystals. Definitely riddled with sativa influence she is streeeeetchy and smells like habanero peppers.

The fourth strain (not picture, I'm embarrassed to show pictures) is Rio negro, also from centennial seeds. Not impressed. With any thing about this plant. Maybe it will be a fourteen week sativa and will knock me out a couple months down the road but for now...:confused: why is it taking up space?

Last but not least is star killer from 303 seeds. Last two pics are star killer. Small flowers so far, especially for an indica, but the aroma is outstanding. Lemon heads sprinkled in Italian spices. That's the only way I can explain it. Will probably end up as more of a head stash strain as the yield won't be crazy high but the novelty of the smell (and I have a feeling the potency will match it) makes it worth a small corner in the garden.

Sorry for the poor quality photos, my phone camera sucks.

These girls are all on day 16.


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I grew a bunch of stuff out from centennial like 5 years ago. Hopefully quality has improved. That waipio was a pain, your right!

Sent from Northern Colorado.
I got all of these seeds for free, in fact I've never paid for a seed and now probably never will (knock on wood). Suppose I should give a shout out @Crispy Bacon for the other three strains. How was the high of waipi? Not a lot of people talking about it which makes me nervous.
Honestly I don't think we ever finished one. I was running a dispensary grow so everything was cut at 8 cause of scheduling............ And they never finished. So I'd say it's a 10+ week strain. We didn't grow more after I saw the time they took.

Sent from Northern Colorado.
Well this is from a couple grows ago but I figure I'd throw it up here since it is the biggest contiguous flower I have grown to date. I am in FoCo if anybody couldn't tell by the name, let me know if you want to get together. I am going to try to make Potoberfest but with work the way it is I seriously doubt it.
@Horsetooth the VooDoo is Magik x Jamaican. You will be the first to grow these out. The last 10 I tried left with mostly males and a runt. So I haven't gotten a chance to run them again.
Cant wait to see what comes of those.
Also if you want to ride together to the shindig hit me up.

Just as a reminder and tribute to the last two winners, at the Potoberfest last year Columbian Gold from grower Garlic Train and Bruce Banner from chadwick at the BBQ earlier this year.

Hope to see all the fimilar faces from last year's Potoberfest and hopefully a few new ones.
PM me if you are interested in attending. Directions in a few days.
Wish I could come but I have a prior engagement. You all have a blast and let's see some bud shots of the competition!

Sent from Northern Colorado.
That CG was no joke last year, thanks for letting me judge the last Potoberfest

This year winners (1st - 3rd) will again go home with some seeds, found some cherry pheno AK47 crosses laying around and also a couple Space Dawg crosses... might toss in a rare gem to 1st place, but I might just keep it for my garden next grow :twisted:
@homebrew420 I won't be making the potoberfest this year unfortunately, gotta work. We should definitely still get together for a beer! Got a couple Sixer's and a half keg of some home brewed stuff, and I need help drinking it!
@homebrew420 I won't be making the potoberfest this year unfortunately, gotta work. We should definitely still get together for a beer! Got a couple Sixer's and a half keg of some home brewed stuff, and I need help drinking it!
Ok. I like beer. I will have some glue and others from the outdoor real soon. we should have a sesh

I will be leaving from boulder. and showing up around 3-4

Blazes! I got busy with work and family stuff, and completely spaced it out! Good times, I hear, though. Thanks for the invite, Pepe, and hopefully I'll be a little less spacey next year.
