Northwest Outdoor 2010 2nd grow with pics!!!


Well-Known Member
Nice plants man reminds me of my pops always hiking around looking for places to grow haha. These all look like indica correct? With the leaves being so big i cant tell


Active Member
you have some very nice plants keep up the great work
Thanks I'm having a blast and was happy to see some start of flowering. It made my day!!!

Nice plants man reminds me of my pops always hiking around looking for places to grow haha. These all look like indica correct? With the leaves being so big i cant tell
They are mostly trainwreck and 3 are lemon diesel(they are the shorter greener ones with the thicker leaves).


Active Member
Here are some update pic's. It looks like my water source is going to last all summer im stoked. Was afraid it would dry up and have to pack water in a long way from a river. Also took a few pics of the new growth with a lot of pistols and white hairs. So far so good on this journey.



Well-Known Member
Looking great as usual man. Mine just started flowering too in the past week or so. Made my day too, haha. I started from seed back in April, felt like an eternity.


Active Member
Looking great as usual man. Mine just started flowering too in the past week or so. Made my day too, haha. I started from seed back in April, felt like an eternity.
It has been a long time. I started taking the clones the start of april as well. I just wish all of them were out the start of may like my largest ones then all would be 5 or 6 footers by now. I would need a helicopter to haul out all the nugs.


Active Member
this is a bad ass guerilla grow.
Thanks for the comment. I think its not to outrageous at 12 plants. It is way bigger of an operation than I thought I was going to grow this year though.

lol I just opened up and looked at your pic's and said wtf. thuoght they were the pic's I took today. must be cuz I'm meddi cated.View attachment 1081569 Guess I get a little more water at my patch.
lol some patches do look a lot alike.

i am subbed:finger:
Welcome aboard! Just started to flower so its getting close to the home stretch.

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
lmfao i love your little cage you made for your plant also lady bugs are a wonderful thing they keep all those pesky fucking insects away from eating your plant, deer also tend to eat the buds of your plant so when they get mature enough to bud just haul some fence or wire up there


Active Member
lmfao i love your little cage you made for your plant also lady bugs are a wonderful thing they keep all those pesky fucking insects away from eating your plant, deer also tend to eat the buds of your plant so when they get mature enough to bud just haul some fence or wire up there
Yeah I made that little cage out of black berry vines for the first week or so. There was a lot of deer in there at first.


Active Member
Here are some update pic's. The last picture is of the mystery strain plant. It would not grow for crap for months it seemed like. It started to show new growth when we started to get the hot weather and now it starting to flower. The lemon diesels look nice and green as they are starting to flower like the others. Its was the first time I could get there in a week and they were thirsty.


Looking good wingman! your indica's are what I have my eye on mostly, and we are still in line, I will take pics and update soon. I need to go back and read your last few pages, but are you having trouble keeping the big ones wet enough? This droop can't be good stress wise...... Yucca tea (wetting agent) can help I think, some kind of mulch on top of your soil may help too.... i am not sure which end of the valley you are at, but if you are near the grow shop that just moved, you may go in and talk to em about retaining moisture, they are gods lol


Active Member
Looking good wingman! your indica's are what I have my eye on mostly, and we are still in line, I will take pics and update soon. I need to go back and read your last few pages, but are you having trouble keeping the big ones wet enough? This droop can't be good stress wise...... Yucca tea (wetting agent) can help I think, some kind of mulch on top of your soil may help too.... i am not sure which end of the valley you are at, but if you are near the grow shop that just moved, you may go in and talk to em about retaining moisture, they are gods lol
I'm not having trouble keeping the big ones wet enough just getting to to patch to water them a couple times. Last time it was a week so I soaked the hell out of them. I'm going back tomorrow some time as it will have been 4 days since the last watering. I'll update some pics to see how the drooping has recovered. Its been a little cooler the last week but still in the 80's every day. Its pushing 90 today.
supposed to be mid 90's for the next 5 days it looks like, I am nuting every 2-3 days (2 when it is hotter) and watering after every 3rd, does your water PH after mixing nutes?