Well-Known Member
Fair enough.
Health care is not a right.
Any dialogue on health care/insurance should be done at the state level.
Health care/insurance for all? Let's break that down:
All Illegal aliens? No.
All who can afford it but choose not to purchase it? No.
All who are otherwise eligible for an existing program but are not enrolled? No.
That just about covers the 46 million uninsured.
But your ideal plan would still leave all those with pre-existing conditions and lapses due to firings and/or lay-offs ineligible for any coverage. I still cannot fathom an 18 year old girl denied coverage for cervical cancer because her old policy was cancelled due to her father's job loss and her new policy denied covering the cancer because it was pre-existing. She's fucked. No where to turn. And there are many more like her.
Massive overhaul is needed. Everyone deserves coverage (it is a right). If it takes government intervention, then so be it. It sucks that it came to this, but blame it on the greed of private insurance companies. Had they seen this coming and decided to ward it off by bolstering their policies and treating people fairly, then the need never would have existed. Private insurance companies created a problem they refused to ameliorate and the government, as mandated by the people, decided to step in. You want to place blame - blame the insurance companies. They're so rife with inadequacy and hegemony that even the government had to step in.
It just sucks that both the private and public sectors are so corrupt. De-regulation leads to rampant private sector abuses and complete government regulation leads to the same. But the bottom line is that americans deserve treatment. They deserve to be free from the anal fucking perpetrated by private insurance.