NOT GUILTY ...zimmermen


Well-Known Member
Buck, it was the state's burden to PROVE that Martin DID NOT throw the first punch...they failed...
that was not the state's burden at all, smarty.

Zimm should be touted as a HERO for properly defending himself from a THUG GANG MEMBER WANNABE aboned by his low-life father who now calls him "Baby Tray" while hoping Trayvon turns out to the the cash cow he's been hoping for...
racist sock puppet is racist.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
here is how burden of proof works: you made a claim, it is now your job to prove it. it is not my job to refute it.

so go ahead and tell me who testified that martin threw the first punch.

let's hear it, desert racist!
Zimmerman testified via video tape presented by the helpful prosecutors that TM sucker punched him and broke his nose. All of the physical evidence corroborates that testimony. Case closed. You are a racially motivated, propagandist. Your arguments are null and void, and have been from the start. It is fun to watch a rabid racist such as yourself spew venom and spittle for 15 months and be completely rejected.


Well-Known Member
The prosecution took video tapes of his statements and showed them to the Jury. So, indeed, he did.
presenting evidence is not the same as testifying.

zimmy was given the chance to testify and declined because he did not want to have to rehash his 14 or so demonstrable lies to the jury.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
presenting evidence is not the same as testifying.

zimmy was given the chance to testify and declined because he did not want to have to rehash his 14 or so demonstrable lies to the jury.
It was a video taped deposition, which the prosecution entered into evidence; quite helpful of them, I might add. :-)


Well-Known Member
If the first punch is reason enough to end someones life I would be watching talk shows and hockey instead of chatting here.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
See post #502.

Read it. Love it. Trayvon threw the first punch, the last punch and every punch in between. Even the noted intellectual, Jeantel, said Trayvon threw the first punch.

Not guilty. Buck has a tender sphincter, which has been stretched past the breaking point by reality.


Well-Known Member
People seem to forget what lawyers do.....everything we know a lawyer let us know. No witnesses, no proof of self-defense. Grave danger is thrown around and reduced to any aggression.....reality stings when this happens to your brother, this blasé attitude might just come back to bite. Lessons like this are mistakes to be learned from, not repeated......Ben Franklin paraphrased. If you follow someone stalking them that is an act of aggression too. I would use an 8 iron probably.


Well-Known Member
so let me get this straight......if I chase you down the street with an ax until you get tired & finally turn and try to defend yourself by thowing a punch, you just became the aggressor? and I can chop you?.."self defence"


Well-Known Member
You mean all the MR Zinda had to say was "He threw the first punch"?........By Sam Stanton
[email protected]
A Rio Linda ax murder trial began in Sacramento Superior Court today with the prosecutor claiming defendant Steven Zinda chased down his victim and killed him in a muddy field with four chops to his head in a premeditated and deliberate slaying.
But Zinda's defense attorney claims the death of David Valdez in March 2011 was the product of a burglary Zinda interrupted at his home and came only after Zinda and Valdez struggled outside the home.
"At the end of the case, we're going to ask you to find Mr. Zinda guilty of a homicide, and the homicide will be voluntary manslaughter," defense attorney Tom Johnson told the jury this morning in a third floor courtroom at the courthouse downtown.

The case may come down to whether the jury believes Zinda's anger when he came home to find the burglary in progress at 3 a.m. was reasonable enough for the actions that he took after he found his house ransacked.
Authorities say Zinda came outside after discovering the burglary and saw Valdez standing down the street near his Honda Passport, which was stuck in the mud.
Zinda believed Valdez was involved in the burglary and confronted him with the ax. Valdez began running but Zinda eventually caught up to him in a muddy field, where a struggle ensued before Zinda delivered the ax blows, one of which penetrated the victim's skull and severed his brain.
Deputy District Attorney Sheri Greco told the jury in her opening statement this morning that Valdez, 20, had been attending a party in the neighborhood and was killed simply because he was standing beside his truck waiting for friends to return and help him pull it out of a ditch.
When Zinda saw him standing outside down the street from his house, she said, Zinda decided he was involved in the burglary and confronted him.
"Mr. Zinda approaches him with ax in hand and says, 'What's the matter, buddy? Your friends leave you?'"
At that point, Valdez took off running, eventually covering a quarter mile before Zinda caught him.
"He is literally running for his life," Greco said.
In interviews with sheriff's detectives later, Greco said, Zinda made it clear that he was after Valdez.
"Mr. Zinda admits, 'Yeah, I was coming for him like Deliverance,'" she said.
Greco said Zinda hit Valdez three times in the face with the ax and began to walk off until he saw Valdez struggling to get back up. Zinda returned and gave him a fourth blow to the back of his scalp, she said, and later told detectives that he wanted to "finish him off."
Valdez never posed a threat to Zinda, she added.
But Johnson painted an entirely different picture of events that rainy night, saying Zinda came home from visiting a friend around 3 a.m. and saw his garage door open.
Zinda, who lived in the home with his young son, was extremely upset when he discovered his bedroom ransacked. Zinda's son was not at the house at the time, but Zinda was concerned about the violation of their home.
"He's basically a middle class man raising a kid on his own," Johnson said. "This is all he had."
When Zinda saw Valdez outside, his initial thought that he was one of the burglars "was absolutely the right thing to think," Johnson said.
"Mr. Zinda was angry about what happened in his house, as any reasonable person would be," he said.
"From there, this spiraled quickly, and within moments Mr. Valdez was deceased," Johnson added.
But Johnson insisted his client acted out of momentary rage and is not a murderer.

"Did he feel horrible about it? Yes," Johnson said. "Is he a cold-blooded murderer? Absolutely not."

desert dude

Well-Known Member
so let me get this straight......if I chase you down the street with an ax until you get tired & finally turn and try to defend yourself by thowing a punch, you just became the aggressor? and I can chop you?.."self defence"
Actually, in your analogy, Trayvon would be the ax wielder. Familiarize yourself with the facts of the case, or not, ignorance is cozy too.


Well-Known Member
The jury seems to think it was proven. Put some Bengay (Stillgay in your case) on your sphincter, Buck.
no, the jury said the state did not meet its burden, you fucking idiot.

good job trapping yourself in your own lie.

no one here expects anything but lies and racism from you anyway.