NOT GUILTY ...zimmermen

and what happend he died and wife kept all the money before the case was over no conviction money returned

Madoff is in prison, he is not dead. 5.4 billion has been returned to the victims so far. Ruth Madoff gave up the apartments, the jewelry, etc., but don't feel sorry for Ruth they left her with 2.6 million and social security to live on.

Why do millionaires need social security?
Duh.... Instead of going for the murder wrap exclusively. They should of went with manslaughter exclusively. Either way I'm not choosing sides here. There will always be Zimmerman's story, Treyvon's story. Then the true STORY.

Based off the pictures Treyvon made of himself holding a pistol. At the age of 17 acting thuggish leads one to believe he might be a bit hot headed. Zimmerman is a idiot for being a vigilante loser. Following someone in the dark not heading what LEOs told him is asking for trouble.

It's a unfortunate event. Both Trey and Zimmerman failed to use common sense. The case is finished. Now let's move on....

They do that as a tactic to get the lesser crime to stick. Accuse him of something horrible and awful and it makes it more likely the jury will convict him of a lesser crime. They KNEW 2nd murder would be very tough.
the man was protecting himself. when the gun was fired travon was standing over him.self defense. and for the record he's not white he's some other race. so don't try the white man get away with everything.
The thing that kills me if the two men had both been Spanish or black or white or Asian or w/e else, this never would have been a story..
Why people have to make it about race is so beyond me.. ffs, black people shoot other blacks all the damn time, does that mean the killer was a self loathing black man and hence a self racist..
Fuck no! But have a black person be killed by someone of a different color all of a sudden the Guy's a racist and doesn't deserve a fair trial..
If there are riots and shit over this it's going to make me physically I'll.. wtd does rioting and looting in the streets do to bring back a dead 17 year old? Nada a damn thing.. just like some of the disgusting shit that went on in the super dome after Katrina..
Damn Japan had an earthquake and I saw nada one store looted, not one women raped, no oneome shot nor killed.. no TV sets being handed out of the front of burning stores.. I know, I'm getting a bit off topic here, but wtf mango, were all humans trying to make it through another day, let's set aside our differences and work to make this shit hole a better place than we found it..
The thing that kills me if the two men had both been Spanish or black or white or Asian or w/e else, this never would have been a story..
Why people have to make it about race is so beyond me.. ffs, black people shoot other blacks all the damn time, does that mean the killer was a self loathing black man and hence a self racist..
Fuck no! But have a black person be killed by someone of a different color all of a sudden the Guy's a racist and doesn't deserve a fair trial..
If there are riots and shit over this it's going to make me physically I'll.. wtd does rioting and looting in the streets do to bring back a dead 17 year old? Nada a damn thing.. just like some of the disgusting shit that went on in the super dome after Katrina..
Damn Japan had an earthquake and I saw nada one store looted, not one women raped, no oneome shot nor killed.. no TV sets being handed out of the front of burning stores.. I know, I'm getting a bit off topic here, but wtf mango, were all humans trying to make it through another day, let's set aside our differences and work to make this shit hole a better place than we found it..

One of the most sensible post on this topic, Thank you
I am starting to think if everybody had a gun there would be more respect for one and other....At least you would be walking into a gun fight with a gun instead of your fists....Just a thought...
The thing that kills me if the two men had both been Spanish or black or white or Asian or w/e else, this never would have been a story..
Why people have to make it about race is so beyond me.. ffs, black people shoot other blacks all the damn time, does that mean the killer was a self loathing black man and hence a self racist..
Fuck no! But have a black person be killed by someone of a different color all of a sudden the Guy's a racist and doesn't deserve a fair trial..
If there are riots and shit over this it's going to make me physically I'll.. wtd does rioting and looting in the streets do to bring back a dead 17 year old? Nada a damn thing.. just like some of the disgusting shit that went on in the super dome after Katrina..
Damn Japan had an earthquake and I saw nada one store looted, not one women raped, no oneome shot nor killed.. no TV sets being handed out of the front of burning stores.. I know, I'm getting a bit off topic here, but wtf mango, were all humans trying to make it through another day, let's set aside our differences and work to make this shit hole a better place than we found it..

I didn't know that Rodney King was on here. Hey MAN. whatsup?

It is about a minor child. Now the race part is, since he was a black minor child, they wanted to treat it like was a slave quarters slaying. Clean that up. ( Buy that man a drink!)

Zim is out on his pre-book tour, yapping to Hannity, and a kid is dead. That was not justice. This is now American Justice.

Those nights of Zim, I've been there. Facing the big house, is not a dream you ever wake up from. He has this for life, as he should. And having no trial was just promoting segregation at least.

And it is All race because, had a black man gunned down a white teen going back from the store in that nice neighbor hood, there could have been a lynching that night.

And as my Dad finally came around to, every father of a murdered minor child needs to see a trial. And my dad would have risked prison himself to demand one.
I am starting to think if everybody had a gun there would be more respect for one and other....At least you would be walking into a gun fight with a gun instead of your fists....Just a thought...

"An armed society is a polite society." Robert A. Heinlein

I am for mandatory gun training begining in first grade. I am for universal open carry. Had Martin had the common decency to be informed that he was about to be killed, I imagine he would have chosen life.
just like some of the disgusting shit that went on in the super dome after Katrina..
Damn Japan had an earthquake and I saw nada one store looted, not one women raped, no oneome shot nor killed.. no TV sets being handed out of the front of burning stores.. I know, I'm getting a bit off topic here, but wtf mango, were all humans trying to make it through another day, let's set aside our differences and work to make this shit hole a better place than we found it..

Yeah yeah, the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Just ask any cow. :) If you knew anything about the guts of these cultures you would spot the seedy underbelly.

Japan is what it is and it is not the USA no matter how hard they try to imitate us.

Japan, funny you mention, is about the most racist place on earth and killing is done with the blade.

The reason they did not turn on the Chinese or Wasabi enclaves in Kyoto, is there are none.

Japan is ethniclly pure and they take that much more seriously than the Nazi ever did. The Chinese there, are the 4th class citizens, and there is no class 2 and 3.

  • et's set aside our differences and work to make this shit hole a better place than we found it..

This is a great sentiment. I pretty much gave up a long time ago on humans working together to make it a better place. Most people aren't worth the piss to drown them. Why are people acting like Zimmerman is a white guy?
I didn't know that Rodney King was on here. Hey MAN. whatsup?

It is about a minor child. Now the race part is, since he was a black minor child, they wanted to treat it like was a slave quarters slaying. Clean that up. ( Buy that man a drink!)

Zim is out on his pre-book tour, yapping to Hannity, and a kid is dead. That was not justice. This is now American Justice.

Those nights of Zim, I've been there. Facing the big house, is not a dream you ever wake up from. He has this for life, as he should. And having no trial was just promoting segregation at least.

And it is All race because, had a black man gunned down a white teen going back from the store in that nice neighbor hood, there could have been a lynching that night.

And as my Dad finally came around to, every father of a murdered minor child needs to see a trial. And my dad would have risked prison himself to demand one.
