I didn't know that Rodney King was on here. Hey MAN. whatsup?
It is about a minor child. Now the race part is, since he was a black minor child, they wanted to treat it like was a slave quarters slaying. Clean that up. ( Buy that man a drink!)
Zim is out on his pre-book tour, yapping to Hannity, and a kid is dead. That was not justice. This is now American Justice.
Those nights of Zim, I've been there. Facing the big house, is not a dream you ever wake up from. He has this for life, as he should. And having no trial was just promoting segregation at least.
And it is All race because, had a black man gunned down a white teen going back from the store in that nice neighbor hood, there could have been a lynching that night.
And as my Dad finally came around to, every father of a murdered minor child needs to see a trial. And my dad would have risked prison himself to demand one.