NOT GUILTY ...zimmermen

i beat up 4 cops when i was 16 ...............i walked out of school and was going home he stoped me and touched me i warned him he did it again i kicked his ass 2 cans of mace and a fat cop tackled me \

they put in me in one .............i did not like so i blow the power with pencils in the sockets and when to the group room opend the window and walked home
by law once i was in my home they had to get a warrent to take me back since i did not say or do anything to give them reason to think i wanted to do something they had no legal recourse

did not leave the house for a few months then i was clean ......................look it up dumb asses do not even pay attention to the laws .............hell if u see a cop outside in certin cities with out a hat u can have ther aresseted or spitting on a the sidewalk ...................bunch of old laws on the books they never took off but they still apply u want to do something learn the rules before u break them
by law once i was in my home they had to get a warrent to take me back since i did not say or do anything to give them reason to think i wanted to do something they had no legal recourse

did not leave the house for a few months then i was clean ......................look it up dumb asses do not even pay attention to the laws .............hell if u see a cop outside in certin cities with out a hat u can have ther aresseted or spitting on a the sidewalk ...................bunch of old laws on the books they never took off but they still apply u want to do something learn the rules before u break them
this exactly the same kind of babble Holmes was spewing before he went to the theater. can we get someone to check this dude out? he is a danger to the public
the man was armed with hollow points one in the chamber 10 in the clip and the cops told him not to fallow and stay in the car..............dude i know murder that is it ....he put himself in that spot so he could be the big man becuase his dick is to little or his daddy got him up the butt or his wife/gf left him for a black man

Hollow point bullets are legal to use in Florida. all I use is hollow points with my guns.
this exactly the same kind of babble Holmes was spewing before he went to the theater. can we get someone to check this dude out? he is a danger to the public

homes is a fucking idoit

if i lost it i could do much more then shoot a gun .................i know how to cripple the usa with just a few simple things ................hell i written to some buddies in law enforcement and given them my ideas so they can protect against it

your just scared so u want me dead ........tipically human i do not have to kill anyone i just have to sit back and wait while u let them do it to u ...........none of u read none of u learn ....just march like sheep to the kill line ...............if 10% of u read the bills that go up infront of congrees or sentate u would be pissed ................they have taken every thing away from u ..................they say one word just one word no proof nothing just say the word u lost every right u had as a human u are the bitch of the state and a slave

i have no reason to harm u ppl untill the world hits the shitter and marshel law is called then fuck u u asshole u not worth the time to help easier to kill u off and make sure the nice ppl have food

call it report what ever i have not said anything to get me introuble i have no plans to act on someone unless they force me too
Couple of points:

1. Was this thread moved from another section or did the Op not see there are already 3 threads on this subject including one very recent and VERY active thread?

2. The OP must be a complete idiot as after reading the first three pages, he made about a dozen statements that have been proven false and several more that are dubious at best. I actually stopped after reading the first three pages because the participants are ALL ignorant, even more so than the normal bunch of miscreants in the Politics section (myself included).

3. Zim was found not guilty of ALL charges that they could throw at him. Quit listening to the dumbshits on MSNBC and HLN (who are making fools of themselves) and return to your regularly scheduled program...I'm guessing Nickelodeon or Comedy Network.
Hollow point bullets are legal to use in Florida. all I use is hollow points with my guns.

and he fallowed him from the car with a gun and the cops told him not too
dude was hunting for ppl and picked the 17 year old kid
A whole slew of new RIU names appears to comment after the verdict. Where were all of you morons for the last year, while this case has been argued into the ground around here?

Most of us where watching the facts presented to the jury, not media facts. Definitely not here speculating opinions. Especially my old ass grandparents. One reason mafia's like organized crime in America... Because we have a judicial society. Not here to pick a fight or choose sides.

But Racer boy nipped it in the butt. Too many individuals are tying emotions into this not logic. I'm Latino I have black friends. In fact one of my best friends is black. The black community forgets. They are not the only race subjected to harsh treatment.

The Jews where treated bad, the Irish, native Americans. I'll also add Native Americans where victims of slavery as well. Everytime I mean every time a crime occurs where both parties are not the same race. It becomes a racial issue to the communities involved. Then the media has a field day with it.

As I stated both parties didnt use common sense. The case is closed let's move on...
UNCLE BUCK WAS A CI .......................his veiws and options have no value he was a rat ..............i hope someone gives u a smiley or a buck 50

once a rat always a rat never trust him one day he could be in shit and turn your ass in to save his own
Ill give you one adult response and see how ou handle it. The dispatcher never told him to STOP following him. that is not reality. Zs best friend talked Z into getiing a gun and taking classes. Z did not want a gun. Dont come in my neighborhood acting sketch. I will follow you and confront you and call the cops. I do not carry a gun, i hate guns, I could also take a 150 lb kid and spank him over my knee. Z is not strong and he felt more secure with a weapon. law says thats fine
Yet they told him to WAIT til Leos get there. That's as close as you can get to saying stop following him. Imp man yer not making sense with yer last post. Emotions people let's keep em in check.
There actually was a case similar to the Zimmerman case, except the shooter was black and the teenager was white. It happened in Florida about 10 or 15 years ago. The black guy shot and killed a 15 year old white kid. The guy was charged with manslaughter or M2 and tried. The facts in the case were considerably more damaging to the shooter than the facts against Z. The hoodlum kid threw a brick through the guy's window and the shooter came out of his house armed with a 357 revolver and confronted the kid and shot him dead. The shooter was acquitted!

FrontLine or 20/20 or one of those types of shows did an hour long show on the trial. I watched it and was convinced the guy was not guilty. I wish I could find a link to that show, I would like to post it.
Yet they told him to WAIT til Leos get there. That's as close as you can get to saying stop following him. Imp man yer not making sense with yer last post. Emotions people let's keep em in check.
what? that never happend either. no one said wait. the post makes since, you are just a person that hears what you wanna hear and read what you wanna read.
boom baby

listen to the whole thing or go to about 3:50 and start there
lol wtf you are the one that said He was told to STOP! ou watched the witness testimony and you think he said stop? You need to talk to a doctor, friend.
There actually was a case similar to the Zimmerman case, except the shooter was black and the teenager was white. It happened in Florida about 10 or 15 years ago. The black guy shot and killed a 15 year old white kid. The guy was charged with manslaughter or M2 and tried. The facts in the case were considerably more damaging to the shooter than the facts against Z. The hoodlum kid threw a brick through the guy's window and the shooter came out of his house armed with a 357 revolver and confronted the kid and shot him dead. The shooter was acquitted!

FrontLine or 20/20 or one of those types of shows did an hour long show on the trial. I watched it and was convinced the guy was not guilty. I wish I could find a link to that show, I would like to post it.

Florida castle doctrine applies to life and personal property.
lol wtf you are the one that said He was told to STOP! ou watched the witness testimony and you think he said stop? You need to talk to a doctor, friend.

no i hear him getting out of the car and fallowing the kid ..........even tho the 911 person told him not to fallow the kid ..............zimmermen is the the one that pushed a fight

the kid had skittles and a soda nothing else ....he had a gun ....he fallow the kid when he was told not too ...............if he did not fallow him the kid most likey would be alive to zimmermens choice ........................and he called him names and all this the guy was not reporting anything he was hunting ...........if u can not see it u are just a moron and will die a horrible death becuase u can not learn and will put yourself into something were u die
the law is wrong .......i can think of several ways if i was there i could kill a person

u get in a fight with sommeone they do damage to car u stand infront of there car to keep them from moving they move .........u can not shoot them and kill them in fear of my life

i am outside at a club guy has a beef with me i am going to kill u and makes a shooting movement .........i can kill u now

hell assult is unwanted touching (that is the law ) .....u tocuh me i am scared i can kill u