The Cryptkeeper
Well-Known Member
Oh the South Park reaction on this is going to be legendary.
satan in southpark just gotta new arab to spar with LMAOOOh the South Park reaction on this is going to be legendary.
It's Mr. Bin Laden, not Mr. Laden. Get it right. WYLAT.
Actually the customary form appears to be bin Laden. In the Arabic naming system, which can be very complicated with a long string of names, bin (or ibn) means "son of". A daughter would have "bint". So, in this context, referring to Mr. Laden is not that far a stretch, although probably still incorrect.
Other cultures have similar references, such as Russian. The "vich" or "vitch" part means son or daughter of (e.g. Ivanovitch or son of Ivan).
Just stuff I've picked up along the way, I'm no expert.
Imagine dropping bombs EVERYWHERE then trying to identify who's who.. Not possible...
In the year 2011, fuck, in the year 2000... it was very much possible. DNA can solve a mystery like that my friend. Just saying.
Let me rephrase that... They would have to DNA every body that is blown to shits, not only that but they would have to take multiples of (most likely) the same body since it's not as a whole.
They have no clue which arm/leg/head goes where. Kinda difficult. I just don't see them having a shootout, then dna testing all of the deceased.
Let me rephrase that... They would have to DNA every body that is blown to shits, not only that but they would have to take multiples of (most likely) the same body since it's not as a whole.
They have no clue which arm/leg/head goes where. Kinda difficult. I just don't see them having a shootout, then dna testing all of the deceased.
Lol you make it sound so Hollywood "shoot out" "blown to shitts" I love that. Maybe that's because I'm big on movies. Anyway, no... I can see where your coming from. Thank you for rephrasing, I was thinking, "this motherfucker don't know what dna is or what?" Lol. But, idk how the government or people working under the government (directly) handle business. Half the time, I don't know how they solve murders like they do, but they do. They are a lot smarter, detailed, & organized then us. We are use to blood, guts, gore, it's what we see on TV/movies. So, were adapted to think that this thing was a mess, a shoot-out like you described it. Body pieces everywhere! Impossible to piece em together!
But, think about how easy it would be, when you really think (or maybe I'm just high, just smoked a bowl lol) but if they can put together strings of events, leading to a murder or capture, you don't think they can put together body pieces? Especially right infront of em? It wouldn't be so far fetched to say, if they blew away 40 people, an he was one, they could find his body (in full) within a week. DNA. All they have to do is take in EVERY body part they find, which shouldnt be hard, from the last tooth to the last ear on the ground... DNA test them ALL. Then you put it together easy after that... because now you have a leg that has "DNA #4302" for example, then you find the other leg, with the matching #4302 tag... not hard.
Trust me, if they 'believe' they killed Bin Laden, you can guaran-damned-tee they are going to DNA test every last HAIR in that place.
But then again... maybe just to stoned. Lol.
I think you're right. DNA testing for the United States government is small potatoes, we have the resources and manpower to do it. It is totally conceivable to shoot a bunch of fish in a barrel and test them all afterwards.
I'll post 1 of the 500 I found... or maybe all 500? Then we can have 500 different images of proof! Yay! The irony in that...
Well, im sorry. I dont bother to keep up with whats going on around the world...
and I thought you said.something about ppl who answer with short answers are not good to learn from, or something similar to that.
Anyways, thanks for the update.
Lol you make it sound so Hollywood "shoot out" "blown to shitts" I love that. Maybe that's because I'm big on movies. Anyway, no... I can see where your coming from. Thank you for rephrasing, I was thinking, "this motherfucker don't know what dna is or what?" Lol. But, idk how the government or people working under the government (directly) handle business. Half the time, I don't know how they solve murders like they do, but they do. They are a lot smarter, detailed, & organized then us. We are use to blood, guts, gore, it's what we see on TV/movies. So, were adapted to think that this thing was a mess, a shoot-out like you described it. Body pieces everywhere! Impossible to piece em together!
But, think about how easy it would be, when you really think (or maybe I'm just high, just smoked a bowl lol) but if they can put together strings of events, leading to a murder or capture, you don't think they can put together body pieces? Especially right infront of em? It wouldn't be so far fetched to say, if they blew away 40 people, an he was one, they could find his body (in full) within a week. DNA. All they have to do is take in EVERY body part they find, which shouldnt be hard, from the last tooth to the last ear on the ground... DNA test them ALL. Then you put it together easy after that... because now you have a leg that has "DNA #4302" for example, then you find the other leg, with the matching #4302 tag... not hard.
Trust me, if they 'believe' they killed Bin Laden, you can guaran-damned-tee they are going to DNA test every last HAIR in that place.
But then again... maybe just to stoned. Lol.
Why not? DNA testing is a simple procedure, like organizing chow time. We have the money to do it, why not have a shoot out and test everyone after... that is certainly not out of the realm of possibility.
Poopy head? Okay. Nice.
Mister is a title of respect, I didn't know Laden personally, Hell how do you know he was even a terrorist & our Government wasn't feeding it to us? Lmao. (sarcasm...)
I can say Mr. because I never knew Laden to know if he was good or bad. Why is it okay to call our president Mr. if he is just as guilty? Because he is OUR president? What if I didn't vote for him... am I required to say Mr? Yes, I still am, because I do not know the president personally. But I can assure you he is as guilty as the dude I refer to as Mr. Laden. In what way is Bush not a murderer? Give me a break... the United State's military, an politicians are terrorist. That is a fact, they have killed just as many if not more then MR. LADEN.
So is it appropriate? Yes, it is appropriate, thank you.
"i never claimed there was a conspiracy" &"pics or it didn't happen. the whole thing is fishy." the reference "PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN" means you are making a claim that there is foul play in the story given to the public. The definition of ALL that........ would be conspiracy my friend, thanks.
"you put at least104955584 words in my mouth" I wrote as much as an article in the local paper, sorry that's to much? I read more then that on my front page news for Yahoo. ......An it's not the only thing I've put in your mouth. Lmao. Jk. =)
...Anything else?
you try WAAAYYYY too fucking hard. let me go real slow for you and make this as overly wordy as i possibly can so it holds your attention. unlike referring to an ADMITTED terrorist by the title of "mister", "pics or it didn't happen" IS "just an expression". i never said "conspiracy" yet you jumped at the opportunity to respond with a book of a post that i promise 80% of members got bored with 2 lines in. i repeat: if the word of a stranger is good enough for you ater a 10 year manhunt, what have YOU been smoking? i saw dead saddam, dead saddam's family, and numerous other dead pieces of shit (the gov was HAPPY to release it), yet the biggest trophy of all has absolutely zero proof. how hard would it have been to take a video during all this? file footage? really?