Well-Known Member
You’re an idiot.
Bullshit flows from you likenits your career. Now you’ve numbered your bullshit
Thump your bible elsewhere

You’re an idiot.
Bullshit flows from you likenits your career. Now you’ve numbered your bullshit
Thump your bible elsewhere
I think you just described American politics.It’s amazing how stupid people can be. This thread has really pointed that out. The commonly deluded and similarly afflicted can find common ground online. Find silly videos posted by others. That just cements the affliction. Facts and science be damned - it’s all about protecting the delusion now.
Your mom is taking care of Darth Vader's light saber right now. The Chinese bribed her with a lifetime supply of ramen noodles.and let me tell you this. China is about to get it because the force senses this and they are pissed off about it. The storm troopers have been assembled and they are about to drop the hammer on China. The Chinese didn't get permission to mess with the gravitational pull in that sector. Darth Vader will annihilate the Chinese craft and make an example of them so everyone on earth better recognize.
Hey genius, ever played with string on a globe?7. Geography. Flights from Hong Kong to L.A. making emergency landings in Alaska only makes sense on a flat earth map.
True. He's actually extremely well qualified to be in Trump's cabinet.His mental illness is just a disguise.
He’s a garden variety mentally disabled person with a god fixation.
New earth, flat earth bible thumper is all. All of these losers twist facts to suit their bullshit.
Then they post and re-post the same meaningless impossible drivel over and over. And then cheer and jeer like little children.
Nothing new. Nothing interesting. Nothing real.
But...but...but...The Flintstones!That Dino tissue was dis-proven nearly immediately after the nonesensical release.
Idiots continue to use it as proof. Idiots