Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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bongsmilie Astronomy is a joke. It's not meant to convince or prove anything just dazzle with outlandish claims and numbers. Example: Galaxy XYZPDQ is 587.4 million light years away. The earth weighs 6,000,000,000,000,000,000 metric tons etc. etc. Railways, canals, the gradient of rivers, oceanic navigation, light houses and communication lines on the ocean floor are just a few proofs the earth does not curve. The great southern circumference is only rock and ice with no plant life. Spherical trigonometry used for oceanic navigation caused countless loss of lives and ships navigating in the deep southern latitudes in the 1800's. In 1892 Gleason's produced a New Standard Map Of The World that was used by seven countries. Austria, Germany, Denmark, Canada, England, France and Sweden. It clearly shows Antarctica as a frozen circumference that contains the oceans. It has longitude, latitude and a .....wait for it............wait for it ....TIME CALCULATOR !!. Therefore it is impossible for it to be wrong. Your cherished heliocentric doctrine is merely a bizarre cult hypothesis that is unproven and laughable to be quite honest. It deserves to be met with contempt because it insults the intelligence of any serious thinker. I doubt you have the means for air travel but if you ever do take a window seat and watch the horizon recede and stay at eye level as you gain altitude. It's hilarious you call me a idiot when you are the one beguiled by the preposterous claims made by Astronomers. If I were a religious man I could also say that Astronomy's ulterior motive is to make God a liar. The education of :dunce:Rrog:dunce: the poor Atheistic Globetard continues.
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Even Bill Nye gets frustrated at the utter stupidity
This science fraud should know that the human eye is VERY limited by how far it can see. That's why we have binoculars and telescopes. In retort to what this talking pseudoscience head is regurgitating infra red photography has taken pictures of mountains 5,000 miles away because it can filter out moisture in the air. Yet more proof the earth is a level plane.
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You make bullshit up on the fly. You always have. You don’t understand true science so you abandon it for something you and your other sub-100 IQ friends can get your little brains wrapped around.

and then you throw jesus under the bus by saying this whole fucking conspiracy is to hide god. You are beyond dumb, but of course that’s all everyone has been telling you for years.
LOL...It's funny the garbage these bought and paid for con men are spouting to maintain the charade. Time is running out on the Globe earth, the veil is being lifted. True science rrog? Please expand on true science and educate me. I been waiting since the beginning of this thread for you to use ANY science to back your claims. Instead all you offer up is weak minded insults, foul language and repeating the primitive manure you were indoctrinated with. Globetard :dunce:
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Dude. You believe the earth is flat. Why would I want to spend a moment debating it with you? You are the one with the ridiculous claim. The burden is on you to prove something. You have never offered anything other than maps drawn 500 years ago, youtube excerpts of babbling morons, and your scripture. And you weave it all together with your exceptional gullibility and dim wit.

Replying to your laughable posts is about all the energy I can muster for you.
bongsmilie Astronomy is a joke. It's not meant to convince or prove anything just dazzle with outlandish claims and numbers. Example: Galaxy XYZPDQ is 587.4 million light years away. The earth weighs 6,000,000,000,000,000,000 metric tons etc. etc. Railways, canals, the gradient of rivers, oceanic navigation, light houses and communication lines on the ocean floor are just a few proofs the earth does not curve. The great southern circumference is only rock and ice with no plant life. Spherical trigonometry used for oceanic navigation caused countless loss of lives and ships navigating in the deep southern latitudes in the 1800's. In 1892 Gleason's produced a New Standard Map Of The World that was used by seven countries. Austria, Germany, Denmark, Canada, England, France and Sweden. It clearly shows Antarctica as a frozen circumference that contains the oceans. It has longitude, latitude and a .....wait for it............wait for it ....TIME CALCULATOR !!. Therefore it is impossible for it to be wrong. Your cherished heliocentric doctrine is merely a bizarre cult hypothesis that is unproven and laughable to be quite honest. It deserves to be met with contempt because it insults the intelligence of any serious thinker. I doubt you have the means for air travel but if you ever do take a window seat and watch the horizon recede and stay at eye level as you gain altitude. It's hilarious you call me a idiot when you are the one beguiled by the preposterous claims made by Astronomers. If I were a religious man I could also say that Astronomy's ulterior motive is to make God a liar. The education of :dunce:Rrog:dunce: the poor Atheistic Globetard continues.
Its Bill Nye..Come on man. It is not a conspiracy come to the light....
Why would your god be so dumb he made it flat so people could fall off? It defies the imagination and I am stoned.
Its Bill Nye..Come on man. It is not a conspiracy come to the light....
Why would your god be so dumb he made it flat so people could fall off? It defies the imagination and I am stoned.
The great southern circumference is Antarctica. No plant or animal life there. Try crossing a vast frozen desert with 90 mph winds and 150 degrees below zero temps then get back to me.
SMH. Who decided to wake this thread up? It's just gonna repeat the same idiotic sheet over again.

This sheet has spanned across multiple threads for years, all with the same results.. dumb sheet repackaged.

Stupid people are among us brothers so be kind and please rewind.
bongsmilieThe sun is currently moving 1/4 of a degree latitude south (or 15 miles) per day. It will maintain this pattern until the Dec. 21st equinox or AKA first day of winter. It will then begin moving north a 1/4 of a degree latitude per day until June 20th the first day of summer in which the process will repeat itself. This is all done in a concentric motion around the northern center or North Pole which is directly under Polaris the northern star. The speed the sun travels is 900 mph. It's distance varies, depending on it's location in the firmament from 700 to 2700 miles. The altitude of the firmament is highest above Polaris and lowest above the great frozen impassable circumference also known as Antarctica. The closer you get to the equator the more intense the sun. If any of you ever have ever traveled to areas south of 30 degrees North latitude you would agree. This is because you ARE closer to the sun. The speed of the sun most likely increases during it's path through deep southern latitudes but independent study is lacking due to restrictions imposed by the Antarctic treaty. The earth as a level plane vs. the impossible Globular earth theory is a battle that has been fought against astronomers since they introduced the heliocentric hypothesis over 400 years ago. Anyone who truly knows astronomy understands that stars are fixed within the firmament. Time lapse video proves that all stars travel in a concentric motion around stationary Polaris. The Mayans built stone observatories and mastered the creators time piece. All cosmic events are simply precise repetitive movements that are easily predicted by the use of charts created by the ancients. bongsmilie Helio was a mythological Greek sun god. So if you follow and believe in the heliocentric theory you are engaging in sun worship and don't even know it. :dunce:
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“ Anyone who truly knows astronomy understands that stars are fixed within the firmament.”

hahahahahahha!!!!!!! Wrongo bongo. Man, your bullshit is so thin, brother. But it’s at least humorous
bongsmilieA south facing slope gets direct sun throughout the year. If the earth revolved around the sun the north facing slopes would get direct sun 6 months out of the year. Your cherished, half-ass sun worshiping/theory is doctrine doo doo that defies the laws of physics, fact, reason and scripture. The heliocentric theory is pure :fire: EVIL. Have at it Globetards. :dunce:
Ships don't sail over the horizon. Once they reach a vanishing point with the naked eye you can pick up a telescope and bring the entire ship back into view. Pseudoscience and Astronomy is this frauds lively hood so he is protecting it. Do Wrestlers come on camera to explain how pro wrestling is just a act or fake? More and more people are catching on ........... the Globe is done. bongsmilie
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