Seasons: The sun circles in the deep southern hemisphere above the flat earth in winter and in the north during summer. The south pole/Antarctica does not experience the 24 sun as does the Arctic in the summer. No plants or animals live in the Antarctic. The north pole is the magnetic center and stationary Polaris sets above it.
Sunsets: The sun is very close to the earth and crepuscular sun rays prove this. The suns rays angle through the clouds not straight up and down if the light source were 93 million miles away. Because the sun is very close to the earth it reaches a vanishing point the further it moves away from you. It travels at 900 mph.
Moon Phases: The entire earth sees the same moon phase. So theorizing that phases are caused by the suns angle is impossible. From a perspective standpoint the entire earth should not see the same moon phase if it were a globe. The moon is part of the cosmos that are locked into a cycle of precise repetitive motion LIKE A CLOCK. Therefore it's part of a intelligent design that has order not cosmic chaos. It's not a rock that can be landed on. The moon gives off a cooling light. Step in and out of the shade on a bright moon night and see for yourself. Frozen electromagnetic plasma maybe?
Mountains, have been photographed with infra red photography from 5,000 miles away. The infra red washes out atmospheric conditions. Ships do not disappear over the curve of the ocean. They reach a vanishing point. Take a telescope to the beach and see for yourself.
Objects fall because they are more dense than air. If they are less dense they rise, like a helium balloon for example.
Tesla believed the sun and moon were electromagnetically levitated. Electromagnetic fields dominate the earths realm. He knew how to tap into them. Your seedling reaches for the light bro. Put a lamp to one side of the seedling it will then grow sideways toward the light. Plants grow towards the light source. Lay a potted plant on its side it will reorient its self and grow towards the sun.