Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Wolves in sheep’s clothing have pulled the wool over our eyes. For almost 500 years, the masses have been thoroughly deceived by a cosmic fairy-tale of astronomical proportions. We have been taught a falsehood so gigantic and diabolical that it has blinded us from our own experience and common sense, from seeing the world and the universe as they truly are. Through pseudo-science books and programs, mass media and public education, universities and government propaganda, the world has been systematically brain-washed, slowly indoctrinated over centuries into the unquestioning belief of the greatest lie of all time.
Over the course of 500 years, using everything from books, magazines, and television to computer-generated imaging, a multi-generational conspiracy has succeeded, in the minds of the masses, to pick up the fixed Earth, shape it into a ball, spin it in circles, and throw it around the Sun! In schools where every professor’s desk is adorned with a spinning Earth-globe, we are lectured on the “heliocentric” theory of the universe, shown images of ball-planets and videos of men suspended in space. The illusion created, connivingly convincing, has entranced the world’s population into blindly believing a maleficent myth. The greatest cover-up of all time, NASA and Freemasonry’s biggest secret, is that we are living on a plane, not a planet, that Earth is the flat, stationary center of the universe.
Modern astronomy has absolutely convinced the world, as George Bernard Shaw stated, that nothing that is obvious is true. It is obvious that the Earth is flat, yet they say it is curved; it is obvious that the world is motionless, yet they say that it moves; it is obvious that the heavens revolve around us, yet they say it is us that revolves; it is obvious that the stars are stars yet they say the stars are suns; it is obvious that the Sun is bigger than the stars, yet they say the stars are bigger than the Sun; it is obvious that the Sun and Moon are the same size, yet they say the Sun is 400 times larger; it is obvious that Earth is the only “planet,” yet they say there are over a septillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) planets; it is obvious that up is up and down is down, yet they say it is not so!
There is a popular myth taught to school children (which most adults today still believe) that people in history have travelled in perfectly straight lines Eastwards or Westwards and eventually arrived back at their starting point. It is heralded as proof of the globe Earth, and claimed that hundreds of adventurers since Magellan have completed such successful circumnavigations, but the truth is that no one in history has ever set off travelling in a perfectly straight line and returned back at their starting point. All successful circumnavigations in history, whether by sea or air, have instead followed the same pattern, which is sailing or flying the most convenient route from port to port stopping for supplies and re-fueling until a complete circle has been made. Not a single sailor or aviator in history has (or could) travel only in the same one perfectly straight direction and magically arrive back where they began. This ridiculous lie becomes obvious when critically examined, but when taught to young children successfully bends and warps their minds into accepting globe indoctrination. Unlike the cardinal directions on a compass rose, North, South, East, and West on Earth are not simply straight lines separated by 90 degrees. North, rather than being an upward shooting arrow, is actually a point - a centerpoint - THE centerpoint of the entire Earth known as the geographic North Pole situated directly below Polaris, the North Pole star, the only motionless star in the heavens which marks the exact Northern centerpoint of the sky. South, rather than being a downward shooting arrow, is actually every line tangent to the Northern centerpoint, or in other words, every straight line extending outwards from the North Pole heads due South. East and West, rather than being right and left facing arrows, are actually clockwise and counter-clockwise circles around the Pole. The Sun, Moon and stars all rise in the East and set in the West, making perfect circles over and around us every day. As you can observe, they travel in a circular Westwards path over and around the Earth, and do not all travel in a straight leftward direction as suggested by a compass rose. Likewise navigators since ancient times have used Polaris to guide their ships, knowing that Polaris was the heavenly North Pole, South was traveling keeping your back to Polaris, East meant traveling keeping your left shoulder 90 degrees to the Pole Star, and West meant traveling keeping your right shoulder 90 degrees to the Pole Star. All circumnavigations in history have been Eastwards or Westwards and never Northwards or Southwards because the latter is geographically impossible. Likewise Southern hemisphere flights from Australia to South America, or New Zealand to South Africa, for example, never fly the shortest, most direct route on a globe which would be Southwards over Antarctica. It is claimed this is because such flights would allegedly be too cold for any airplanes to handle, but the reality is the routes are geographically impossible because Antarctica is not a tiny ice-continent confined to the underside of a spherical spinning ball-Earth. Antarctica is actually the outer Southern perimeter of our level motionless plane Earth and surrounds the other six continents. How far Southwards Antarctica actually extends and how it terminates or what exists beyond it are all unknown to and kept from the general public however, and as a result, no completely accurate, fully functioning flat Earth map exists or could exist without the people being first allowed full independent exploration of the Arctic, Antarctic, and every where else. There are, however, several maps which work as good visual aids for approximating the geography of our flat, stationary Earth. The Gleason's 1892 new standard map of the world and Hammond's 1945 air-age map of the world are two such maps. These so-called "Azimuthal Equidistant" maps are used in practical navigation and can be found in the logos of the United Nations, World Health Organization, International Maritime Organization, and International Civil Aviation Organization. They purport these to be simply two-dimensional representations of a spherical Earth with the North Pole at the centerpoint and claim these maps were made by flattening the globe, but just the opposite is true, and the globe (specifically the so-called "continent" of Antarctica) was made by spherizing our flat Earth, and bundling the expansive outer perimeter into a cramped oddly shaped ice-continent under the ball, kept off-limits by treaty from the general public.
Long before the theory of gravity was a glimmer in Newton's imagination, the natural physics of density and buoyancy already perfectly explained why apples fall down. Quite simply, objects fall or rise based on their relative density to the medium surrounding them. Apples fall because they are denser than the air, while helium balloons rise because they are lighter - no 'gravity' necessary. This is why raindrops fall down through the air and air-bubbles rise up through water! Everything seeks its relative density and rises or falls until settling accordingly. This is why a tiny pebble sinks to the bottom of the ocean, but gigantic cruise-ships and aircraft carriers stay afloat on the surface, because even though a pebble is so small, its mass relative to its volume (its density) is more than water, so it sinks, and even though a cruise-ship is so large, its mass relative to its volume is less than water, so it floats. If Newton's apple had landed in a puddle instead of on his head, he would have seen the apple only fell through the air because it was denser than the air, but then floated on top of the water because it was less dense than water. Have you ever noticed how its easier to stay afloat with your lungs full of air than it is when they're empty? Submarines float on the surface when their ballast tanks are filled with air, but when the vents are opened and seawater floods in, they begin to sink as the submarine's density becomes greater than water. Depending what depth they wish to dive sailors simply adjust the ratio of air/water in the tanks, and when ready to re-surface they blow compressed air into the tanks forcing the seawater out, lowering the density, and thus causing them to rise back to the surface. We can also prove this fact of relative density by filling a balloon with approximately half helium and half air. Since helium is lighter than the oxygen, nitrogen and other gases that compose the air around us, filling a balloon with just the right amount of helium to compensate for and balance out the density of the plastic results in a 'gravity-defying' levitating balloon at equilibrium that neither rises nor falls!
The Flat Earth Society is a controlled opposition group that mixes truth with lies and satire to discredit genuine flat Earth research, a job they have been doing for a long time now. Founded in 1970 by Leo Ferrari, a suspected Freemason and philosophy professor at St. Thomas’ University, Leo spent his life making a mockery of the legitimate subject of our flat Earth. Though he passed away in 2010, his Flat Earth Society still exists today online as a website/forum which, still true to form, purports several false flat-Earth arguments and treats the entire subject as a dead-pan joke.
It is part of the natural physics of water and other fluids to always find their level and remain flat. If disturbed in any way, motion ensues until the flat level is resumed. If dammed up then released, the nature of all liquids is to quickly flood outwards taking the easiest course towards finding its new level. If the Earth is an extended flat plane, then this fundamental physical property of fluids finding and remaining level is consistent with experience and common sense. If, however, the Earth is a giant sphere tilted on its vertical axis spinning through never-ending space then it follows that truly flat, consistently level surfaces do not exist here! Moreover, if the Earth is spherical then it follows that the surface of all Earth’s water, including the massive oceans, must maintain a certain degree of convexity. But this is contrary to the fundamental physical nature of water to always be and remain level!
Holy shee eet Got some bot action going on in here with text walls..

Love the new profile. Same sheet though.

Happy covid day again.
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