Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Well-Known Member
"They" don't use lasers from a single point to look beyond the curve.. plus, you think that's how ships are tracked globally?? Way beyond short range laser tracking, accept for near-port trsffic control which uses both laser and shortwave EM... we've moved on to required AIS beacons, with true color and infrared satellite images and AI for crunching numbers as a safety net, because of all those dirty fishing vessels...
Laser guided weapons systems? It's how they track targets. Are you a poor aim? Get a rifle and bore sight it with a laser sight attachment. You won't miss...then again with all the mental ineptness you have displayed in this thread..


Well-Known Member
Harvesting all week.
Fuck it I'm grabbing a balloon, camera and GPS.. my life is easily that lame. I imagine I'll b driving forever to get it if possible.. could b fun fuck it1534535677774250019721.jpg


Well-Known Member
Laser guided weapons systems? It's how they track targets. Are you a poor aim? Get a rifle and bore sight it with a laser sight attachment. You won't miss...then again with all the mental ineptness you have displayed in this thread..
That's fuxin all? No more replies? Wtf! You are slippin.


Well-Known Member
1. The simple and basic understanding of the behavior of water. Physics 101.
2. A basic understanding of Naval weapons system in regards to a flat ocean. Laser guided weapons, radar, periscopes etc.
3. Richter scales and seismographs all function on the basis of a flat plane. Tectonic plates do not curve.
4. The positive and negative electromagnetism of the moon and sun and how they influence the tides.
5. Crepuscular sun rays angling through clouds more proof the sun is very close. Call it 3,000 miles.
6. The gradient of the great rivers of the Earth prove there is no curvature.
7. Plane trigonometry was used for centuries for oceanic navigation.
8. Spherical trigonometry is useless for oceanic navigation.
9. NASA's ridiculously fake (to the point of laughter actually) space footage of the Apollo missions. The body language of the disgraced cosmonauts during their press conference says it all. And you still trust them?
10. GPS does not work on the vast oceans of the southern hemisphere. This is because most of the earth's land mass lies in the northern hemisphere and ground based cell towers triangulate your position NOT SATELLITES !!! :dunce:
11. Radar, satellite signals for TV and radio bounce their signals off the ionosphere. The ionosphere is 4,000 degrees !!
12. Polaris lies stationary above the North Pole and all the other stars rotate around it. It's the axis for the rotation of the dome.
13. Admiral Byrd's TV interview about his Antarctic explorations and the events that followed in chronological order.

Time to pack a bowl of urkle flo compliments of CSI Humboldt:hump::leaf::leaf::leaf: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Spherical trigonometry?

Polaris lies stationary above the North Pole and all the other stars rotate around it. It's the axis for the rotation of the dome. (um south pole)

Antarctic explorations (south pole)

you really need to pay attention to the words your using

back away from the bong


Well-Known Member
1. The simple and basic understanding of the behavior of water. Physics 101.
2. A basic understanding of Naval weapons system in regards to a flat ocean. Laser guided weapons, radar, periscopes etc.
3. Richter scales and seismographs all function on the basis of a flat plane. Tectonic plates do not curve.
4. The positive and negative electromagnetism of the moon and sun and how they influence the tides.
5. Crepuscular sun rays angling through clouds more proof the sun is very close. Call it 3,000 miles.
6. The gradient of the great rivers of the Earth prove there is no curvature.
7. Plane trigonometry was used for centuries for oceanic navigation.
8. Spherical trigonometry is useless for oceanic navigation.
9. NASA's ridiculously fake (to the point of laughter actually) space footage of the Apollo missions. The body language of the disgraced cosmonauts during their press conference says it all. And you still trust them?
10. GPS does not work on the vast oceans of the southern hemisphere. This is because most of the earth's land mass lies in the northern hemisphere and ground based cell towers triangulate your position NOT SATELLITES !!! :dunce:
11. Radar, satellite signals for TV and radio bounce their signals off the ionosphere. The ionosphere is 4,000 degrees !!
12. Polaris lies stationary above the North Pole and all the other stars rotate around it. It's the axis for the rotation of the dome.
13. Admiral Byrd's TV interview about his Antarctic explorations and the events that followed in chronological order.

Time to pack a bowl of urkle flo compliments of CSI Humboldt:hump::leaf::leaf::leaf: bongsmilie
That's that ridiculous sheet I was waiting for.. thanks. Even though it's absurd as fux.


Well-Known Member
Spherical trigonometry?

Polaris lies stationary above the North Pole and all the other stars rotate around it. It's the axis for the rotation of the dome. (um south pole)

Antarctic explorations (south pole)

you really need to pay attention to the words your using

back away from the bong
:dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce: POLARIS IS ABOVE THE SOUTH POLE??????:dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce: lmao :finger: dumbass


Well-Known Member
13. Admiral Byrd's TV interview about his Antarctic explorations and the events that followed in chronological order.
I have already given you the facts on that operation and his following interview about said operation.

You really need to update your dataset with facts and ignore the ancient aliens tv show as factual reference..

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Its like beating your head against a brick wall. I give up. You cannot help those who wont help themselves. I leave you with these quote's:

"very few educated people in the West after the 3rd century thought that the world was flat."

"But what exactly is a “flat Earth theory”? In fact, there never has been anything called “the flat Earth theory”"

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