Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Gravity is a bitch for some. It’s evident to all, but because he can’t see it or taste it Griller feels comfy just denying gravity altogether

for jesus. Keep in mind all of this is for god. His stupidity knows no bounds


And to argue “round earth” with the same dizzying intellect brought by our favorite kind of stupid ...

This is good. Been going through this thread and seen some pretty funny stuff. Now I can go ahead block all flat earthers so I know I won't be getting advice from a total dumbass. Btw gravity holds everything down, water is no exception. Need proof? Go jump off a cliff.
Gravity is a bitch for some. It’s evident to all, but because he can’t see it or taste it Griller feels comfy just denying gravity altogether

for jesus. Keep in mind all of this is for god. His stupidity knows no bounds
bongsmilieI welcome the ridicule because the truth taste good. What you mean to say is TRUE KNOWLEDGE. I have provided undeniable and empirical evidence with factual demonstrations via educational youtube videos how a ball earth is impossible. You say I am taking a giant leap of faith in regards to a flat extended plane earth. However, I don't believe in fairy tale, poorly faked, sci-fi space missions, the oceans curving into a ball and rivers flowing over the rotundity of a spinning ball earth. Get in touch with the true nature of our realm. Subscribing to heathen ancient sun worship is bizarre, unhealthy, pitiful and unfortunate. You have allowed yourself to be indoctrinated with mysticism not science. You cry physics and science to back the globe model but provide ZERO.
So RetiredGuerilla, how does the atmosphere work? What's holding the oceans from falling off the earth? why have ZERO explorers seen the edge. How do you explain the sun everyday and the moon at night? Wouldn't it be daylight all the time? What's underneath us? Why are satellites not showing us a flat earth. you keep saying you are showing proof but all I hear are really dumb opinions. Regular people can provide answers to each of those questions. No amount of stupid videos are going to sway me. I can tell you're passionate about it so go find some real proof and get back to us.
Lol, the video opens with a NASA image and then they photoshop it into a flat earth version. Pretty hypocritical for some NASA Deniers.

This makes much more sense.
1. The firmament contains the atmosphere with the sun and moon being close to earth. EXAMPLE: Crepuscular sun rays prove the sun is close.
2. Antarctica is a frozen circumference that contains the oceans, 1800's maps show this. What is beyond Antarctica is a mystery.
3. Explorers can't survive -100 F and 80 mph winds to explore deep into Antarctica.
4. The sun is close to the earth and reaches a vanishing point. There is also a time lapse video of the midnight sun in the video above. Stupid videos? Oh, you mean those provided by NASA that you worship? Yeah those are child like in their fakery.
5. Underneath? WATER. Above? WATER.
6. Weather balloons you mean? Satellites LOL !!! NASA uses a lot of helium!
7. My opinions come from factual evidence. They are the results of real scientific experiments. EXAMPLE: Lighthouses depending on how tall can be seen 30-60 miles out at sea. When you do the math of the earth's supposed curvature they should be thousands of feet below the horizon and invisible. OR The entire Chicago skyline can be seen across Lake Michigan. Where is the curve? The gradient of rivers can be measured and it doesn't jive with the rate of the earths curvature at 8 inches per mile squared. Plane trigonometry is used for oceanic navigation. So my question to you is this. Does math lie?
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