Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

I agree, the CCP is doing everything it can to cover this up but they're also apparently trying to keep it contained within PRC, although initially they pretty much ensured its spread abroad. I'd be mostly concerned with Thailand and Canada. Thailand because so many PRC tourists visited just before the scare and indeed there have been 14 confirmed cases, although the Thai crackdown on info was even more severe than in PRC. However, Thailand is the most visited country in the world and at any given time there are tourists from so many different countries intermingling and fucking. That's why so many PRC guys go there and earn the nickname 3-3-3 (3 inches, 3 minutes, 3 thousand baht) and really, it's Thailand, don't hate me for pointing out that they have an actual standing army of whores. Sorry, not sorry.

The 3-3-3 is the nickname for Japanese men. The PRC are not the sex tourists that the JP are. And Thailand is about to lose 50 billion bhat in PRC tourism alone. I hope it don't take off there I am very worried for my family.
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It's starting.

I believe the WHO would go ahead and declare this phase 6 if they were permitted to accept reports from the agencies of foreign governments and not wait for verification themselves.

It is a phase 6 pandemic now. It was clear to see it days ago for anyone with even cursory knowledge of epidemiology.
Current estimates vary, and some have already been revised as health officials report new cases of 2019-nCoV. Majumder and her Harvard colleague Kenneth Mandl estimate the R0 falls between 2.0 and 3.1. Meanwhile, Jonathan Read of Lancaster University in England and colleagues report a 2019-nCoV R0 value of 3.11, with a range from 2.39 to 4.13 on January 28 on But Christian Althaus and Julien Riou, both of the University of Bern in Switzerland, posted data to Github and on January 24 supporting their calculation that the new virus’s reproduction number is about 2.2, with a range between 1.4 and 3.8.

So, 2% fatality rate and R0 around 3.
That's if you accept the story approved by Xinhua. Those are the folks who tried to cover up the incident in 2008 where 300k babies were poisoned by contaminated milk formula to save face during the Olympics.
then what % of people die from the flu then? sounds like some brainwash number thats being thrown out there. technically over 90% of people die that has been infected with the flu, most people will contract the virus in their lifetime and eventually will die from natural causes or whatever gets them killed. its old people that die from the flu, and people with advanced AIDS.
sanford n son.gif
The current R0 will change as more data come in.
Thanks for posting the info abandon
Oh it most certainly will. Most likely we will have to obtain data from an outbreak in Europe or North America and completely disregard CCP provided stats. However, even the CCP provided stats are painting a fairly terrifying picture. I just hope it doesn't lead to a higher fatality rate or serious complication rate. I mean, the world really needs more info about this thing, but there is definitely enough info to know it's pretty serious.

We still don't know if Dany Shoham is right and it's a bioweapon leaked from the nearby facility or if some person with a common cold at bat soup.
Reports in Wuhan of incinerators running day and night. A resident states it would mean they are getting rid of 300-700 bodies a day. This could be bs but everything this guy has been reporting has been true so far.
tRUmp and the other psycho's he's surrounded by will probably see this as a chance to thin the herd and get rid of a lot of dirty poor people, and they will blame liberals somehow, all they have to do is ignore the problem and not move to fix it.