Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of either of the Presidents.Rob Roy I have a question...How did you feel about Bush ????
I am a fan of the kind between a womans legs.
I'm not a fan of either of the Presidents.Rob Roy I have a question...How did you feel about Bush ????
..............and look at the state of affairs in Massachussettes now. Things aren't all roses and lollipops like we are being promised about Obamacare. I thought it was supposed to make things better for everyone???Mitt Romney. He was a RINO though. He is a silver spoon douche bag and is proof how little research the American electorate actually does.
CJ, according to the dims, I mean dems on here we are all just being alarmist. There is nothing to be afraid of. The sky isn't falling. Everything will be better, you'll see. Trust me. We are all just uneducated, bigotted, redneck, radicals. The govt. has our best interest at heart. They know what's best for us. They want to help us. You don't need to read what's in the bill. It's not perfect but we can fix it later. It's gonna be great because it's going to bring cost down! Keep moving............nothing to see here folks!Let's see.
17,000 more IRS agents. That's always good, right?
They will be checking YOU OUT every MONTH... every month. That's always good, right?
45% of doctors now consider getting out of practicing medicine. That's always good, right?
Costs are going to go up and quality is going to go down. That's always good, right?
The govt. will now be between you and your doctor. That's always good, right?
Your medical history will now be political fodder. That's always good, right?
Guess who is behind this all the way? Big Pharma and the giant insurance companies!! That's always good, right?
The USA's economic fate has now been officially destroyed. That's always good, right?
Sounds great!!! You will all suffer .... greatly. That's always good, right?
it's only been one day...............and look at the state of affairs in Massachussettes now. Things aren't all roses and lollipops like we are being promised about Obamacare. I thought it was supposed to make things better for everyone???Mass. is broke! They have way too many patients and not enough doctors. Mediocrity is what we're after though, right?
Ummmm, Mitt Romney instituted healthcare reform in Massachussetts several years ago. This is what Obamacare was modeled after. It's in shambles and the state is in huge financial trouble. Premiums skyrocketed in Mass. at a much faster pace than the rest of the country. There aren't enough doctors to take care of all the people needing care. This is exactly what those of us that are opposed to healthcare reform have been saying would happen and it's happening right now in Mass. Here is a link which talks about one aspect of the many problems Mass is facing:it's only been one day.![]()
Ummmm, Mitt Romney instituted healthcare reform in Massachussetts several years ago. This is what Obamacare was modeled after. It's in shambles and the state is in huge financial trouble. Premiums skyrocketed in Mass. at a much faster pace than the rest of the country. There aren't enough doctors to take care of all the people needing care. This is exactly what those of us that are opposed to healthcare reform have been saying would happen and it's happening right now in Mass. Here is a link which talks about one aspect of the many problems Mass is facing:
No worries my friend. We are all about to get a taste of what Mass has been dealing with for a few years. I've tried to find something positive about the Mass healthcare system. About the only thing I can see is that more people are insured (which is a good thing). That's about it though. It seems like the negatives outweigh the positives, because doctors are leaving the state in droves. Premiums have increased dramatically and people who paid nothing under medicaid before the reform passed are now required to pay some copays and deductibles. We'll see if they actually fix the problems associated with the reform. I don't see how they can though. You can't force people to be mistake.
good thing i live in cali.![]()
" im healthy, i do not require insurance, so why do i HAVE to buy it?"
I see this statement a lot and i keep asking myself do these people even understand the concept of insurance?
You cannot just buy health insurance when you are sick or unhealthy. If nothing else the insurance companies would go out of business.
For insurance of any kind to work you must pay when you don't need it so you are covered when you do. Its simple economics guys.
Since EVERYBODY will eventually need health care then EVERYBODY needs to be insured for the insurance process to work. Why do you think car insurance is MANDATORY. Can you imagine how expensive your uninsured driver insurance would be if a majority of people did not have car insurance?
Correct.Sorry does not work the same way.
Where is the public risk with me not having health insurance.
Plus driving is a privilege and you have to take a test and have coverage.
2 totally different things...
And get ready for a national sales tax.![]()
Actually, you're only looking at the small picture as far as MA goes...No worries my friend. We are all about to get a taste of what Mass has been dealing with for a few years. I've tried to find something positive about the Mass healthcare system. About the only thing I can see is that more people are insured (which is a good thing). That's about it though. It seems like the negatives outweigh the positives, because doctors are leaving the state in droves. Premiums have increased dramatically and people who paid nothing under medicaid before the reform passed are now required to pay some copays and deductibles. We'll see if they actually fix the problems associated with the reform. I don't see how they can though. You can't force people to be doctors.![]()
Let me put this a way that more people here might understand. It's safe to assume that most of us here are growing or have grown some weed. Some of us probably hook up our friends and relatives from time to time. What about the friend who starts to expect you to hook him up all the time? It's free because you grew it right? No, because you had equipment and seed cost, nutes, time and effort, risk, sometimes electricity, etc. What happens when all or most of your friends start to expect a handout? Pretty soon you're operating in the red. It's unsustainable. Basic economics, right?Actually, you're only looking at the small picture as far as MA goes...
In the short term, yes, universal coverage means a bigger strain on the existing system but in the long term, if everyone is covered it will cost less since those people have access to the system and aren't using the emergency rooms without insurance..
On the national level, there is probably also some economic benefit to someone not losing their house and becoming destitute because their kid gets leukemia. I know the ethical argument for helping the weakest members of society doesn't hold much sway with you guys, so maybe the economic one does? Or maybe it's good for the economy for this guy to lose his house? Fill me in...
Let me put this a way that more people here might understand. It's safe to assume that most of us here are growing or have grown some weed. Some of us probably hook up our friends and relatives from time to time. What about the friend who starts to expect you to hook him up all the time? It's free because you grew it right? No, because you had equipment and seed cost, nutes, time and effort, risk, sometimes electricity, etc. What happens when all or most of your friends start to expect a handout? Pretty soon you're operating in the red. It's unsustainable. Basic economics, right?
I devoted a career to helping the weakest members of society. I have no problem with that, but I have a problem with something that I'm fairly sure will cause major issues like even more abuse of emergency rooms and the EMS system. I have a problem with a system which will drive quality of care down. I have a problem with more govt. control and power. This is more than likely going to end badly. IMO it's just a matter of how bad and when.![]()
No, the country lost this one. Make no mistake.Snivel snivel snivel, republicans/conservatives are extremely poor losers. I have no Idea how this bill will play out, but it is a step in the right direction. Give it a few years and maybe it can be modified to be a really good bill. I actually don't think it is a very good bill in it's current state, too much giveaway to the insurance industry with no price controls. Public option is sorely needed.
Pure nonsense.Actually, you're only looking at the small picture as far as MA goes...
In the short term, yes, universal coverage means a bigger strain on the existing system but in the long term, if everyone is covered it will cost less since those people have access to the system and aren't using the emergency rooms without insurance..
On the national level, there is probably also some economic benefit to someone not losing their house and becoming destitute because their kid gets leukemia. I know the ethical argument for helping the weakest members of society doesn't hold much sway with you guys, so maybe the economic one does? Or maybe it's good for the economy for this guy to lose his house? Fill me in...