NSA Whistleblower; We've Been Lied to and Kept in the Dark

An excellent question. I'm loudly supporting Mr Sanders and his candidacy, and I tell all my friends about the abusive nature of American 'democracy'.
Definitely a big question. I am loudly supporting Gary Johnson for the same reasons. Same end goal, just different philosophy. One thing is for sure we need to cut the legs off the establishment. Somehow, the Donald actually has done some good in exposing the two headed beast along with Hillary being so fuckin corrupt and Bernie getting a cold shoulder. It's the Ron Paul effect....

I do think a debate between Bernie and Gary is the one that needs to happen in order for this country to grow. Keep fighting man, it's the same fight. I support you.
me maybe ..?

the kingfisher is the handheld mobile phone tracking tool
not very good as you get everyone else too, early days ??? ..here:

On June 10, 2015 the BBC reported on an investigation by Sky News[37][38] about possible false mobile phone towers
being used by the London Metropolitan Police. Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe refused comment.
An excellent question. I'm loudly supporting Mr Sanders and his candidacy, and I tell all my friends about the abusive nature of American 'democracy'.

Sanders is part of the system and has been for decades.

The road to change is more of the same!!!
Ol' George is resting comfortably in his grave; he TOLD us so!

Now it's up to us citizens to do something about it- as soon as we put down our gaming controllers and tune out the Kardashians...

why have we not been back to the moon? why does it matter. Carl Sagan whom I personally consider to be part of the catalyst for the genesis of some of the ideas when he spoke about: Kardashev's scale. in order for our race to move forward. I cant even wrap my head around, the fact we have not made more progress. we direct our focus on, meaningless prospects.

we have to disconnect from religion, chains of a monetary system. forget our child learned heterodoxy, for a more propitious indoctrinations that move forward, science, arts, and more towards ontology's that take steps on a human scale. so long as we subscribe to the chains of a system/culture that does nothing but has you chasing shinny's, and sexy. we will leave a laughable human history indeed.

Mutiny levels of human change needs to be on the agenda. its the part of us that needs to go back to the moon, and mars, find a cure for cancer, design systems that allow us to become more productive, not send selfies, or dick pics. we have abandoned all progress toward discovery on a world wide level. our focus is now so limited to personal carrot-n-stick. surprisingly we do not even seem to care.

we(you) live in this distracted state, of law, smoke screen politics( go to any forum on the internet and the largest threads will be about worthless ideas/people in politics), and hyperbolic idols, that bring nothing to the table of humanity. A Kardshev's scale event. A movement of massive human prospective that will allow us to move forward breaking away from all the old ideas, that holds everyone of us back. to become a being of purpose that person succeeds in something meaningful other then tryin to get rich.

this is why, growing is so rewarding to me, I got to opt out of the system almost entirely. go to school, choose my 9-5 that does something positive for our local oceans. I don't have a bank account, I don't own any jewelry, and buy gold for investment only. in a bitcoin mining pool. I only pay cash, only have one card. I never want to get married, cause it not longer makes any sense. I'm saving/investing so I can move off grid ASAP: kind of like my grow mentor, its just him and his dogs and friends. he continues personal research in agriculture in non fertile soils.

growing can be a lot more then KGB, its freedom on a level not seen since the gold rush. a non-exclusive commodity that anyone with a mind to succeed can. from a big government prospective that's more scary then the intoxicant effects of the plant.

...like whoa...dam them green hornets got me, sorry if this has nothing to do with this thread.
why have we not been back to the moon? why does it matter. Carl Sagan whom I personally consider to be part of the catalyst for the genesis of some of the ideas when he spoke about: Kardashev's scale. in order for our race to move forward. I cant even wrap my head around, the fact we have not made more progress. we direct our focus on, meaningless prospects.

we have to disconnect from religion, chains of a monetary system. forget our child learned heterodoxy, for a more propitious indoctrinations that move forward, science, arts, and more towards ontology's that take steps on a human scale. so long as we subscribe to the chains of a system/culture that does nothing but has you chasing shinny's, and sexy. we will leave a laughable human history indeed.

Mutiny levels of human change needs to be on the agenda. its the part of us that needs to go back to the moon, and mars, find a cure for cancer, design systems that allow us to become more productive, not send selfies, or dick pics. we have abandoned all progress toward discovery on a world wide level. our focus is now so limited to personal carrot-n-stick. surprisingly we do not even seem to care.

we(you) live in this distracted state, of law, smoke screen politics( go to any forum on the internet and the largest threads will be about worthless ideas/people in politics), and hyperbolic idols, that bring nothing to the table of humanity. A Kardshev's scale event. A movement of massive human prospective that will allow us to move forward breaking away from all the old ideas, that holds everyone of us back. to become a being of purpose that person succeeds in something meaningful other then tryin to get rich.

this is why, growing is so rewarding to me, I got to opt out of the system almost entirely. go to school, choose my 9-5 that does something positive for our local oceans. I don't have a bank account, I don't own any jewelry, and buy gold for investment only. in a bitcoin mining pool. I only pay cash, only have one card. I never want to get married, cause it not longer makes any sense. I'm saving/investing so I can move off grid ASAP: kind of like my grow mentor, its just him and his dogs and friends. he continues personal research in agriculture in non fertile soils.

growing can be a lot more then KGB, its freedom on a level not seen since the gold rush. a non-exclusive commodity that anyone with a mind to succeed can. from a big government prospective that's more scary then the intoxicant effects of the plant.

...like whoa...dam them green hornets got me, sorry if this has nothing to do with this thread.

You can send all the selfies of your sex organs you want; I'm DOING the very work you say is being ignored.
@SoOLED I'm working hard at creating new ways to feed and treat humanity, by thinking INSIDE the box, in this case the shipping container.

This has obvious foundational applications for those who wish to contemplate life without access to traditional farms. Plenty of people already fit this description, we don't need to go to Mars to find them.

More food in less space, with less power, for less labor. That's what I'm doing for my eventual progeny, the current theft of our democracy be damned.

Tails is hanging off the wiki-leaks site or here: https://tails.boum.org/install/win/usb/
@SoOLED I'm working hard at creating new ways to feed and treat humanity, by thinking INSIDE the box, in this case the shipping container.

This has obvious foundational applications for those who wish to contemplate life without access to traditional farms. Plenty of people already fit this description, we don't need to go to Mars to find them.

More food in less space, with less power, for less labor. That's what I'm doing for my eventual progeny, the current theft of our democracy be damned.
They make those grow pods at my brothers warehouse in light dep too. Not sure how well they will do with a vert set-up tho..

They just got a bigger warehouse btw closer to us..

We should check it out next week.
Does anyone else think it strange that we never, ever hear about any of this on MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN or Fox News?

Notice how I always have to go find stories like this on foreign operated news services or NPR?

Do you really think that's a coincidence?!
Guess you don't read newspapers or watch CNN.
Shit has been reported on now for nearly 3 years