Love the posts Nugs!
And thanks for the background on what you deal with daily health wise, sorry bro. It is nice to see people like yourself doing so much good in the world. I don't know why some people spend their precious time and energy bitching and moaning, such a waste.
Keep killing it. Your info is spot on and your photography is brilliant. Fan for Life.
yeah bro, i love my omega!.......i am all about live foods....high speed juicers are junk.
Killer canopy management, bro. That's a sick setup, too. I just have a simple question- what's the average footprint of your plants? (8 top)
We have an Omega, too. . . it takes so long to cut stuff up so it doesn't jam, tho. . . that is the only downfall IMO. I've been eyeing Norwalks for quite awhile. Buku bucks, tho. Do you have a technique you like to use for juicing to get it done in a timely manner?
We like to do a lot of Tuscan Kale, apples, pear, carrot, lemon, ginger, and a little bit of mint... my mouth waters just thinking about it. What was in your juice today, Nugs?
Just picked up Skunk magazine, and saw a photo of a bud from a guy called 'Nugbuckets.' Now, that wouldn't be you, would it (nice looking bud)?
man, you and me both!....i have never been more pumped about a plant.....if her colas fill up like i think they will....holy shit!.....they are over 16 inches long!........she smells sooooo amazing....i'm like a fucking humming bird with my beak constanly in her buds!....i am probably going to ruin them! i pray to the ganja goddess everyday to help me guide her to her full potential!.....thanks for following my thread......and again, your weed nerd design is brilliant! cheers, nugsWow those are some great looking plants! I cannot wait to see how the BCS dom. AoS finishes up. Also, I am officially adapting your brilliant tomato cage frame idea!