Nug's 330w CMH grow (5 types of kush)


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I was pretty bummed after all those leaves got messed up but the buds r still growin good so im happy.

I notiiced a few gnats today.. damn problems never end for me

So picked up a bag of perlite to put over the top of the soil (prevent them from getting into soil). Gonna do a neem oil or sninosad drench also just to be safe

Also got a free sample of some liquid bone meal (0-10-0). Anyone used this before?


Well-Known Member
i sprayed spinosad on my soil when i had some gnats. i let it dry real goood too. they r gone and have been forever it seems. i had them when she was indoor last harvest. i think they are mainly due to wet soil and low ventilation - more common in houseplants. i keep mine outside now and i have more problems with other pests but i find a bit of prevention is so much better than trying to fix an outbreak. those friggen gnats are awful, i hope you can get rid of them, sounds like u have a good plan.


Well-Known Member
I've only seen a handful of them so dont think its to bad but def want to act quick before it gets outa hand.

Here's what I did:

1. Scoop out top 1-2 inches of soil to try to get most of larvae and whatever else is in there out and trash it.

2. Spray or drench soil with neem, spinosad, gnatrol or whatever you got

3. Fill top 2 inches will perlite. (Some people use sand but perlite seems to be better from what I've read)

Looks a lot cleaner also, more like a hydro set up.

Ill post a pic in a few minutes.


Well-Known Member
My last grow i had gnats, i used neem oil for a while but they always come back. if you are in a gnat prone area you might be battling them forever. if they come back after the need. but i went in the right drection buying perline, but i think sand is better at keeping them out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think I do live in a gnat area cuz I see them all the time everywhere. Hope this gets rid of em.

I think the temps dropping has a lot to do with it because I the past week its been lot cooler here in socal so the soil stays moist longer then usual.


Well-Known Member
There's a few more threads on this in toke n talk. Check em out

I read on norml that's its only 16 clubs but some places say its all the clubs so I ono. There gonna give a press conference tmrw so well know for sure hopefully.


Well-Known Member
So while I was watering and LSTing the ladies right now I noticed two gnats fly out of the side drainage holes in the pot. So im guessing they are also inside the two inches of hydroton I have at the bottom of each pot.

Any ideas of how to get those bastards?

I was thinking spraying some neem or spinosad (all I got on hand) thru the drainage holes to try to get into the hydroton. My other idea was to make a solution but instead of spraying it, im gonna fill 2 inches of a tray with it and just sit the pot in the tray so the hydroton absorbs all the neem or whatever I use.


Well-Known Member
those little fuckers love flying by the base of my pots in the past ever since I started scrogging though they have nearly all gone away those things are relentless though!


Well-Known Member
Use the neem and then put sand or something to block them out of the top, for the bottom use a sticking or stocking cap to keep them out. i hope you get them mothafuckas.


Well-Known Member
i think one of the most important things is to let her dry out completely before watering again. they breed in moisture. humidity and dampness are the enemy with those flies.