Nut def or burn?


I would like to apologize if this confuses you. i should have kept a grow journal.

EDIT: Strain is DINAFEM's Original Amnesia.

this has been going on for about 3 weeks now.

It is about 40+ days old (since i switched to flower).
Leaves are yellowing/dry/cripsy. weird thing is, it did that during the start of the flowering period. stopped. burst out a couple of quarter ass-ed buds then resumed the yellowing.

I water it once every 4 days. sometimes 5. i lift the pot to check before watering.

Have been using composted chicken manure from start and 3 weeks ago I topped the soil with a layer of it but it isnt doing the job any more so i stopped.

right now i have a flowering nutrient (npk 13/27/27) it's basically in powdered form. i have used it only once but i think i added too little.
i can't name its brand (sorry)
soil is organic with perlite.
lights are LED from some shitty china ebay company. it did the job with my previous white widow though it yielded shit because i didnt lst/top. i also found two unused cfls (not sure what they are) so i am currently now using them as supplementary lighting.

it is 2 feet + tall. its actually my first time LST-ing and topping so it came out...odd.

A fan fell on it while it was flowering (few days after 12/12) so the stem sort of bent but no snaps. the stem became weak after the incident so i used cable ties to keep it up. nothing wrong so far because it churned it quarter ass-ed buds 2 weeks after.

Flowering is stupid slow and i was hoping to get at least 1.5 ounce dry off it by the end of jan next year.

Please help.

thanks in advance.

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It's organic, composted (dried) chicken manure. Not raw fresh ones straight from bird.
So it's just nitrogen toxicity?

Why is it taking so long?

EDIT: Do you guys need more pictures?


Well-Known Member
Spent 30 minutes checking the plant with a magnifying glass, no signs of mites.

It's flowering. I should flush it?
yes, when its dry and ready for water again, slam water through it. lots. this should drop the ppm in the root zone to manageable levels for the plant to tolerate. then only use fertilizer that has P and K in it because you have more than enough N to share with your neighbors pants by the looks of things :) your not going to fix this problem completely but you may be able to save a harvest. just make sure that your getting good run off and disposing of that run offend not letting it seep back into your plants. next time you decide to use that chicken crap use a compost tea and water it into your grow instead af amending your soil with it first to see how stron the stuff is. then you can start mixing it in lol.


Well-Known Member
I hate to sound pessimistic but she is done! I've been there before when I was trying my first DWC only my plant wasen't as bad as yours but I never got it to recuperate.
yes, when its dry and ready for water again, slam water through it. lots. this should drop the ppm in the root zone to manageable levels for the plant to tolerate. then only use fertilizer that has P and K in it because you have more than enough N to share with your neighbors pants by the looks of things :) your not going to fix this problem completely but you may be able to save a harvest. just make sure that your getting good run off and disposing of that run offend not letting it seep back into your plants. next time you decide to use that chicken crap use a compost tea and water it into your grow instead af amending your soil with it first to see how stron the stuff is. then you can start mixing it in lol.
Thanks buddy. I'll check back here when things improve.


Well-Known Member
N claw for sure, possible overwatered too. If your going to add fertilizer or amend the soil you should make sure its balanced. If you need a recipe I have an awesome one.. It can be saved I believe. IDK if flushing will really benefit it or kill it by adding a ton more stress to it, also releasing more N from the chicken manure. I say just get some natural PK like some seaweed, kelp, and soft rock phosphate and feed with those lighty. Stay away from the nitrogen completely until it needs it which I doubt with chicken manure. Don't start plucking off the leaves either let it drop them on its own. Good Luck
N claw for sure, possible overwatered too. If your going to add fertilizer or amend the soil you should make sure its balanced. If you need a recipe I have an awesome one.. It can be saved I believe. IDK if flushing will really benefit it or kill it by adding a ton more stress to it, also releasing more N from the chicken manure. I say just get some natural PK like some seaweed, kelp, and soft rock phosphate and feed with those lighty. Stay away from the nitrogen completely until it needs it which I doubt with chicken manure. Don't start plucking off the leaves either let it drop them on its own. Good Luck
The lights are off right now but I was planning on flushing in about 5 hours with 3 liters of water when the lights come on. I think the plant is in a 2 gallon pot?I have lots of perlite though, I could give it a quick transplant (pot of a similar size) but I've read transplanting during flowering will really screw things up with the transplant shock and all..

The only ferts I have left are 21-21-21, 13-27-27 and chicken manure (NPK?). On a tight budget here as I spent most of my money on my medical bills.

EDIT: Watering amount 4-5 days = 250 ml ; I don't really water that much.


Well-Known Member
The lights are off right now but I was planning on flushing in about 5 hours with 3 liters of water when the lights come on. I think the plant is in a 2 gallon pot?I have lots of perlite though, I could give it a quick transplant (pot of a similar size) but I've read transplanting during flowering will really screw things up with the transplant shock and all..

The only ferts I have left are 21-21-21, 13-27-27 and chicken manure (NPK?). On a tight budget here as I spent most of my money on my medical bills.
First of all if your going to flush your gonna want to use 5 times the amount of water as the pot size. So your case would be 10 gallons. Transplant shock I think would be less shock than flushing but that my opinion. If you have a bigger pot then transplant it, and make sure the soil isn't too dry or too wet. Somewhere in the middle so the soil is kind of firm. When you take it out shake some of the dirt off very gently. Its ok if the roots are showing, itll be fine. I would get a 5 gallon bucket put some soil in the bottom of it (with no chicken manure) and then put your girl in there gently and cover it gently with dirt and give it a good soaking. Ive done it before 3 weeks into flower when I had my girls in shitty peatmoss soil and the soil PH was in the low 4s. I took out the plants tapped the sides of the root/soil till half of the soil was gone and the roots were hanging and I put them into their new homes with better soil and watered them. They didn't skip a beat from what I saw and they finished fine. One hermied but I think that was from a light leak not the transplant.


Well-Known Member
I agree with cpappa and alien about the flush but also this;
That plant really needs some decent light. This is part of your problem, imo. A stronger light would help to use some of that nitrogen up. If you are only watering 250ml every 4 or 5 days your plant is going nowhere at the moment. After you flush it will still struggle unless you give it enough light to process all of that water. That definitely needs to be your next purchase.
I agree with cpappa and alien about the flush but also this;
That plant really needs some decent light. This is part of your problem, imo. A stronger light would help to use some of that nitrogen up. If you are only watering 250ml every 4 or 5 days your plant is going nowhere at the moment. After you flush it will still struggle unless you give it enough light to process all of that water. That definitely needs to be your next purchase.
I plan on gettting California light works solar flare 220w (full cycle) next month.
First of all if your going to flush your gonna want to use 5 times the amount of water as the pot size. So your case would be 10 gallons. Transplant shock I think would be less shock than flushing but that my opinion. If you have a bigger pot then transplant it, and make sure the soil isn't too dry or too wet. Somewhere in the middle so the soil is kind of firm. When you take it out shake some of the dirt off very gently. Its ok if the roots are showing, itll be fine. I would get a 5 gallon bucket put some soil in the bottom of it (with no chicken manure) and then put your girl in there gently and cover it gently with dirt and give it a good soaking. Ive done it before 3 weeks into flower when I had my girls in shitty peatmoss soil and the soil PH was in the low 4s. I took out the plants tapped the sides of the root/soil till half of the soil was gone and the roots were hanging and I put them into their new homes with better soil and watered them. They didn't skip a beat from what I saw and they finished fine. One hermied but I think that was from a light leak not the transplant.
Thanks but I decided to flush instead of transplant. Organic soil is about $5.60 per bag (1 gallon). After buying Christmas gifts, I just don't have the means to purchase anything else. I don't expect much of a yield from this. If it doesn't recover in 3 weeks I will chop/throw and start anew.
Update - Changed my mind

I think I might have killed it when I transplanted...

EDIT: How long does it take for transplant shock?


Well-Known Member
Read the 2 Newts 1 Water thread.
For next time, this time is a bust rip it and start over,
lose the chicken manure.
Read the 2 Newts 1 Water thread.
For next time, this time is a bust rip it and start over,
lose the chicken manure.
My heart would break if I pulled it out again. I have a DINAFEM Cheese Auto and Dutch Passion's Think Different seed. I should start germinating now then? I heard Cheese Auto finishes in about 80 days?

EDIT: Regarding the 2 Newts thread, I can't find it.


Well-Known Member
Update - Changed my mind

I think I might have killed it when I transplanted...

EDIT: How long does it take for transplant shock?
Its not going to recover immediately . Now just leave it be and don't touch it for a few days she should bounce right back. MJ is a very resilient plant and can take quite the beating. They hate love and they love hate. Good luck and keep me posted, if you need anything else just PM me