Couldn't have been too bad a head banging or you'd be on ignore.

Basically did it the way Rick Simpson explains in his earliest videos about it. I decarb after the extraction by heating the oil to 250F until the decarb bubbles stop which should also purge the last of the ISO out of it.
Basically just soak the pot in solvent at room temp, strain out the liquid then add more to wash it out a few times. I let the liquid stand so all the fine particles settle out before filtering so it doesn't plug up the filter so easily but have a new Buchner funnel to rig up a vac filter unit with. I use a still to recover my solvent and had about 8L to process for that last batch. Once it's down to just the oil with a bit of solvent I put that in a beaker on a hot plate with a heat spreader on the element to cook off the last of the solvent then raise the temp to 250F to decarb.
I just got a new still off amazon . ca for about $150 that will do 12L and processed 2 cans of Coleman's camp fuel so will be using naphtha for my next batch of CBD pot from fresh frozen buds. Picked up a new can so I'll have about 10L of clean naphtha to work with and can reclaim that too. It destroyed the silicon gaskets for the thermometer and outlet tho the lid seal seems to take it no problem so bought some automotive gasket material that is impervious to gasoline to try with this next can.
With ISO it's basically like making QWISO but without the freezing. I want all the plant has to offer in the way of medicine and QWISO is more to make a smokable product. You can smoke this stuff but it will taste like shit compared to good QWISO but it's designed for edibles. I also add 10% MCT oil to it so it flows better when squeezing some out of a syringe. About 5% liquid sunflower lecithin to help with absorption too.
That's a 1gal pickle jar full of the 550g of pot I used. Mix of many strains of bud, popcorn and sugar trim. Also used about 120g of kief in a separate batch but added it's oil to the pot batch.
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The new still.
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And for further purification of whatever my lab still. Waiting on a 2L boiling ball from amazon but it's taking forever so will use that 1L one for now.
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Finished bowl of 114g RSO.
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Sorry about the hijack