Nutrient companies are stealing our / your money. Lets talk about it!

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Everyone focuses on the source of materials, and that's groovy and all. I certainly fester over the local amendments I use.

Another equally huge issue is what happens when you introduce a bulk of nutrients. Nutrients somewhat locked up in fish meal, guano, etc often require microbes to release the ions, then store them and eventually release them back to the plant. The microbe / plant relationship is a fine dance. Doesn't happen when you bottle feed. You've significantly changed the soil dynamic, and the microbial profile changes. Microbes aren't storing / fetching Cations like they're supposed to. Plant cuts back on exudates, since the microbe symbiosis is gone. Microbes are out of a job.

People continuously and completely incorrectly assume that because they've inoculated their "soil" with microbes, that the microbes will flourish. People also assume if they inoculate with a microbial tea, that this might jump start that valuable plant / microbe relationship. It will not. If you bottle feed, you've changed the game.

That's perfectly fine. Folks grow stellar weed this way. Toke up brothers.

One big loss by firing all those microbes is a direct loss of some immune response. Same with animals and humans.
I think people need to understand, if you want to grow in soil, go organic, if you want to use synthetics, use the appropriate medium, soiless/coco hydro.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
hell i start with 50 / 50 ewc shrimp compost , sheep shit pro mix etc,,, this gives them the start after 2 weeks there on chemical nutrients a well balanced diet costing me no more then 50 bucks for a complete grow , start to finish
i also grow organic and with all the amendments a person needs to add from scratch now your taking possibly hundreds of dollars 12 bucks here 15 bucks there etc etc so do not think growing organic is cheap maybe once you gone full circle but again like in nature it takes a while to get a true eco system in order


Well-Known Member
even more than that i support any kind of growing and help with any kind of growng regardless of what i use and support. but don't sit and say its a difference between coke and pepsi .. its no comparison when you smoke 100% organic bud compared to a hydro or even chemically grow bud.
so lets just get this straight before we go on .. nitrogen is nitrogen.. and there is no organic nitrogen.. right ? thats your scientific input? i just wanna be clear
This is like saying if you add 3+3 to get 6, that 6 is a different number than the 6 you get from the difference of 9-3.

You fallow?

And im saying that the process to get to nitrates is different, the xhemical element is the exact same whether its been broken down by nature or synthetic chelations.


Well-Known Member
your whole argument was theres no such thing as an organic fertilizer.. and nitrogen is nitrogen.. but my point is theres synthetic nitrogen...or other forms of nitrogen used ... nitrogen isn't just soley nitrogen all the time with no other molecules attached ever....theres many forms of different nitrogen molecules used in chemicals.. ammonium nitrate is in chemicals.. nitric acid is in fertilizers for nitrogen supplement.. read the ostwald process he started the synthetic production of nitrogen
Ammonium are also produced naturally by fungus, while bacteria create nitrates.

Fun fact for ya

phil k

Well-Known Member
This is like saying if you add 3+3 to get 6, that 6 is a different number than the 6 you get from the difference of 9-3.

You fallow?

And im saying that the process to get to nitrates is different, the xhemical element is the exact same whether its been broken down by nature or synthetic chelations.

i was never arguing nitrogen not being nitrogen... but there are different extraction process and different synthetics used to make nitrogen forms and some of those forms of nitrogen (although nitrogen at heart) is not an ... i guess you can say organically derived form of nitrogen...

i mean potassium is potassium
phosphorus is phospurus in their elemental forms.. but if NPK is NPK regardless of how its extracted or derived then why is their certified organic grow lines?

i mean theres shit like resin coated nitrogen.. is it nitrogen .. yes.. but is it technically a organic nitrogen form.. no because a secondary chemical process was applied to nitrogen to make it release slower.
theres even shit like urea formaldehyde used in fertilizers as a nitrogen supplement. yes at heart its nitrogen but the added formaldehyde to slow the release process makes it uncertifiable organic. theres even shit like IBDU used for nitrogen supplementing.

now straight urea is a certified nitrogen form .. i think if I'm not mistaken OMRI certifies it also

so is nitrogen nitrogen yes but that wasn't your argument to start.. theres different make ups that change the release process even that make it not able to even be considered an organic nitrogen so there is a difference ..


Well-Known Member
haha i was going to say something i had to delete it

and what is it 6 or 8 that i have to beat .. or don't you know how many bulbs your own setup is?
I just said to hit me back when u put up 6-8 lights. Anyone can put up 1 light and get results because ite easy work.

When u start running 30-50 plants in a larger garden its a alot more difficult to get both yield and quality. Thats my point.

Im not gonna sit here and listen to some closet grower tell me what works and what doesnt.

That was my point

phil k

Well-Known Member
I just said to hit me back when u put up 6-8 lights. Anyone can put up 1 light and get results because ite easy work.

When u start running 30-50 plants in a larger garden its a alot more difficult to get both yield and quality. Thats my point.

Im not gonna sit here and listen to some closet grower tell me what works and what doesnt.

That was my point
haha yeah buddy rocking the closet


Well-Known Member
and you get 6 ounces paying up the wazoo for chemicals.. you have to balance those chemicals.. use RO water which costs even more to produce... i get 6 oz for 20$ ... end story ur getting sold snake oil...
I dont use RO water. So idk where ur getting that from.
RO water is only really necessary if ur running hydroponics and certain nutrients.

I run regular tap water at one place and have well water at another. RO water doesnt have enough buffers to stabilize PH and causes too many swings. Its hard to dial in and caused too many issues. I bubble the tap water for 24 hours

phil k

Well-Known Member
I just said to hit me back when u put up 6-8 lights. Anyone can put up 1 light and get results because ite easy work.

When u start running 30-50 plants in a larger garden its a alot more difficult to get both yield and quality. Thats my point.

Im not gonna sit here and listen to some closet grower tell me what works and what doesnt.

That was my point
your getting a little too upset... go smoke some of your schwag and chill

phil k

Well-Known Member
I dont use RO water. So idk where ur getting that from.
RO water is only really necessary if ur running hydroponics and certain nutrients.

I run regular tap water at one place and have well water at another. RO water doesnt have enough buffers to stabilize PH and causes too many swings. Its hard to dial in and caused too many issues. I bubble the tap water for 24 hours
jesus bro seriously.. i don't know what to say to you.. but i get why everyone was jumping you now.. fuck it i was trying to be cool and joking with you.. but id love you to stand in your 8 bulb grow room with your plants and hold a sign that says fuck phil so we can all see your not a closet grower...


Well-Known Member
I get great results using organic nutrients in soilless mediums. Idk why u think u need to run specific nutrients in specific mediums.

I wud never recommend trying to use organics in a hydroponic system bcuz its pretty much pointless but other than that using a peat or coco blend as a medium w organics works perfectly fine.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I get great results using organic nutrients in soilless mediums. Idk why u think u need to run specific nutrients in specific mediums.

I wud never recommend trying to use organics in a hydroponic system bcuz its pretty much pointless but other than that using a peat or coco blend as a medium w organics works perfectly fine.
I could also smoke schwag like yours, but I choose to do things the right way.


Well-Known Member
Purple Chem Dog run..

Schwag u talkin about my shit or someone else.. I grow fire so idk who ur speaking too..


U wish ur shit came out this good



Well-Known Member
Dense rock hard, purple frosty buds of loveliness..

Keep hatin.. Wish there was a smell button. Ppl drivin by ur house wud come knocking askin u for a bag lol