Cool beans man. On the right track. Every thing you got is great.
Sanitize, wipe down the interior of the tent with bleach @ capful per spray bottle. Sanitize outside tent, plus the room. The high mold count maybe from outside the tent.
If you got a nice run off then I would hold out for tea if possible. If not pH at 6 and water.
I'd start brewing the tea now it will be optimal in 3 days. But you can use before if needed. Also dollar trees has panty hose that work great as teabag's cut to fit.

Amazon has the great white at 24 a jar and 40 for the big 8oz shaker bottle.
Also in the future the A has the Kelp from maxicrop for 13-22 a gallon.
Wiggle worm is perfect
Golden barrel molasses - ama 7-15 a gallon. Sorry for not directing you to my cheap suppliers (Amazon).