Nutrient question for rdwc


Active Member
I'm running a 2 sight rdwc using ionic nutes and was wondering would it be a problem to run some humic acid with hydroguard or are these 2 no good together thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
i use BioAg Cyto Plus in a DTW rdwc (Waterfarm). kelp/humics/micros. no problems.

and i use Southern Ag GFF (same as hydroguard but a million X more concentrated)


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much for your reply I appreciate it
no worries. good luck! pH is most important in dwc. get your system dialed in and try a kelp/humic mix like what i use. it can be done. for like molasses, no way. no carbs/sugar etc in dwc. but a water soluble kelp or humic wont' hurt.


Active Member
no worries. good luck! pH is most important in dwc. get your system dialed in and try a kelp/humic mix like what i use. it can be done. for like molasses, no way. no carbs/sugar etc in dwc. but a water soluble kelp or humic wont' hurt.
My ph keeps creeping up a little every 4-6 hrs not sure why but I'm on's something funny for you.....i literally Googled hydroguard vs southern ag and pulled up a long thread on here and I'll be damned if you are not the guy I was just reading your comments lol wow!! So what was the final outcome on rdwc and hydroguard vs southern ag?