NY Times Editor: Obama White House the ‘Most Secretive’ I’ve Ever Dealt With

El Tiberon

Active Member
It took intelligence to mouth shart your garbage? Your 100K tuition bill is looking more like the realities of someone who has repeated many, many classes.
That was from undergrad. Post-grad was almost the same amount. I am debt free this year as well.

El Tiberon

Active Member
This would be amusing if I wasn't already retired. Please continue with the jealousy. Want to see what I did from 2009-2012? If you google it yourself you should find it easily enough.

LOVED living by the ocean. Wait a minute....how did I pay for that?

BTW, I turn 47 this June. More hate because I am young and managed life well?

Hate because I come from better stock?

Let the hate rain down, the erection will be gloriously magnified.


New Member
This would be amusing if I wasn't already retired. Please continue with the jealousy. Want to see what I did from 2009-2012? If you google it yourself you should find it easily enough.

LOVED living by the ocean. Wait a minute....how did I pay for that?

BTW, I turn 47 this June. More hate because I am young and managed life well?

Hate because I come from better stock?

Let the hate rain down, the erection will be gloriously magnified.
I live absolute waterfront. Would you like a medal?


Well-Known Member
Even the left leaning NYT's finally comments on the secrecy of this administration, perhaps the rest of the MSM will follow suit and stop protecting and coddling his sorry ass.
Some will, but the die-hard leftist will continue to cover up and lie for him. All while claiming they are the "good guys".


Well-Known Member
When it comes to these sorts of implementation to executive power, each compounds that of his predecessor. The modern "power grab" began with Clinton, was amped to soaring hights by Bush jr and of course this president, only ads to the storehouse. The next,whom ever he may be will likely make things even worse. Of course the right, in Bush's case never raised a warning, claiming instead that perhaps his ideology was the correct one - a quadrenial monarchy, a unitary executive, a branch of government that could be made immune even from the bills that president signed into law. I had hoped Obama would rachet down that sort of behavior, knowing, I'm afraid that it will take a truely great man unencumbered by outside forces and seeing the state of affairs in a new light, to bring the presidency back down to reason. We await that man. Republicans will most definitely not contribute as for some reason they actually believe that the presidency is their perpetual birthright - as we can plainly see. A Democrat will have to come from some other realm in order to accomplish what I have stated, and he will have to be helped, not hindered by his opposition. The right's horror over presidential power is only temporary, the left's is permanent.
Funny, the Democrat "savior" you are so enamored with has made things worse, yet you still claim his ilk are the solution. Perhaps you see the world as you want it to be, not as it actually is?


Well-Known Member
Homeless in a tent does not count. Waterfront would be elite. There seems to be a lot of contradiction here with your words.

We need video to confirm how we are all living.
he needed his brother and his girlfriend to cosign.

how much you wanna bet the brother is banging his girlfriend in the house they own more than he does?

El Tiberon

Active Member
he needed his brother and his girlfriend to cosign.

how much you wanna bet the brother is banging his girlfriend in the house they own more than he does?
Has he proven he has a woman thusfar? She could be imaginary just like his magician in the sky.


Well-Known Member
Has he proven he has a woman thusfar? She could be imaginary just like his magician in the sky.
good point, he has not proven shit. he just makes excuses about why he can't prove it while expecting us all to believe that long-haired neo nazis like him are scoring chicks who are not addicted to meth.


Well-Known Member
Not having an intimate knowlege of presidents before I was politicaly aware (Nixon), I cannot speak to that but I would suppose you are correct. When this country needs immediate action, when it requires leadership, then presidents should be granted a little extra leiniency but those actions should, as soon as possible, come under the scruteny of Congress AND - AND - AND, the American people. We cannot wait 30, 50, 100 years - or never, for the truth to be revealed. This is how our presidents now preside over questionable practices, by burying their actions under blankets mandated to be swept from the corpses in future generations, far too late to correct them, and in most cases far to late to even impugn the president that caused the actions. People talk of Obama's broken promises, and I have spoken up about how many he has indeed accomplished, but his largest and least forgiveable failures surround his secrecy. He should do what he believes he must, and then take the consequences of his actions WHILE he is in office or shortly thereafter, by making those actions available to the public and coupling them with his reasoning for taking those actions.
" I have spoken up about how many he has indeed accomplished, " He has accomplished nothing but his own aggrandizement. A man who cavorted with slumlords (Rezko), terrorists (Bill Aryers). anti-American and racist Jeremiah Wright. A man who accepted a multi-million dollar house as a bribe, a man who won both his councilman and Senatorial seats by getting all his opponents removed from the ballot, a man who voted "present" rather than stand for anything, a man who gained the Democrat nomination not by getting more votes than Hillary Clinton, but in a backroom deal. This is the type of crooked politician you put your faith in.


Well-Known Member
" I have spoken up about how many he has indeed accomplished, " He has accomplished nothing but his own aggrandizement. A man who cavorted with slumlords (Rezko), terrorists (Bill Aryers). anti-American and racist Jeremiah Wright. A man who accepted a multi-million dollar house as a bribe, a man who won both his councilman and Senatorial seats by getting all his opponents removed from the ballot, a man who voted "present" rather than stand for anything, a man who gained the Democrat nomination not by getting more votes than Hillary Clinton, but in a backroom deal. This is the type of crooked politician you put your faith in.
is obama more inclined to criminality, too?