nyc diesel---soma seeds

nycd is not very good from what ive had. my cousin grew it outdoors in northern california last year and it didnt turn out very good. it was grapefruity but it wasnt very poteny and didnt really WREAK like grapefuits or anything, it just kinda smelled like them when you sqeezed the bud. he grew them from seed, along with some other strains like mango, which turned out alot better. But its definetly nothing like the sour diesel clone here in so cal. doesent even seem like they are related at all. kinda off topic but does anyone know if resivoir seeds diesel ibls or chem dawg crosses are any good?
cool. I want some chem dawg cross. or a chem dawg ibl if they have that. Im all about the sour diesel, og kush and chemdawg. anything that has come from those genetics have been great. My friends dad grows mk-ultra and i gave him a cut of my sour diesel and he crossed his male mk with it, so next year im gonna have Sour diesel x mk-ultra or Sour K. Isnt Nycd supposed to be Sour Diesel x afgani? I think i read that in the big book of buds or sumthing. I dont know, but what my cousin had didnt even seem related to my sour diesel
heres what bothers me i asked specifically for info on somas nyc d not resivor. now i get all the resivor supporters telling me that soma nycd is garbage because its not related to chemdog.and these boneheads spell it chemdawg.If you really knew what you were talking about you would know that chemdawg is only a recreation of the orginal chemdog from mass.And for the record somas nycd is dank dank dank top quality its just not related to chem dog.So take your soma hate to another thread thanks
nyc diesel day 27
and whoever the fucking deuche bag idiot is who gave me bads rep.In my own thread these are my plants in the pics. so fuck off haters get a life.(this is NOT intended for those who tried to hep but for the hater trolls who hijacked my thread and tried to badmouth somas nycd )
Hey Im not trying to badmouth NYCD, Im sure there is AMAZING nycd out there, why the fuck else would soma release it? its not like he releases crap strains, Ive had his love potion #2 and somango and they were both exellent, Im just reporting my experiance with it, and it wasnt very impressive when i had it. I read in one of the big book of buds and I believe ed rosenthal said that NYCD was sour diesel X afgani, now I know that ed didnt create this strain so what he says the genetics are might not be right, I only told you what I have read, and I trust ed to know whats hes talking about. And I didnt turn your topic into a discussion about chemdawg or chemdog or whatever, I merely wanted to ask a quick question about it, becuase I dont really know all that much about it, and i thought NYCD was somewhat related because sour diesel is and according to ed NYCD had sour diesel in it.
the orginal chem dog , l.a kush and nycd were the same pot with diff names in diff parts of the country all came from a oz bought at a dead show in mass by chemdog in 1990 cost him 500 bucks he liked the weed so much he aranged to get 2 more oz in them were 13 seeds and the orginal chemdog nycd and la kush were born.Now somas nyc d is not related but the true genetics were similar to afghanni x mexican sativa and thats what soma ever the new chemdawg and resivors diesel crosses are related to chemdog. Thats the story as i know it.
a early assesment on the nyc d these girls are kind of a pain in the ass because they like to get tall and lanky lots of long side arms that need tying and constant fiddeling.The upside is they can really pack on the weight.Looks are deciving with these ladies cause they dont really look like anything amazing you can see early that she will be big.but they dont start making crystals and developing scent till about the end of the third week and they start slow. Their are two phenos one shorter and more compact one taller and leaner.They both produce. The smells are not consistent with pheno. in other words there are three noticabally different smells all similar ranging from lemony to grapefruity to diff. degrees but not uncommon for both phenos to exhibit the same smell.or two of the same phenos with diff. smells.Any way upon tying up some longer branches a couple snaped on me so i hung it for 4 days and it was plenty dry to smoke.This weed allready tastes great like lemony/grapefruity candy.Keep in mind its still about 3.5 to 4.5 weeks from finishing,so i can only imagine how sweet it will be ripe and cured. so far though its verry verry tasty and thats no joke
someone grew both a grapefruit kush and nycd that were almost identical in all ways except time of finishing,the grapefruit finished a few weeks earlier then the deisel,go figure.but their were a few differant phenos for each strain.
i still have 3 feminised nycd growing nicely right now. i am going to let them grow another week, pull clones of each and then send them into the flowering chamber to see just how good these girls are going to be! i will take pics and post them. right now they are growing great under a 250 mh. nice short fat bushy plants with beautifully fat leaves
soma says its a ten week strain unusuall for a indica dom.
ive grown a number of differant strains,and ive had at least one 9-10 week pheno in all the indica dominant,then you have your 8 week pheno,i just didnt see enough of a differance between the grapefruit kush and the nycd to spend an extra 2 weeks flowering,thats why i got the grapefruit kush.
Sour Diesel is potent but the high is short lived, and I hate stopping every 20 mins to roll up another one or take some more rips. I've had Sour D from the med clubs all the way to the NorCal growers, never had SD that was anything special.

NYC Diesel is very potent, smells better IMO , and the stone lasts much longer. I would definitely grow NYCD if I had the space, shit is dank. I have an (NYCD/OG Kush)x landrace Mexican Sativa hybrid I made that seems to magnify all the traits I like in NYCD, with real a speedy head buzz from the sativa, probably my favorite smoke.
my little vegging nycd plants are only about 8-10 inches tall and already are stinking pretty good
how good was the smoke from both the gfk and nycd? were the phenos similar in taste?
the smoke was the same grapefruit type taste,they were both powerful and long lasting,i expected the diesal to be more soaring and energetic,but they were both kick back and relax,but the more strains i grow,yes im going broke from it,and i just had about 300 dollars worth of seeds die,i find that if you breed at least 4 strains you will have alot of differant pheno types that cover all the strains on the market lol.a friend grew the hog,they were like 400 bucks for the seeds because hightimes said it was the best indica and produced branch breaking buds,well he never got anything close to what was descibed by the breeder,he never got any big fat resin filled buds like the seems they all use the same genetics and when one shows a differant trait,it gets sold with a differant name for an extra 200 dollars,i know alot of hard work and expertise goes into it and i applaud alot of the breeders not all but some.i grew a blueberry that had multiple coke can sized buds with a trippy high,maybe even a touch on the paranoia,the seeds came from a selfed BB.out of 30 seeds that was the only one that even came close to that size and stone to the way i see it you have to grow out alot of seeds to find that special one.when soma tells the story about a guy with dreads down to the floor walking in with a killer clone or seed and he backcrosses it depending on when he got it,i would imagine right around the time high times made it famous,it would take quite along time to get a replica,i guess to make a long story short for the time it takes to grow nycd and the price of the seeds,their are alot of strains out their that have the same taste and high that are cheaper and quicker to flower,but then again i never could understand why somas seeds were so expensive,alot of medical users are on dissability and they couldnt afford his seeds,but i have noticed he has lowerd his prices a bit in the last year.but alot of people love his products and thats what matters,too each their own.
I just found a cannabis culture magazine from april 2006 It has the lineage of real diesel It came from seed in a bag of colorado indica known as chemdawg Seeds were found in a big bag 12 total taken back to massachusetts It was complete chemdawg (true origins unknown) Clones were given out at a phish concert taken to ny and they started calling it diesel been many crosses in massachusetts super skunkxn.lxdiesel=headband daywrecker diesel and diesel 1 a hermie massachusetts super skunk pollinated the diesel making sour d Soma's is not the real if at all it barely compares due to a more citrus flavour and is weaker This came from the magazine thought I would share with you all
I know you cant make out pics just wanted to show where got info has all original crosses I wanna know about rez chemdog double d though