nyc diesel---soma seeds

smartsover ty I truly thought the same thing I mean I am not here to start any trouble or anything but if you are going to say a certain breeder sucks is a thief or whatever atleast outta say why. Did you all have bad results. My buddy grew the soma and resevoir diesel he got the grapefruit pheno it is awesome. The rest though didnt stink as much yield as much or get frosty as much as resevoir. He grew both in soil same enviroment fox farm ocean forest and fox farm line of nutes
the name of my thread is nyc diesel by soma.hope this helps.Im not intrested in who thinks whos is better im sure they are both good.
Bong hits in your first post you asked for opinion if it was real diesel I was just answering you as far as what an article said then you said rez sucks is basically a lowlife so I just asked why no harm just concerned me cause I ordered a few resevoir seeds myself rollitup lite it up toke it up man happy smoking
i know dude but throughout the whole thread i answered my own question.And i didnt call res a lowlife i just said he has a different philosophical perspective from soma.
he is a tour rat ask him yourself he will tell you.Life on dead tour was a struggle everyday to get food or a ride to the next town a tent to sleep in etc.Those people learned to survive and did what they had to do.Its not a knock. and some of the best pot ever was found on tour.resivors diesels are related to the orginal how close i dont know.but im sure its dank.Somas is not related but it too is dank.
naw dude soma may have cash and all but he aint no excutive,he loves his plants and dose the breeding himself
soma has a pr man,and he has seperate people makeing seeds at other locations besides his as far as i know.Somas a decent breeder so are 6000 other people,who heard of wancouver seed company untill hightimes names fucken incredible top 10 strain,ive bought from them for a while my buddy for years,all 60 dollars,now they will be sold out of everything.Soma has done an awful lot of advertiseing over the years and has gotten in good with the click clack at high times the ones that recycle the same dribble and it doesnt hurt to be friends to old jorge there.thats a few good plugs down the line.Its the old boys network they have a monopoly on the weed game.They decide who,s in who,s out.just my 2 cents from someone who,s been around to many not saying soma doesnt have a right to make money he does,i just dont like his play on words,or when sensi says g-13 was smuggled out of the goverment labs,they state it as fact,it aint fact.But these cats no were the moneys at,i mean soon as hight times calls nycd the best weed on the planet some guy with dreads walks in and says hey soma got the seed from newyork best weed i ever smoked,so soma believed him,while ive been hood winked by a few rasta fearen dread wearing people in my time,ive met good and bad in all walks of life.Was somas nycd the best smoke i ever smoked hell no,not even close,but it is good weed.
you know whats sad about all this is the prices people have to pay,my nephew was telling me just last week that he could get some nycd for 400 an oz,prices are 180 too 200 for top grade weed,i think all these names have just given dealers and seed companies a reason to jack tell someone you have grand daddy purps and your forkin out the cash,even though vancouver has many purple strains,and thats probaby were it comes from,have i smoked grand daddy purp,probably,when you smoke for 30+ years your going to have tried alot of stuff,but it never had a name before,except the country it came from or indica or be honest i think breeders are breeding the hell out of their stock and lowering the grade,thats why when some unknown has some clone only shit it is put in a brinks truck and sent to the top guns,and hightimes is their to cover the story,all you have to do is send your 300 bucks and your part of history,but like they say nothings new under the sun its all been done before.
yes thats all true and common knowledge i too have been smoking for 30 yrs. and i remember getting regular weed and kind bud the kind had names like indica or thai stick.With that being said many of the popular breeders are popular because they do excellent work.Soma being one of them and heres my opnion.Somas nyc diesel takes a long time needs constant care (tying and staking and what not, shes a fussy eater.etc...)but i tasted a piece that had 3 weeks left before it was ready because it snaped off the follow so far?so a small 1/2 gram piece cut 3 weeks early and dried for 3 days with no cure.was some of the best tasting pot ive ever had in 30 yrs of smoking.deff. top ten for taste. 3 weeks early and quick dried.So while i respect your opnion id have to disagree and say you get what you pay for.and somas nyc diesel is fucking diggity dank.
Trapper good point Its like shoes you pay higher for nike than reebok cause more athletes wear them. In the world of breeders clones dont cost a thing if you got something good to trade. Then you add your best plant to it and advertise the hell out of it and it will make you thousands and millions. I went to amsterdam in 97 and 99 the high times cup as a matter of fact. Man if I had lived there I could be growing every single strain that we all are paying buku bucks for for nothing. Clones and crosses are super easy to get. Then you either pollinate to get reg seeds or you stress or other methods to get fem seeds. All I mean is once something is made famous by something else famous everyone wants it. Believe me when I say though owner of soma does not breed and care for each plant in their stock. Company that big is growing in multiple warehouses with multiple employees Somango is bomb too I might add. But safe some money got to the cup one time you will get to test companies shit and you will find that even no name companies have real good shit even better than big name
dude we all know that its crooked and political at the cup.And soma didnt start out huge. he did the work and developed the strains.and got popular for a reason.Im saying i paid for seeds and have been dissapointed.(la confidential) and ive gotten cheaper seeds that ive been pleased with.Im saying there are three breeders or companys that i think have the integrity to price their products fairly acording to market value.they are soma dj shorts/dutch passion and th seeds.So yes soma seeds are expensive but imo well worth it.And its my thread.And i think its run its corse.
yes thats all true and common knowledge i too have been smoking for 30 yrs. and i remember getting regular weed and kind bud the kind had names like indica or thai stick.With that being said many of the popular breeders are popular because they do excellent work.Soma being one of them and heres my opnion.Somas nyc diesel takes a long time needs constant care (tying and staking and what not, shes a fussy eater.etc...)but i tasted a piece that had 3 weeks left before it was ready because it snaped off the follow so far?so a small 1/2 gram piece cut 3 weeks early and dried for 3 days with no cure.was some of the best tasting pot ive ever had in 30 yrs of smoking.deff. top ten for taste. 3 weeks early and quick dried.So while i respect your opnion id have to disagree and say you get what you pay for.and somas nyc diesel is fucking diggity dank.
i believe you,i believe it is dank weed you have,and im happy for you thats the truth,but im just saying he used a play on words calling it nycd,right when HT did an article,and soma ran with it,i also know some of somas nycd are not worth 300 which they were going for for a 10 pack,but some got lucky with a powerful pheno,and some didnt happens with all strains and seeds,i just cant stand HT decideing which breeder hits the lottery,and soma in my opininion played on that article calling his nycd which is not the strain from the article,so soma is a bussiness man,and bussiness men run with an opurtunity,does that mean i think you have shitty bud,hell no,you may even have better then the breeders who got the original clone,i just thought it was alot like gapefruit kush from the west coast,and thats not a put down because the grapefruit kush is nice long hitting stuff,as long as your satisfied with what you got for the price you paid thats all that trying to find a strain from the west coast that is something special ive seen it 3 times around this way in the past 2 months,sooner are later i will find out the strain and order it.but every time i ask they just say every ones growing this on the coast,no their not.the funny thing is it looks as ugly as sin,just like straw with trics,might have to use spray paint on we can agree to disagree about soma,but we can agree that you could have some fine weed the way i never knew the old thai stick we used to smoke was dipped in opium liquid,no wonder we tripped out on it,i had some really funky highs on that,i remember a guy brought a bunch of it up to the bush camps(were the money is and all work and party,nothing else),we smoked it for 1/2 a year while the city slickers couldnt get a whiff.
yea man asome of the thais were dipped.ha ha its hard saying thai stick these days people look at you like what???? Any way alot of the thai plants were not dipped they were just 100 % land race sativas that took the bangcock express to the usa.and there is only one place to get landrace genetics these days and its dj shorts.I have a f-13 plant from dj that grows almost like a pure sativa thai weed its sparse and spindly almost blueish green when done. the taste is amazing the looks are awefull so its give and take heres a link to some pics of it