Looking good bro. I always Wait until a week or a week 1/2 in to flag. The hormones of the plant have changed at that point and you kind of get a good idea of how the plant wants to stretch. Just dont over do it, But if a branch is clearly going to produce gimp bud chop it. then at the end of week three i flag leaves again for light penitration. After that you should touch them much.
thanks man, just the help i needed! flag means cut or trim right? haha! i feel great having you here in my grow! things still looking great, 1" a day, is that normal! lots of hair though, im loving it!
Hey, Drella... plants look great. Congrats...
Last year, I kept the lower 1/4 of my plant clear of scraggly branches. I removed them at 2-3 points over the grow; never a problem. Plants seemed to love it, mostly.
Just a suggestion: I would not start using "bloom food" just yet. I would stick with your normal vegging formula for awhile yet. Why? Your plants are going into stretch -- that means much more veg growth than flower growth and a continued high demand for N. Macronutes are all about balance -- a plant will not "see the N" in a bloom food because the balance is biased to P and K. And regular veg formulas have more than enough P and K to support flowering.
I would at least wait until height growth has ceased before going to bloom food. I know some people will jump up and down over that, but if I had a nickel for every RIU plant with copper spots and premature leaf drop from bloom foods, I could retire now and just grow weed all day instead of blogging about it on work time. Switching to bloom food right at 12/12 is a mantra with no basis in biology. Just because someone does something and a plant succeeds after it doesn't mean for a second that the plant succeeded because of it.(in addition to my nickel, I'll take a penny, too, for every person that can't make that logical distinction) Plants in the wild go from seed to flower and back to seed year after year with no drastic change in soil constituency like the ones we impose when we switch feed regimes. They know full well how to do this.
Good luck man.. looks great; interesting strain choices, too. Look forward to the smoke report.
thanks kreigs, great advice on the bloom/veg nutes first week of bloom. i already fed them 1/4 stength bloom nutes yesterday, just reading your post today. every day has seen 1" growth though, except today they all look extra perky! leaves are getting a more rugged spiky look to them.
Looking good. God job on building the box. It was smart to include an a/c unit. If you mylar up all the walls you'll have even better light distribution.
thanks dc! yeah i got the box from a hippy friend of mine, it really feels professional. 3/4 plywood, and insulated. the walls are lined with the reflective paper that looks like a fun house mirror. i know it's the expensive stuff, but i don't know the name. i don't know if this is what you mean by mylar. thanks for the support bro!
You're still getting bleaching at 12+ inches? I know you got a 600 but damn that surprises me. My 400w light will give my girls heat stress at about 3" from glass, but I've yet to have it actually bleach the leaves of a plant.
Agreed on the bloom nutes. I started out 25% bloom/75% grow, then taperd it each week, so 50/50 the next week followed by 75% bloom / 25% grow. So over three weeks I changed from pure grow to pure bloom. This works good because by the time your at pure bloom nutes, the stretch is over and the demand for N decreases. Ionic nutes are very close anyhow, grow is 3-1-5 and bloom 3-2-6, boost 0-5-6 Yours will likely vary.
yeah, they aren't bleached, but a little yellow at new growth. i know a lot of people say this is normal, but im taking the advice of goldenganga13, look at his grows and you'll know. he said to keep light farther away at beginning of veg and bloom, when the plants are the most fragile. move the light closer in mature veg, and once nugs form, to let the light penetrate more and do it's work. he uses t5's and 600whps for flower too! i noticed when i moved the t5, and hps farther away i got super green new growth and minimal stretch because of the high lumen count. i know a lot of people will say this will stretch and stress my plants, but look at them. the only "stretchy" plant is the super sativa OGKGC!
damn, i hope i didn't mess up, but i mean i fed them 1/4 strength bloom nutes and water, no veg nutes? is it ok to next time feed them 1/2bloom/1/2 veg nutes? im confused, first time guys! thanks SG, always great to hear from you!
trimming the lower portion off still shocks the plants so id avoid it unless the plants are packed together., im jsut guessing from the pix cuz ur pots are spread out enough that light still reaches the sides of the plant. the concept for trimming lower bottom growth is if ur canopy is so thick no light will penetrate and shit will just die off get diseased and wat not. so depends. id do trimming anyways just to clean up the bottom to allow better air flow and easier to inspect. plus popcorn bud is shit and ull prob just make hash with it or toss it watever u do. ive got about 2 pounds worth of trim to still make into bubble hash lol. but anyways not sure this helps but thats just sum ups and downs ive seen bout trimming underneath, im sure theres others on here that mite be able to give u better advice from more experience. hope ur bro is doin better. i got that immunox like u said so the shit should work.
thanks boomer, glad to see you got the immunox, hope it works out for ya mang! yeah, i think im gonna wait till week 2-3 to trim scraggly growths, then no more trimming, thanks for the advice everybody, you guys rock! thanks for support on my brother boomer, it really helps. my older bro got in a motorcycle accident on sunday. he broke his hip, fractured his back, and his right lung collapsed. he's doing chill now, in physical therapy, thanks for the support y'all!