obama: apologized to the enemy?


Well-Known Member
Emboldening the enemy is the new strategy now?


"It comes as an important first step, toward relieving the tension witnessed in relations between the Muslim world and the U.S.

"The speech needs to be implemented with action. There is common interest between America and the Islamic world, including liberty, equality, and ending dictatorships

"That is a very positive statement and I want to be on record to appreciate that."

"What they have been doing is a crusade against Islam and Muslims. They have destroyed Iraq. They have destroyed Afghanistan. Their acts do not reflect what they are saying. Their actions are totally opposite to what they are saying. Such good statements do not make any difference."

"This is a positive transformation toward changing the dialogue toward Arabs and Muslims. No matter what the U.S. does, Arabs and Muslims will not rest until the Palestinian case is resolved."

"Obama realizes the extent of the damage done by his predecessor and is trying to improve America's image but we are not building a lot of hopes on these statements. What's required are not statements but real stances that give confidence in these words."

wonder how long before the islamic reading of the pledge of allegiance?

I'm not sure whats more dangerous, doing nothing about the growing asian conflict or becoming allies with a clear enemy.

The change YOU voted for.....
have no doubt, if/when the shit hits the fan, you obama supporters will be no more secure then our representatives in my minds eye.

'he who pays the piper calls the tune'


Well-Known Member
Considering that Muslims make up a huge portion of the world a Mea Culpa is a very smart plan.... these people respond poorly to the Bush arrogant bully style, but do have a tendency to respect an admission of wrong doing.. and in truth the US as been tempting fate by the support it shows Israel ..and disrespect it shows when asked by Muslim countries in the world to vacate certain areas they consider holy......... Only a certain mind frame would be against peaceful gestures to one and all.... And we all know what that mindset has done for US/world relations in only 8 years.... If the US wasn't owned by China, Bush would of alienated them and all of Asia too... but then they'd call in the debt and ...well..
I love the US great friendship with the Arabs..who by the way are your worst enemies...9-11 considered.. that they were all Saudis... but we can forget all those terrible deaths when oil is in the mix.... why is it always seem to be, to be a friend of the US a country must supply them or serve them.........
Obama is only righting a long over due wrong.... a smart man knows his enemy.... and as the adage goes...A smart man keeps his friends close.... and his enemies closer...
It must really toast the Rights muffins that ALL world leaders approve of Obama..... and wouldn't piss on Bush if he was on fire..... smart people...



Well-Known Member
I just heard a question asked on CNN Rick Sanchez show....
"When Obama goes to Iraq the RT complain about not going to Afghanistan...etc.. can they do anything but complain..he goes..its wrong he doesn't its wrong.. how about some suggestions instead of always crying about..it's wrong".......
Thats all I see..bitter old megalomaniacs... if they have nothing useful they should STFU... at least the fact is that most will soon be voted out .... A good day for the US...


Well-Known Member
Considering that Muslims make up a huge portion of the world a Mea Culpa is a very smart plan.... these people respond poorly to the Bush arrogant bully style, but do have a tendency to respect an admission of wrong doing.. and in truth the US as been tempting fate by the support it shows Israel ..and disrespect it shows when asked by Muslim countries in the world to vacate certain areas they consider holy......... Only a certain mind frame would be against peaceful gestures to one and all.... And we all know what that mindset has done for US/world relations in only 8 years.... If the US wasn't owned by China, Bush would of alienated them and all of Asia too... but then they'd call in the debt and ...well..
I love the US great friendship with the Arabs..who by the way are your worst enemies...9-11 considered.. that they were all Saudis... but we can forget all those terrible deaths when oil is in the mix.... why is it always seem to be, to be a friend of the US a country must supply them or serve them.........
Obama is only righting a long over due wrong.... a smart man knows his enemy.... and as the adage goes...A smart man keeps his friends close.... and his enemies closer...
It must really toast the Rights muffins that ALL world leaders approve of Obama..... and wouldn't piss on Bush if he was on fire..... smart people...
these people ONLY respect fear. you think bush bullied them? bush simply reacted, sorry you didn't like bushs REACTION.

most of the world is muslim, is your answer?

No joke, I will buy you a 1 way ticket to anywhere in the world outside of the states, where they will cheer you for your anti american stance..
Infact thats a brilliant idea. the conservatives get a collection plate going and give the liberals the opportunity to live in beloved paris, rome and germany.
go save tibet-hands on.


Well-Known Member
1st I'm not anti American... so you can forget to even try that fucking shit, I have lots of American friends on both sides.. see, theres the GD arrogance.. thats exactly the GOP party chant.. You don't agree..you're anti US.. I'm anti stupid Govs. and the Republican party went way off the tracks.. yeah small gov & tax cuts.. are great ideas... but what Gov. isn't guilty of those sins of over spending when in power..Gov. size/spending/waste/corruption all increased under Bush.. and the only tax cuts were for those who couldn't care less...

Not all cultures think the same.. I don't know if you have any Muslim friends.. I do, and they do respect honesty, plain talk and truth.. not threats and chest thumping.....

I'd take your kind trip offer... but seeing that we helped you at our own loss of face, I'll have to decline that kind offer..... we've been skunked, by our.....
ahem... friends..... and the stink won't come off....



Well-Known Member
1st I'm not anti American... so you can forget to even try that fucking shit, I have lots of American friends on both sides.. see, theres the GD arrogance.. thats exactly the GOP party chant.. You don't agree..you're anti US.. I'm anti stupid Govs. and the Republican party went way off the tracks.. yeah small gov & tax cuts.. are great ideas... but what Gov. isn't guilty of those sins of over spending when in power..Gov. size/spending/waste/corruption all increased under Bush.. and the only tax cuts were for those who couldn't care less...

Not all cultures think the same.. I don't know if you have any Muslim friends.. I do, and they do respect honesty, plain talk and truth.. not threats and chest thumping.....

I'd take your kind trip offer... but seeing that we helped you at our own loss of face, I'll have to decline that kind offer..... we've been skunked, by our.....
ahem... friends..... and the stink won't come off....

Just because Bush was a RINO doesn't mean that we should throw out all of his ideas. I'm willing to bet that the majority of those countries are now laughing their asses of behind closed doors.

Nations don't have friends or allies, they have interests.