moratorium on torture, and closing Gitmo.
closing gitmo to make another gitmo right here in the usa
bringing the torture home
moratorium on torture, and closing Gitmo.
of course it's tuff to clean up that illegitimate cluster fuck that the Bush admin got us into. your point?
my point is we have more important people in the marijuana culture to name strains afterof course it's tuff to clean up that illegitimate cluster fuck that the Bush admin got us into. your point?
i'll agree theremy point is we have more important people in the marijuana culture to name strains after
Are you for real? Do you know what happent to the guys who cant be transported another place? like if other country is not accepting it? They go to the other secret prisons of CIA. Or be executed.moratorium on torture, and closing Gitmo.
FOX must be your news source. What are your solutions to these problems? It's way easier to criticize than come up with an answer. try finding the answers then you MAY realize that any pres is gonna have to make tough choices.Are you for real? Do you know what happent to the guys who cant be transported another place? like if other country is not accepting it? They go to the other secret prisons of CIA. Or be executed.
And btw ofc it matter who he picks with him into white house and if he is a fucking advisor?
Well im confused... you support the war in afghanistan to capture more prisoners and torture and hate against USA? and then other hand you are telling me that it was good thing what he did? How about all the bad things what he is doing?
My source is books and www.infowars.com and independent research for 9 years, what is yours?FOX must be your news source. What are your solutions to these problems? It's way easier to criticize than come up with an answer. try finding the answers then you MAY realize that any pres is gonna have to make tough choices.
i'm linked into infowars...AJ has an agenda as well as good points. he is more reliable than many....but no gospel. he is one crazy fuck ha haMy source is books and www.infowars.com and independent research for 9 years, what is yours?
Go watch TV, it's telling the truth... lol and NET IS NOT!!! Remember net is bad like Obama want to filter it like China... YES WE CAN!!! YES WE CAN!!!
My source is books and www.infowars.com and independent research for 9 years, what is yours?
Go watch TV, it's telling the truth... lol and NET IS NOT!!! Remember net is bad like Obama want to filter it like China... YES WE CAN!!! YES WE CAN!!!
pFFFff, you guys are so inside the box that makes me so sick... YES CIA does its job very well??? LOL YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR MIND? please tell me that you are joking?
and one more thing, thing about what the poster said about the cia doing their job well, i can tell its a job you dont agree with, and me as well...pFFFff, you guys are so inside the box that makes me so sick... YES CIA does its job very well??? LOL YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR MIND? please tell me that you are joking?
Man i am who i am, Dont tell me how to be? What part of the massage you didnt read? i told i have done my own research for 9 years for now... i just gave you AJ becos it's too huge to put in forum just by a words... Its very deep... Anyway i wanted to show this:Dude I am with ya Charlie, but dont take the high and mighty attitude, you are not gonna educate anyone like that, Just because you watch some infowar movie, does not mean you know it all, try to be more of a skeptic, i know what alex jones say sounds good because we want it to be true, remember Alex Jones says do your own research. Find proof for yourself, I hope you dont take this the wrong way, i agree with you just dont put anyone down because they did not watch the same documentary as you.
The solution is YOU, Wake up, inform others, standup, get up, stand up for your rights (Constitution).still wondering what YOUR solutions are?