Charlie Green
Well-Known Member
But if you dont see the shitty days coming... then you are missinformed also... the shitty days will come if you still sitting in home and doing nothing
yup if you dont belive AJ look up to Architects and Engineers for truth!oh cause demanding a REAL investigation into the murder of almost 3,000 americans doesnt mean anything to you
If there was an Obama Bud, it would have to be the complete opposite of what its advertised as..Obama should get an strain named after himand if he did what would it be like {some one should make an obama strain}i would buy
"yes i inhaled, that was the point"-Obama [the ant- Christ has come] jk lol
Sorry , i just dont have time to read everything and respond... im sorry... im just busy right now and reading stuff fast and replying stuff fast...Charlie green you have no comprehension skills. You are a classic example of someone who reads what they want to read in a response. Your reply to me has no inkling of understanding what I said, along with your replies to others
I have a very good friend that was in the CIA. He told me that it was an inside job using remotely controlled planes the first week that it happened.
yup and you can find videos of that control center plane. i belive that is correct information.. in formation...I have a very good friend that was in the CIA. He told me that it was an inside job using remotely controlled planes the first week that it happened.
LoL guys? Obama is a fucking joker by wallstreet bansgers... He's just a puppet fuck face who is going to destroy USA... If you didnt like Bush... well Obama is Bush on steroids.... Watch the movie from YouTube called Obama Deception... He is a fucking scammer... why would somebody like to name bud after him?.... this makes me very angry....
Also, you know why MJ is so evil to the govt? (1) because they need a "boogeyman"! They say some BS like "We need to tripple our police force and buy $10mil worth of military gear to keep these dope fiends from selling marywanna to our school children." And everybody just goes "Oh yes, please take our money; hire all the help you need; just save us from the dope fiends!" (2) they hate the competition. Oh you don't think the CIA and all the rest of the govt is involved in drug smuggling? LOL, doesn't take a rocket scientist to Google that. My friend in the CIA quit when he discovered the cadavers of his fellow soldiers were stuffed with heroin. He was flying for Air American, the CIA covert drug running shill.
hahaha... yup me and reefermaster was thinking to make business with this strain "Obama Bud" maybe cross some shitty strain with industrial hemp and sell the seedsIt should be called "The Liar".. it can be some old bag seed that someone kept saying was the shit and new and different and will get you fucked up when in reality thats just a lie as it's just the same old shit shwag you ve seen for years that sold as the shit when in fact its just shit lol. See then they would both be full of shit. lies who dont do shit for you except cost you money and give you a head ache.. I bet the same dummies would buy it that voted for Obama lol...Oh and the main thing is its gonna cost about $7 trillion an oz and it wont get you high just in debt
BINGOeverything is always happening everywhere. It always has been
Wow... really wow..... you must be very smart guy.... is that all?BINGO![]()
Yup, like your picOrr you could just hand out black baggies that say the shit on them and actually fill them with shit ande charge $3 billion and then say "its ok baaabay..Barack gonna take good care of you..That guy over there has done real good and has his own busness so Im going to take his moeny and we gonna diviy it up and shoot some craps...Who's your daddy?" Clear and transparent my ass