obama care ?


Well-Known Member
Are you an idiot? You're claiming it's only false when Fox reports it. What bag of shit, you're paying for my healthcare, ACA or not?

This is just in the last week


Well-Known Member
Lots of things to be unhappy with Obama about You dont ever list any. And if you want to not be labeled a racist Stop acting like one
Disagreeing with you is acting like a racist? I don't think so. You seem to have run out of arguments here.


Well-Known Member
Are you an idiot? You're claiming it's only false when Fox reports it. What bag of shit, you're paying for my healthcare, ACA or not?
Again, you are pretending not to know how propaganda works. I'm sure you are giving imaginary high fives to your invisa buddies right now!


Well-Known Member
I know full well what propaganda is. I'm well aware that Fox is biased. But claiming only Fox is reporting reductions in full time employment is obviously false. So pretending the news that both sides of the media are reporting is false is just deluding yourself. Frankly, you sound like a crybaby.


Well-Known Member
I know full well what propaganda is. I'm well aware that Fox is biased. But claiming only Fox is reporting reductions in full time employment is obviously false. So pretending the news that both sides of the media are reporting is just deluding yourself. Frankly, you sound like a crybaby.
You are correct
other Right tard sites like
-The blaze
-free republic
-savage nation

are also reporting the EXACT same thing.


Well-Known Member
I know full well what propaganda is. I'm well aware that Fox is biased. But claiming only Fox is reporting reductions in full time employment is obviously false. So pretending the news that both sides of the media are reporting is false is just deluding yourself. Frankly, you sound like a crybaby.

keep digging


Well-Known Member
Well yeah, the dumbass posts bullshit and says he doesn't know if its true or not, just like the conservative dipshit he is.
That's a low blow below the belt. I don't think it's fair you attack somebody for seeking answers. I know you liberals think it is a sin for people to be ignorant of your utopian statist agenda; but the truth is many Americans have questions about Obamacare, and simply want answers. Why is that such a bad thing?


Well-Known Member
The definition of a Fascist is when Obama gives an exemption to big corporations, and then denies that same benefit to individuals to the point he is willing to shut down the government.


Well-Known Member
Just to be absolutely clear, you have never cited a source in all 335 posts on RIU
Never needed to. Do I need to take notes? Will there be a pop quiz after class? Geez, I really came to class unprepared...
But I learned enough last semester to know that Congress hasn't approved a bill. Obama isn't a factor until they do.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

And then one day when you need that medical care that will cost you thousands of dollars
You will wonder why you just didnt spend a few hundred more and get insurance
And he will know that he made that choice. It should be his choice to make. Deal with it like an adult and stop acting like a pathetic little bitch.

Sometime i just wish you guys would just get out from behind your keyboards and have yourselves a nice little civil war again and do the rest of the world a favor. A HUGE favor.


Well-Known Member
Never needed to. Do I need to take notes? Will there be a pop quiz after class? Geez, I really came to class unprepared...
But I learned enough last semester to know that Congress hasn't approved a bill. Obama isn't a factor until they do.
LIE! You don't think Obama works directly with Harry Reid? Two peas in a pod? Obama is a huge factor in this, always has been. I keep trying to explain to you Obama does indeed have a lot to do with Obama's signature piece of Obama landmark legislation known as Obamacare. If Obama gives subsidies to Congess that are not available to the same level of income earners, then how is that not an exemption given to congress by congress, and then approved by Obama?

Further more, How is it fair for big corporations to be exempted from Obamacare, and then when republicans try to get individuals exempted Harry Reid and Obama won't agree on it because individuals don't have any Lobbyists in Washington. Obama said it himself. He's not going to negotiate on the debt ceiling. Only reason the debt ceiling won't go up is because Obama our Fascist president will only give exemptions and favors to Congress and corporations. What about the individual?


Well-Known Member
I'll type slower so you can understand better... Congress hasn't passed a bill, until they do Obama isn't a factor. FYI, it's the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Obamacare is the name conservatives tagged it with.

(You forgot to underline 3 Obama's in your essay. -15pts)


Well-Known Member
I'll type slower so you can understand better... Congress hasn't passed a bill, until they do Obama isn't a factor. FYI, it's the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Obamacare is the name conservatives tagged it with.

You didn't answer me. Do I need to spam it over and over for you? Obama the democrat is working with Harry Reid in the Senate(another democrat) to block all bills the house passes (which have been many) and therefore the government has been shut down because democrats in the senate and Obama won't sign anything. Harry Reid Obama and Senate Democrats absolutely refuse to give relief to individuals. Obama has gone so far as to refuse signing legislation that would immediately give relief to children with cancer, and also fund veterans programs. Obama refuses even when republicans ask for nothing in return. Democrats have blocked over 12 bills coming from Republicans. Because Democrats are stubborn, never finding a middle ground. Republicans are simply asking to give individuals the same equal treatment as Obama is giving his big corporations.