Obama did a good job

You can not trust the polls especially coming from CNN. I voted for Obama and he completely let us down. Are we safer: no. Has the economy recovered? No ect.ect to much to label. He spent 8 years trying to drive America towards globalism and failed horribly.
And if you think the Chump is going to do any better you're as deluded as everyone here says you are.

I think this next four years just might be the best thing that's happened to the Liberal Movement in America in my lifetime.

And not a moment too soon; I know people working two jobs who are still unable to make ends meet. They aren't 'lazy', they aren't being served by their 'elected' representatives, who now are far more focused on how much money a given constituent can bring to their reelection campaign than serving the needs of the average Joe and Jane in their district.

Mr Obama did a fantastic job considering that the opposition lived up to their avowed intention of blocking everything he purposed, no matter what the consequences. In fact, it's a glaring weakness in our two party system that such behavior represents the only alternative to his own party. What choice does the average American REALLY have anymore? No one represents We the People, and when someone arises who threatens to fix this, they're cheated out of the nomination.

America is no longer a shining light of righteousness and democracy to the world; we're now rightly seen in the same light as The Empire in the Star Wars movies.
coolburn how did Obama let us down ?
He did a shit tonne for us, considering what the Republicans did every time they could in knocking him down, with a approval rating higher than any other President in History. How can you say that?
If it affected you I have to wonder why, When he Brought America Back From Yet another Republican inflicted recession.
We get back on the right track again, now what is going to happen? I believe we are going to slip back into another recession soon or worse yet depression.
Yep. I believe in the Chump's ability and willingness to crash the economy just to profit from it.

Tragedy of the Commons.
What rock have you been living under? Thinking there has not been a major Terrorist attack i consider them all Major. Or might I have to ask you ho many have to die for it to be major? Was Orlando not Major? Was Boston Not Major? You are a shinning example of a truly out of touch ignorant Liberal.
You're a special dimwit; those were all local morons, aka 'domestic terrorists', not at all in the same category.

The conservative party can have you, where you'll be shagged and shagged again.
That is very debatable look how close we are to WW3 that is not Bush's doing Obama promised to end war not create more and try starting WW3 while he's at it.
That is very debatable look how close we are to WW3 that is not Bush's doing Obama promised to end war not create more and try starting WW3 while he's at it.

You're a special dimwit; those were all local morons, aka 'domestic terrorists', not at all in the same category.

The conservative party can have you, where you'll be shagged and shagged again.
San Bernardino, CA those were Muslims who pledged allegiance to ISIS. Not to mention all them poor folks in the Middle East getting killed left and right while ISIS is being armed and funded by President Obama...

The gay club shooter was also an Afghan Muslim not to mention all the terrorism in Europe which might as well be us since they are being targeted because they are allies of the USA.
Obama's Dismal Economic Record Looks Even Worse When Compared To Reagan's!

Data from US Senate Joint Economic Committee

Meekest recovery in 50 years.

First 25 quarter recovery growth rate:

Obama's per capita real GDP growth 9%, the lowest since any post 1960 recovery.
Average recovery growth, 18%.

94 million people age 16 and older aren't in the workforce! 5% unemployment... puhleeze

If Obamas recovery had been just an average C grade, it wasn't, JEC calculates that “after-tax per person income would be $3,339 (2009 dollars) per year higher.‎”

$19 Trillion debt. Almost doubled since Obama taking office.

"On economic growth the Obama recovery ranks dead last.” JEC


Thanks Obaaaama!
You're a special dimwit; those were all local morons, aka 'domestic terrorists', not at all in the same category.

The conservative party can have you, where you'll be shagged and shagged again.

So you are saying they were not major terrorist attacks because they were domestic terrorists that had connections and were influenced by terrorists? Well ill stay this type of special dimwit because i sure do not want that special out of your fucking mind liberalism your offering.
Obama's Dismal Economic Record Looks Even Worse When Compared To Reagan's!

Data from US Senate Joint Economic Committee

Meekest recovery in 50 years.

First 25 quarter recovery growth rate:

Obama's per capita real GDP growth 9%, the lowest since any post 1960 recovery.
Average recovery growth, 18%.

94 million people age 16 and older aren't in the workforce! 5% unemployment... puhleeze

If Obamas recovery had been just an average C grade, it wasn't, JEC calculates that “after-tax per person income would be $3,339 (2009 dollars) per year higher.‎”

$19 Trillion debt. Almost doubled since Obama taking office.

"On economic growth the Obama recovery ranks dead last.” JEC


Thanks Obaaaama!

we have the strongest economy in the world right now.

we will not be able to say that once trum collapses it through major incompetence.
Obama's Dismal Economic Record Looks Even Worse When Compared To Reagan's!

Data from US Senate Joint Economic Committee

Meekest recovery in 50 years.

First 25 quarter recovery growth rate:

Obama's per capita real GDP growth 9%, the lowest since any post 1960 recovery.
Average recovery growth, 18%.

94 million people age 16 and older aren't in the workforce! 5% unemployment... puhleeze

If Obamas recovery had been just an average C grade, it wasn't, JEC calculates that “after-tax per person income would be $3,339 (2009 dollars) per year higher.‎”

$19 Trillion debt. Almost doubled since Obama taking office.

"On economic growth the Obama recovery ranks dead last.” JEC


Thanks Obaaaama!

Obama's Dismal Economic Record Looks Even Worse When Compared To Reagan's!

Data from US Senate Joint Economic Committee

Meekest recovery in 50 years.

First 25 quarter recovery growth rate:

Obama's per capita real GDP growth 9%, the lowest since any post 1960 recovery.
Average recovery growth, 18%.

94 million people age 16 and older aren't in the workforce! 5% unemployment... puhleeze

If Obamas recovery had been just an average C grade, it wasn't, JEC calculates that “after-tax per person income would be $3,339 (2009 dollars) per year higher.‎”

$19 Trillion debt. Almost doubled since Obama taking office.

"On economic growth the Obama recovery ranks dead last.” JEC


Thanks Obaaaama!
Now tell us exactly why we needed an economic recovery.