Obama did a good job

I must say it is a pleasure debating with someone who actually has something to say. And yes, you are def a funny guy...still laughing at your opening lines....

But , man you seem smart....I wish you could see how WRONG this Globalism push has been.... We have all actually been REAL ESTATE since the FED, DUDE! There is only a couple token tons of gold per each countries stocks in fort knox and the federal reserve....WE are the wealth of this nation, and they already do, indeed own us...But Hopefully Trump can continue to outsmart those aligned against him... and YOU
He has already been sworn in last week, and should he make it off the platform, he is going right to the bunker.... And they already tried to off Roger Stone... he was hospitalized during a three week episode of high fever and delerium with unstoppable diarrhea and leasions. Polonium Poisoned.... he is lucky to be alive... 40 year friend of Trump. He was at Stone's Weddding. A little message, there, ya think?
Obstinate as a teenager, and obviously brazen.

Definitely stupid!

You are a bully. A fully grown man, that creates multiple profiles to like your own post's and You recruit bigots to parrot your particular kind of bigotry.
Why would I be bothered by what you think is stupid? You and your fanny crew are racists, racists are dumb and you are lord of the dumb.
You are a bully. A fully grown man, that creates multiple profiles to like your own post's and You recruit bigots to parrot your particular kind of bigotry.
Why would I be bothered by what you think is stupid? You and your fanny crew are racists, racists are dumb and you are lord of the dumb.

nice description of trum cults.

bullies, fake profiles, recruited bigots, a crew of racists, dumbasses, and the Lord of The Dumb, Trum himself.
i wonder if you will ever lose your virginity, russian boi.

oh, that's right, you just raped someone and are fighting the charges in court.

well, that's one thing out of the way i guess.
You sweaty skinny greb. Your whole world view comes from porn sites and woman's magazines. You are incapable of producing children, in my eyes your not even a man.
rapist says what?
You wouldn't know what it feels like, to have your children ripped from you violently, the crippling desperation, not knowing what to think, do, anything.
This was a bitter twisted attack that damaged me more than her fat twisted mind could see. Your mind works like hers. You are an abuser. You are a rapist, taking advantage with your position on this site.
You are a bully. A fully grown man, that creates multiple profiles to like your own post's and You recruit bigots to parrot your particular kind of bigotry.
Why would I be bothered by what you think is stupid? You and your fanny crew are racists, racists are dumb and you are lord of the dumb.

I wonder if your sponsors would support your openly racist views?

You sweaty skinny greb. Your whole world view comes from porn sites and woman's magazines. You are incapable of producing children, in my eyes your not even a man.

You wouldn't know what it feels like, to have your children ripped from you violently, the crippling desperation, not knowing what to think, do, anything.
This was a bitter twisted attack that damaged me more than her fat twisted mind could see. Your mind works like hers. You are an abuser. You are a rapist, taking advantage with your position on this site.

Hey, post that pic again so I can see your inbred facial features and whey protein 'biceps'.


I'm aware of your recent rape charge/trial, but I'm curious; are you sure that you were the rapist and not the victim?
You definitely seem more like the 'party fun boi' archetype.
You are a bully. A fully grown man, that creates multiple profiles to like your own post's and You recruit bigots to parrot your particular kind of bigotry.
Why would I be bothered by what you think is stupid? You and your fanny crew are racists, racists are dumb and you are lord of the dumb.

Dude! I already said you are stupid.

There is no need to continually prove it. :lol:

But I'm sure that you will.

Rebumplikin's in congress Approval??? LMAO! like what 8?

Basically pledged to block president obama the entire time he was in office.

They set records double the number of fillabusters.....

FACT the republican party slowed down the recovery to hurt people to effect the vote.