dont be obtuse.
the medical profession is being destroyed. fewer doctors are taking up the scalpel because it doesnt make a living like it used to.
why bust your ass with 8 years of the hardest university courses, suffer through the torture test of the internship, and after hundreds of G's in debt and years of toil and drudgery you will now become a civil servant making a governmnet regulated salary as a servant to the new insurance system.
older doctors are hanging it up and going into small local clinical practices, or retiring to Boca, and the new doctors are coming from india's medical diploma mills and eastern bloc countries where a G4 salary is a huge step up from the wretched clinics and getting paid in sausages in Bratislava General.
so now we have a bumper crop of lawyers far outstripping the demand
"Excluding jobs funded by law schools, only 55.1 percent of all 2012 law school graduates were employed in full-time, long-term lawyer jobs on Feb .15, according to the analysis by the law school reform group
Law School Transparency. "
44.9% unemployment in law school grads...
and a crippling shortage of doctors and nurses.
with sudden increase in the workload for the few remaining.
well at least when the new wave of unqualified imported doctors fuck up, the unemployed lawyers will get some work suing them.