Obama is coming for your guns

If you were POTUS which car would you drive to take away peoples guns

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Just so we are all clear. The entire premise of this thread is bullshit. Obama is not taking guns away. Dumb dumbs need to stop listening to other dumb dumbs telling them dumb dumb stories.

Could you describe in precise english just what "shall not be infringed" means? Thank you.
Just so we are all clear. The entire premise of this thread is bullshit. Obama is not taking guns away. Dumb dumbs need to stop listening to other dumb dumbs telling them dumb dumb stories.

Thank you
Just taking a break from moving for a bit. Marinating a couple steaks. Gonna christen the grill this evening. How have you been, my dude?
Seems like everyone is relocating at the moment. Can't wait to get all settled in, get a couple three season greenhouses up and running. Start a decent compost pit. Worm bin. Maybe pick UB's brain a bit. Get a couple pointers.
Three season greenhouses is a GREAT idea. I'm looking at simple hoop structure over a raised bed or two to stretch this north Michigan growing season
Very cool. You should look at making some biochar for your grow while you're at it
Don't forget they did this to German and Italian Americans as well. Properties that were forced to be left behind were stolen or forcibly sold at a loss. I've been to one of those camps, rather what's left of it.

The second amendment is the 4th branch of government: the People.
Seems like everyone is relocating at the moment. Can't wait to get all settled in, get a couple three season greenhouses up and running. Start a decent compost pit. Worm bin. Maybe pick UB's brain a bit. Get a couple pointers.

Careful about giving your worms citrus scraps, it can fuck them up.
The President of the United States has had enough of people shooting other people they don't know. He has decided to take direct Executive action to curb this insane kill fest that has taken over.

If Obama wanted to decrease "gun violence", then he should do even more to encourage greater gun ownership.

Our Derpident is proposing the exact wrong thing. As usual.
