Obama is coming for your guns

If you were POTUS which car would you drive to take away peoples guns

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Was a time long ago when guns and gun play were a fair fight,2 dudes step out into the dirt street and face off...look each other in the eyes and draw...winner heads back to the canteen,loser gets the wooden coffin.
Now a days the bad guy already has his gun pointed at you before you can load your gun.
Was a time long ago when guns and gun play were a fair fight,2 dudes step out into the dirt street and face off...look each other in the eyes and draw...winner heads back to the canteen,loser gets the wooden coffin.
Now a days the bad guy already has his gun pointed at you before you can load your gun.

Did you stay up late last night watching westerns ?
Another little cartoon, but no silly gun message. I must not be looking hard enough

I voted the Datsun b210 hatchback. Mostly because it could out race any of the other vehicles there. The b210 is a Legend, the camaro is hicksville.

Liberals think that equipping people with guns will turn them into killers.
But that isn't any more true than all women being equipped to be prostitutes.
The President of the United States has had enough of people shooting other people they don't know. He has decided to take direct Executive action to curb this insane kill fest that has taken over.

He has not publicly released his plans but I have insider info regarding what he is going to do.

1. He had Vice President Joe Biden fix up his '69 Camero and put in a new stereo.

2. He is going to use this car to visit every gun owner in the country to see if they are qualified to own their guns. There will be a written test, a gun cleaning test, an ammo knowledge test, and a target shooting test. If the citizen fails any of these tests then the President will take your gun and ammo away and sell it on Ebay.

3 Any citizens who still have guns after the Presidents visit will be required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and sign a loyalty oath or two.

Fair warning has been given.
I think joe has a 67 corvette.
Remember when GW was pres?

He will forever be known as the president that allowed the world to fall into the worst financial crisis in 100 years.

Easy to blame the crew charged with cleaning it all up.

The ignorance is palpable
In a Nation That Bans Guns and Celebrates Them, Armed Criminals and Hunters Pose New Problems for Authorities
"The government holds gun-surrender drives, appealing to citizens with posters in subways to turn in arms with no questions asked, or even for cash. A six-month campaign this year netted 79,000 guns, 1.8 million replica guns and 5.75 million bullets, the Ministry of Public Security said last month. A similar effort in 2006 turned up 178,000 guns and 638,000 replicas in four months."


Want to know what laws will be changed here in 10 years?, Look to China comrade.
Just so we are all clear. The entire premise of this thread is bullshit. Obama is not taking guns away. Dumb dumbs need to stop listening to other dumb dumbs telling them dumb dumb stories.