Well-Known Member
He will run the department of energy . We may actually see new technology that works now.

Nah, he'll do favours for people (back-tapping and circle-jerking) and then be appointed to the board of GE when he retires from politics.He will run the department of energy . We may actually see new technology that works now.
Nah, he'll do favours for people (back-tapping and circle-jerking) and then be appointed to the board of GE when he retires from politics.
In other words, business as usual (...and it's the same worldwide).
That ain't capitalism, that's cronyism.Why do you hate capitalism bro?
Judging from the picture, the man has no concept of hair grooming technology ie. combs, scissors, electric trimmers and the like, so I am skeptical.
Just shave your head and let you beard grow.That is actually a Look in the high ivory. I have a knowledge of hair grooming technologies, but that knowledge fits comfortably under my refined sense of apathy.cn
That is actually a Look in the high ivory. I have a knowledge of hair grooming technologies, but that knowledge fits comfortably under my refined sense of apathy.cn
I did not read into this at all, not one single morsel, however, SINCE WHEN THE FUCK DID POLITICIANS APPOINT PROFESSORS???
This honestly pisses me off as I have a good standing at MIT..
I've heard of govt using professors, just never appointing them..
I did not read into this at all, not one single morsel, however, SINCE WHEN THE FUCK DID POLITICIANS APPOINT PROFESSORS???
This honestly pisses me off as I have a good standing at MIT..
I've heard of govt using professors, just never appointing them..
Most liberals hate him so Obama must be doing something right. The guy doesn't seem to buy into this "miles of solar panels and windmill" bullshit. He says frack away bitches we're gonna need everything we can get.
Takes a shitload of energy to heat a house and enough water for the day.that's because current solar tech is garbage just a magic trick.They are close but until a new material is created it takes more energy to manufacture a panel then it will produce before it need maintenance.
hence a physicist would call this flawed.
Edit: well apparently the manufacturers have increased their "life span" to show positive results, but i bet that's in a controlled environment.
I did not read into this at all, not one single morsel, however, SINCE WHEN THE FUCK DID POLITICIANS APPOINT PROFESSORS???
This honestly pisses me off as I have a good standing at MIT..
I've heard of govt using professors, just never appointing them..
Takes a shitload of energy to heat a house and enough water for the day.
I suspect your numbers are skewed, even here in "misty rain land" a 300L solar hot water system will repay itself in less than 5 years.
Repay cost yes but that's because its manufactured with cheaper fossil fuels. what happens when they are gone. It wont be cost effective
Energy in = barely+ energy out
I want to see the first solar powered blast furnace...