Obama just appointed Ernie Moniz Head MIT physics professor

When you call someone a racist it has absolutely NO MEANING... It's akin to the ADL labelling people anti-semetic...

So answer the question, why do you claim to be black? Did this skin colour complex start in 2008?

what's with your obsession with skin color and frequent use of racial slurs?
Libtards - you make it too easy... So answer the question, why do you claim to be black? Did this skin colour complex start in 2008?

are white niggers like myself gonna be the first or the last in the FEMA camps when the NWO illuminati jews send in the black helicopters and jack booted thugs?
I thought those ran off of capacitors ... fast discharge but lowish energy density. Capacitors and batteries are as different as bows from guns.
I'm not talking about killing pulses of electricity. All batteries get hot while discharging; the electrochemical reaction is not magically efficient. A battery with a high enough energy density to, say, power an eighteen-wheeler will, when shorted, release a lot of energy into its own matrix, vaporizing it and flash-discharging all the rest of that stored energy. With current materials there isn't any way to safe such a thing. There's no way to make it either, but I think the energy supply needs to be decoupled from the transduction bits. I hold most hope for good fuel cells, once a good cheap efficient room-temperature catalyst is invented ... cn

Capacitors holding DC are modeled as batteries when discharged with loads. Furthermore a caps time constant is R * C. (Act exactly like a battery, but cannot sustain charge. One time use battery)

Caps by nature are 2 or more conductors separated by a dielectric; essentially the same construction as a battery. Moreover a capacitor can hold it's charge for long periods of time before having to be used; again, exactly like a battery. Even our current batteries have leakage over time.

But besides that, the point is that RELATIVE to our current consumer batteries, we have the capabilities of making them much more energy dense. The military grade batteries already have accomplished that feat, but 50 years ago. LiPo is considered "scrap" by military standards, especially astrospace applications.

Lastly, we have already designed and fabricated batteries that can run cars up to 200mph. The problem lies with the fact that it cost ~$1,000,000 just to make the battery. (the figure is a bit old, I'm unaware of current costs)

This isn't exactly the video I was looking for, but he explains that the reason they aren't found is because the battery is extremely expensive
are white niggers like myself gonna be the first or the last in the FEMA camps when the NWO illuminati jews send in the black helicopters and jack booted thugs?

You frequent obama's bed, i'm sure something comes up in pillow talk? What are your illuminati plans nazi?
The energy density is still much lower than that of, say ammonium nitrate.
And capacitors and batteries have one very big difference. In a capacitor, charge is proportional to voltage. Batteries provide a lot of charge at a practically flat voltage output. Batteries are by definition electrochemical. Capacitors usually are not; they operate on a different principle. Electrolytic capacitors blur the distinction a bit, but their feature is to use a conductive liquid as one "plate". They're hampered by the thinness and fragility of the tantalum oxide dielectric. cn
You frequent obama's bed, i'm sure something comes up in pillow talk? What are your illuminati plans nazi?

everytime you type some nonsense, it reminds me of...

The energy density is still much lower than that of, say ammonium nitrate.
And capacitors and batteries have one very big difference. In a capacitor, charge is proportional to voltage. Batteries provide a lot of charge at a practically flat voltage output. Batteries are by definition electrochemical. Capacitors usually are not; they operate on a different principle. Electrolytic capacitors blur the distinction a bit, but their feature is to use a conductive liquid as one "plate". They're hampered by the thinness and fragility of the tantalum oxide dielectric. cn

Yeah I'm not saying to put the equivalent of a 50Mton H-Bomb into a AA battery, just that our current consumer batteries are lacking in technology. You can still buy NiMh batteries for ~$5 for 4-8.

Also, I fully understand that batteries and caps are different, and don't want to debate that, because yes, they function differently. However, CERN, FERMI, and other high end "laboratories" have high density batteries. They also pack a shit ton of energy into cap banks (acting as batteries until discharged; a charge storage device) without fearing the place is going to explode.

Photons from the sun are "free" energy in PV systems. All we need to do is increase the efficiency of (losses due to shunt resistance) our PV panels, and the technology would be great. However, another issue arises when we increase efficiency, and that is: how do we store, and move that energy? Obviously batteries would be the first option, however even THAT technology is lacking, resulting is a double decrease in efficiency.
Yeah I'm not saying to put the equivalent of a 50Mton H-Bomb into a AA battery, just that our current consumer batteries are lacking in technology. You can still buy NiMh batteries for ~$5 for 4-8.

Also, I fully understand that batteries and caps are different, and don't want to debate that, because yes, they function differently. However, CERN, FERMI, and other high end "laboratories" have high density batteries. They also pack a shit ton of energy into cap banks (acting as batteries until discharged; a charge storage device) without fearing the place is going to explode.

Photons from the sun are "free" energy in PV systems. All we need to do is increase the efficiency of (losses due to shunt resistance) our PV panels, and the technology would be great. However, another issue arises when we increase efficiency, and that is: how do we store, and move that energy? Obviously batteries would be the first option, however even THAT technology is lacking, resulting is a double decrease in efficiency.

Yes, but capacitors, even the whizbang hi-voltage numbers, can only pack away so many joules per kilo. High energy? yes. High energy density? I don't think so. I wonder what those capacitor banks weigh, and what their joules/kg rating is.

My current problem with photovoltaic has to do with the cost of producing a panel v. its rated lifetime. If PV panels lasted indefinitely, it'd make real sense to capitalize into them and then draw perpetual power. but after a decade they've noticeably lost punch, and the trend is relentlessly down. The true energy cost (starting with minerals in the ground, and factoring out the massive subsidy from petroleum-fired industrial processes making and moving most of the components) exceeds the panel's total lifetime production. cn
Yes, but capacitors, even the whizbang hi-voltage numbers, can only pack away so many joules per kilo. High energy? yes. High energy density? I don't think so. I wonder what those capacitor banks weigh, and what their joules/kg rating is.

My current problem with photovoltaic has to do with the cost of producing a panel v. its rated lifetime. If PV panels lasted indefinitely, it'd make real sense to capitalize into them and then draw perpetual power. but after a decade they've noticeably lost punch, and the trend is relentlessly down. The true energy cost (starting with minerals in the ground, and factoring out the massive subsidy from petroleum-fired industrial processes making and moving most of the components) exceeds the panel's total lifetime production. cn

Yes, you are again correct, however the term energy dense is relative. A aaa NiMh is less energy dense than an aaa LiPo. Furthermore, a LiPo is less energy dense than military grade batteries.

"the warranty conditions for PV panels typically guarantee that panels can still produce at least 80% of their initial rated peak output after 20 (or sometimes 25) years. So manufactures expect that their panels last at least 20 years, and that the efficiency decreases by no more than 1% per year. "

Yes they do decrease in efficiency, but 25 years at peak efficiency isn't that bad. You are right though, that currently with the efficiency of photons to voltage difference, and the lifespan, PV is lacking. However, PV has a promising future because people and companies are already finding them to be valuable, even at 20% efficiency.

As you mentioned earlier, Wind power is notorious for having a steep initial investment with a smaller energy production rate.

What we really need is a tide turbine that uses our tides and waves to generate electric power. The initial cost would be far less than wind, and the amount of energy gained would be more, and more precise.
Yeah I'm not saying to put the equivalent of a 50Mton H-Bomb into a AA battery, just that our current consumer batteries are lacking in technology. You can still buy NiMh batteries for ~$5 for 4-8.

Also, I fully understand that batteries and caps are different, and don't want to debate that, because yes, they function differently. However, CERN, FERMI, and other high end "laboratories" have high density batteries. They also pack a shit ton of energy into cap banks (acting as batteries until discharged; a charge storage device) without fearing the place is going to explode.

Photons from the sun are "free" energy in PV systems. All we need to do is increase the efficiency of (losses due to shunt resistance) our PV panels, and the technology would be great. However, another issue arises when we increase efficiency, and that is: how do we store, and move that energy? Obviously batteries would be the first option, however even THAT technology is lacking, resulting is a double decrease in efficiency.