Obama just appointed Ernie Moniz Head MIT physics professor

I'm not even talking about using batteries in place of gasoline applications.

I'm speaking of AAA, AA, Electric car batteries, and other consumer batteries. Yes you are right that military tech takes about 25 years to make it to the consumer market, but we are surpassing 60 years with batteries. I've worked with military grade batteries, I get to see the type of technology we put in satellites..
Do you know that the first battery was manufactured before 3000BC in Egypt? There is really nothing secrete about a battery, only the capabilities of said battery.

PVs on the other hand are in their infant phase. Seeing as how the PV concept is only about 170 years old, and large scale manufacturing being only about 30 years old, we have a lot of potential to still come. Pun intended

2 things.

one: Ancient Egyptian batteries in small earthen jars cannot run cars.

two: I have a 64,000 watt PV array in my backyard, I sell power to the utility company. PV has come a long way since 1970, but they don't make 99% of all portable consumer electronics compatible with a solar panel like they do with aa, aaa, and 9v batteries. Good luck getting the laws changed in your favor when everready, energizer, union carbide etc etc that make the approx 150 billion alkaline batteries used each year have huge amounts of lobbying power compared to NONE for the newest LiPo manufacturer from China. You have to come up with something that will fit that aa, aaa, 9v formfactor and provide the same voltage to ensure backwards compatibility with the millions of devices already in use. This won't happen until someone comes up with a safer, cheaper, easier solution than what we have today.
What happened to Colorado?

Not enough minorities, he won't feel PC... Plus his rent is increasing so that'll be proportionate to the size of his arsehole. Plus he's gotta drive and hour to sell his arse in a public bathroom or street corner... Gas ain't cheap...
Not enough minorities, he won't feel PC... Plus his rent is increasing so that'll be proportionate to the size of his arsehole.

i haven't noticed any changes to the size of my asshole. have you been checking out my asshole? wouldn't surprise me.
i haven't noticed any changes to the size of my asshole. have you been checking out my asshole? wouldn't surprise me.

No Doer has when you two get together and do each other in gestapo uniforms... Your wife would like that right? getting done in the arse by a nazi? No wonder your wife works and you don't you're too fuckin stupid to do anything of value...
No Doer has when you two get together and do each other in gestapo uniforms... Your wife would like that right? getting done in the arse by a nazi? No wonder your wife works and you don't you're too fuckin stupid to do anything of value...

i used to make more money back when i worked than she does, so there goes that theory.

you been peeping on doer now? or do you two just get together to talk about men's assholes regularly?
i used to make more money back when i worked than she does, so there goes that theory.

you been peeping on doer now? or do you two just get together to talk about men's assholes regularly?

HA - you made more money... Please your an uneducated fuckhole who's only qualification is repeating ad nausium libtard bullshit pushed to you by the guy you'd love to deep throat the most...
No Doer has when you two get together and do each other in gestapo uniforms... Your wife would like that right? getting done in the arse by a nazi? No wonder your wife works and you don't you're too fuckin stupid to do anything of value...

HA - you made more money... Please your an uneducated fuckhole who's only qualification is repeating ad nausium libtard bullshit pushed to you by the guy you'd love to deep throat the most...

uneducated? i probably have more college credits than you do.

by the way, it's spelled "nauseum".*

might want to make sure you spell basic stuff correctly before calling others uneducated.
uneducated? i probably have more college credits than you do.

by the way, it's spelled "nauseum".*

might want to make sure you spell basic stuff correctly before calling others uneducated.

Spelling mistakes - jimmies are rustled... I can pull up a few of yours if you'd like...
We have already made these batteries, and they work fantastic.... Just research CERN or FERMI or any high voltage gun which shoots projectiles at mach 6..
They are not bombs.
I thought those ran off of capacitors ... fast discharge but lowish energy density. Capacitors and batteries are as different as bows from guns.
You might be inclined to call them vaporizers, as if you short the terminals, you are going to vaporize where ever that current travels, but like any other electrical device, when a load is attached, it is a battery. Moreover, I do not get why people think energy dense batteries are any more harmful than batteries/voltage sources we COMMONLY encounter. You know it only takes about 20V and 1A to kill you, correct? Then you must understand that MANY MANY voltage sources we make, ALREADY have the potential of becoming "killing devices", especially when shorted.
I'm not talking about killing pulses of electricity. All batteries get hot while discharging; the electrochemical reaction is not magically efficient. A battery with a high enough energy density to, say, power an eighteen-wheeler will, when shorted, release a lot of energy into its own matrix, vaporizing it and flash-discharging all the rest of that stored energy. With current materials there isn't any way to safe such a thing. There's no way to make it either, but I think the energy supply needs to be decoupled from the transduction bits. I hold most hope for good fuel cells, once a good cheap efficient room-temperature catalyst is invented ... cn
LOL. Dude, we have been making high energy density batteries for 70 years... We already have applications where they are found currently, the only issue is that it is not financially efficient to produce them in large quantities.. Again, go research the large Capacitor Banks,, the LHC or any other high voltage application where the energy is being stored beforehand. Another example is the mechanical/electrical guns that shoot 20lb projectiles at mach 6. A decade away... more like 5 decades behind

It's a fallacy to think we are "modern" with our battery technology. On the contrary, we are so far behind it is disgusting.
Is it was racism your PC ears would be burning... Keep PRETENDING your a minority - you are trully fucked in the head jacko...

you're getting to about nontheist's level with the shitty english now, amy.

are you really that much of a lightweight with the fosters?
2 things.

one: Ancient Egyptian batteries in small earthen jars cannot run cars.

two: I have a 64,000 watt PV array in my backyard, I sell power to the utility company. PV has come a long way since 1970, but they don't make 99% of all portable consumer electronics compatible with a solar panel like they do with aa, aaa, and 9v batteries. Good luck getting the laws changed in your favor when everready, energizer, union carbide etc etc that make the approx 150 billion alkaline batteries used each year have huge amounts of lobbying power compared to NONE for the newest LiPo manufacturer from China. You have to come up with something that will fit that aa, aaa, 9v formfactor and provide the same voltage to ensure backwards compatibility with the millions of devices already in use. This won't happen until someone comes up with a safer, cheaper, easier solution than what we have today.

And we can do it, VERY EASILY. In fact, we already DO lol... That is exactly the point I have made.

Furthermore, the manufacturers of alkaline batteries already have the capital, experience, and capabilities to manufacture MODERN, ENERGY DENSE, batteries.
All aaa, aa, and what not, have a voltage specified, obviously, as you know. That voltage for aaa and aa is 1.5V. Do we have LiPo 1.5V batteries, the same size as alkaline? YES! Of course! Moreover, your other point is that the size is crucial as well. I agree. However, you fail to realize that as a battery gets MORE energy dense, the volume required to get the same voltage, is LESS, by definition. (check density..) It is not hard to fill empty space.

The car was just an example I used, because there are already applications of cars runs completely on electrical energy, however the "current modern" vehicle, still uses mainly gasoline. (We already discussed politics and finances had much to do with that, but that does not defeat the example)

Also, I'm an advocate of PV; just read my posts in this thread. I think it's awesome you have a PV array. I was merely discussing with cn. that PV technology is still in its' "infant" stage, and when the efficiency (~20%) increases, the technology will be viable and extremely valuable.
you're getting to about nontheist's level with the shitty english now, amy.

are you really that much of a lightweight with the fosters?

No one drinks Fosters, it's VB - a full strength beer... Something you light weights can't handle since you pussies are obsesed with light beer...

You should love shitty english wigga...
letting your racism show again, genevieve.

When you call someone a racist it has absolutely NO MEANING... It's akin to the ADL labelling people anti-semetic...

So answer the question, why do you claim to be black? Did this skin colour complex start in 2008?