Obama paid $400 million ransom for hostages and then covered it up.

I am a member of the middle class, you're just writing off my experience because it doesn't fit your made up narrative.
I feel sorry for you then that you can't understand the plight of the average middle-class American that did have insurance and either lost their insurance had their insurance premiums Skyrocket, are faced with unbelievable deductibles and extremely high out-of-pocket expenses and now have a plan they can not afford and can't see the doctors that they used to. If you don't understand that well that demonstrates how selfish a person you are that you only see it as a good thing because it was good for you. Like I said I'm happy for you buddy but millions of Americans actually millions upon Millions got screwed glad for you you weren't one of them!
I feel sorry for you then that you can't understand the plight of the average middle-class American that did have insurance and either lost their insurance had their insurance premiums Skyrocket, are faced with unbelievable deductibles and extremely high out-of-pocket expenses and now have a plan they can not afford and can't see the doctors that they used to. If you don't understand that well that demonstrates how selfish a person you are that you only see it as a good thing because it was good for you. Like I said I'm happy for you buddy but millions of Americans actually millions upon Millions got screwed glad for you you weren't one of them!

Don't you get free prison healthcare?
I feel sorry for you then that you can't understand the plight of the average middle-class American that did have insurance and either lost their insurance had their insurance premiums Skyrocket, are faced with unbelievable deductibles and extremely high out-of-pocket expenses and now have a plan they can not afford and can't see the doctors that they used to. If you don't understand that well that demonstrates how selfish a person you are that you only see it as a good thing because it was good for you. Like I said I'm happy for you buddy but millions of Americans actually millions upon Millions got screwed glad for you you weren't one of them!

obamacare covers cancers like you.
All you racist bigots every single one of you. The hate is strong in this thread. Making fake quotes about me. And taking other shit out of context.

Kinda the way potassium is actually a sugar? Remember when you said that? I bet you're just as right about this as you were about that.

I am right. And if you think my weed is so shitty let's meet up at the emerald cup this year and you can eat your words and apologize and kiss my ass.

Now go troll another thread. That's all you're good for anyway. You got laughed out of the organic section already. Remeber that.

I bet every all you home's don't have any real friends in real life. You're probably all still virgins.
All you racist bigots every single one of you. The hate is strong in this thread. Making fake quotes about me. And taking other shit out of context.

I am right. And if you think my weed is so shitty let's meet up at the emerald cup this year and you can eat your words and apologize and kiss my ass.

Now go troll another thread. That's all you're good for anyway. You got laughed out of the organic section already. Remeber that.

I bet every all you home's don't have any real friends in real life. You're probably all still virgins.
I realized I had nothing to learn from people who think potassium is a sugar. You are flat earth levels of dumb, and perhaps the worst speller on this site. You continue to believe your dumbass assertions in the face of overwhelming evidence and facts, and you don't even realize how stupid it makes you look. You don't even realize what a laughing stock you are.

p.s. I never said your weed is shitty, but considering that just about everyone else has said that I can understand why you assumed I did too.
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Blah blah blah. You fucked yourself again
What a surprise that this is all your limited brainpower could come up with. Bravo dude, you're really showing your intellect.

Just for the record, you still believe that Potassium is a sugar (and a carbohydrate), not a metal, and that all salts are sodium, not the result of a neutralizing reaction between an acid and a base. Just so everyone is clear about that.
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What a surprise that this is all your limited brainpower could come up with. Bravo dude, you're really showing your intellect.

Just for the record, you still believe that Potassium is a sugar (and a carbohydrate), not a metal, and that all salts are sodium, not the result of a neutralizing reaction between an acid and a base. Just so everyone is clear about that.

Smh.... seriously get over yourself. You're trolling skills are weak.
I feel sorry for you then that you can't understand the plight of the average middle-class American that did have insurance and either lost their insurance had their insurance premiums Skyrocket, are faced with unbelievable deductibles and extremely high out-of-pocket expenses and now have a plan they can not afford and can't see the doctors that they used to. If you don't understand that well that demonstrates how selfish a person you are that you only see it as a good thing because it was good for you. Like I said I'm happy for you buddy but millions of Americans actually millions upon Millions got screwed glad for you you weren't one of them!
Again, not true. In my state insurance prices have dropped, numbers of people with insurance has increased.

"Reducing the number of uninsured Americans: Nationwide, since the Affordable Care Act’s coverage expansion began, about 16.4 million uninsured people have gained health insurance coverage - the largest reduction in the uninsured in four decades. And Gallup recently announced that the uninsured rate in Michigan in 2014 was 10.8 percent, down from 12.5 percent in 2013."

Those are facts, they can be looked up and verified. Your Fox news rhetoric is only supported by fox news and blogs posed as news sites. Both known for making everything up. Remember, just because Bill O'Reilly said it, doesn't mean it's true.

No one lost their insurance. They were given more choices and more power to name the price they wanted to pay for insurance. America is not a dystopia where millions of people just lose their insurance and can't see a doctor. If that was the case you wouldn't see Donald Trump on the news all the time. You would see actual riots and unrest from broad strokes of citizens. It would be all anyway talked about ever, not just your neighbors at your BBQ.
An American president paid a ransom to Iran, but it wasn't Barack Obama
And now for some friendly advice for my Republican friends. If you want to criticize President Obama on anything having to do with Iran, don't waste your energy seething about "Iran" and "ransom" and "hostages" and what Ronald Reagan would do. It won't end well for you. After all, it wasn't Reagan's inauguration that secured the released of 52 Americans held captive in Tehran, but months of negotiations by the Carter administration. And as it turned out during the Iran-Contra scandal, the American President who actually paid a "ransom" and "negotiated with terrorists" was none other than St. Ronnie himself.

Smh.... seriously get over yourself. You're trolling skills are weak.
Your claims are pointed out as demonstably false, idiotic and preposterous and yet you shamelessly return to the place of your humiliation.

We are accustomed to your ignorant politcs. They are those of the common idiot, but the scientific claims should cause you to sew your pie hole shut in perpetuity.

In a deal that happened at exactly the same time (yet was completely different) LOL!!!! Obama delivered $400 million dollars in CASH to the Iranians.

Then they covered it up.

Fucking unbelievable...


Yup! That fucking Obama! Oh wait, but we owed them that money so... stop fishing for shit that's already in the live box.
Yup! That fucking Obama! Oh wait, but we owed them that money so... stop fishing for shit that's already in the live box.

We couldnt have just wired them the money? Oh wait... That would be illegal....

How much do they owe us for all the IED's that have wounded and killed American soldiers?